NOW is the Time for Britain to Reinstate the Death Penalty

The difference is that most of the time, the people in the US say that other countries have no business questioning who America votes for as President, as if it doesn't concern them,b but it does. Who runs America affects just about every other country on Earth and often in a major and direct way.

As far as having an opinion about the death penalty or gun control, etc., usually that is not what people in other countries concern themselves about. They tend to know little and care less about American internal politics and social problems.

Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I have always considered England (where the killing of Lee Rigby occured) to be part of the USA (or vice-versa). We originally were created out of an English colony, our founding fathers were English, our language is still primarily English, and our favorite Rock bands are still the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I just don't think of London as another country, and i don't care if it is. To me, it's just like another state of the United States. Whatever.

LOL Try that on the British, I'm not sure they would agree. It is not part of the USA, and I think you would be very hard pressed to find many British people who feel the same way you do. We are allies, we speak the same language, have similar cultures, etc., but we are definitely two separate countries and the British, in my experience, do not take kindly to being told by what many consider to be a big bully country, the USA, what to do or how to do it.

So you're a Brit, then ? Well, you all weren't calling the guy in my avatar (Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in World War II) a "big bully" when he and thousands of US troops were saving your hides from Hitler's bad boys now were you ? Or when the US was sending ships to you, full of supplies to fight them off.

So now it's "big bullies", is it ? Adjectives chosen to suit your purpose, could we say ?
I don't want to see Britain reinstate the death penalty. I want to see us adopt a more fearsome prison system whereby convicts are held in their cells for twenty three hours a day. When I was growing up our prison system was a respected deterrent. Now the majority of the UK's prisons are holiday camps dictated to by the E.U.

The fact of the matter is that under the E.U. Western Europe has become too soft. Do you think Rigby's killers would've dared pull a stunt like this in China?

I know that if they would have here in Florida (USA), instead of a timid crown standing around watching, they would have been shot to pieces by citizens armed with handguns, and turned into a couple of bloody pulps. And Rigby might have been saved, before the creeps got to him.
Yeah, Brits and other Europeans don't comment on the US death penalty:

To mark the tenth anniversary of World Day Against the Death Penalty, Foreign Office Minister Baroness Sayeeda Warsi said there was no evidence the death penalty had "deterrent value and any miscarriage of justice is irreversible and irreparable."

She said the UK would continue to support charities and NGOs working for worldwide abolition of the death penalty, and praised the US state of Connecticut for repealing the death penalty in April this year, the 17th US state to do so.

She added: "At the same time I am concerned about the sharp increase in executions during the past twelve months in some of those countries which still apply and implement the death penalty.

Death Penalty: European Leaders Call On US, Japan, Russia To Ban Executions (PICTURES)

"Loved One", you are such an dingbat!

Maybe Baroness Sayeeda Warsi never saw THIS >>> "In 1980, the homicide rate in state prisons was 54 inmates per 100,000. The homicide rate for the general population in 1980 was 10.2 per 100,000."

And that only counts the people killed by prison inmates (who didn't get executed), INSIDE PRISONS. It doesn't count all those outside the prisons killed by inmates who ordered hits on them. Al Capone is thought to have killed dozens of people while being incarcerated in prison.

Murder rate in prison: Is it safer to be jailed than free?
Europe's recent banning of the death penalty doesn't impress us much here in Maine.

Maine outlawed the death penalty back in 1887

How many people have been killed in Maine, since 1887, by all those killers who were not given the death penalty, while they were in prison ? How many more are in danger of being killed by them, right now ?
It has never been more appropriate a time for the UK to reinstate its long-held death penalty (last used in 1964). With the trial of the Muslim fanatic killers of Lee Rigby, this perfectly is why the death penalty is necessary.

These 2 dirtbags, with no regard for human life, filled with hate, and confused as to who good guys and bad guys are, are walking time bombs. To let them live is to akin to insuring the more people will be killed, from their insane Muslim radicalism.

Life in prison has always been inappropriate for convicted killers, but it is especially wrong in the case of these deranged Islamic lunatics, as more than confirmed by their statements, and mindsets.

Lee Rigby 'attacked like a joint of meat' by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, court hears - Telegraph

Murder rate in prison: Is it safer to be jailed than free?

Capital punishment in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why English subjects have no access to guns. Things are great over their.:eusa_whistle:
I don't want to see Britain reinstate the death penalty. I want to see us adopt a more fearsome prison system whereby convicts are held in their cells for twenty three hours a day. When I was growing up our prison system was a respected deterrent. Now the majority of the UK's prisons are holiday camps dictated to by the E.U.

The fact of the matter is that under the E.U. Western Europe has become too soft. Do you think Rigby's killers would've dared pull a stunt like this in China?

And if they continue to allow killers to live, what about the RISKS of that ?
Call me old-fashioned if you like, but I have always considered England (where the killing of Lee Rigby occured) to be part of the USA (or vice-versa). We originally were created out of an English colony, our founding fathers were English, our language is still primarily English, and our favorite Rock bands are still the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I just don't think of London as another country, and i don't care if it is. To me, it's just like another state of the United States. Whatever.

LOL Try that on the British, I'm not sure they would agree. It is not part of the USA, and I think you would be very hard pressed to find many British people who feel the same way you do. We are allies, we speak the same language, have similar cultures, etc., but we are definitely two separate countries and the British, in my experience, do not take kindly to being told by what many consider to be a big bully country, the USA, what to do or how to do it.

So you're a Brit, then ? Well, you all weren't calling the guy in my avatar (Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in World War II) a "big bully" when he and thousands of US troops were saving your hides from Hitler's bad boys now were you ? Or when the US was sending ships to you, full of supplies to fight them off.

So now it's "big bullies", is it ? Adjectives chosen to suit your purpose, could we say ?

I am an American. I'm not British. The term bully is one many British apply to the US. Not only British but people around the world, from many countries. As far as Eisenhower, that was a long time ago and most modern people are concerning themselves with modern problems and the actions of modern America since the end of WWII. The fact the US helped out Europe during WWII does not give them a free ride forever.
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LOL Try that on the British, I'm not sure they would agree. It is not part of the USA, and I think you would be very hard pressed to find many British people who feel the same way you do. We are allies, we speak the same language, have similar cultures, etc., but we are definitely two separate countries and the British, in my experience, do not take kindly to being told by what many consider to be a big bully country, the USA, what to do or how to do it.

So you're a Brit, then ? Well, you all weren't calling the guy in my avatar (Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in World War II) a "big bully" when he and thousands of US troops were saving your hides from Hitler's bad boys now were you ? Or when the US was sending ships to you, full of supplies to fight them off.

So now it's "big bullies", is it ? Adjectives chosen to suit your purpose, could we say ?

I am an American. I'm not British. The term bully is one many British apply to the US. Not only British but people around the world, from many countries. As far as Eisenhower, that was a long time ago and most modern people are concerning themselves with modern problems and the actions of modern America since the end of WWII. The fact the US helped out Europe during WWII does not give them a free ride forever.

I was born shortly after World War II. I grew up as a child with the young men (then still in their 20s who were back from the war (World War II). I don't consider it a long time ago, and I's say the work the US troops are doing in Afghanistan right now, is very much like what the guys did in World War II. Fighting and dying for America, AND to save the hides of all the ungrateful glunks across the world, who aren't chipping in, and cowardly hiding under their desks.

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