Now Over 1 Million Dead In Iraq

Kurd----If I remember correctly----there WERE reports in the US newspapers and journals
about MASSIVE massacres of Kurds ----they were sold into slavery too? Where
are they? anything being done to rescue them?
Kurd----If I remember correctly----there WERE reports in the US newspapers and journals
about MASSIVE massacres of Kurds ----they were sold into slavery too? Where
are they? anything being done to rescue them?

The slaves are gone. They we're most likely killed under the slavery in Cairo.

These kind of things still happens for innocent kurds in Iran and Turkey. In Iran atleast one kurd will be hanged each day, and that's just for being who they are.
Shit? As a kurd i know, what we have been through. I KNOW Saddam was a ruthless terrorist, and if you actually supported that guy, then know that you support the horrible killings of 4-10 year old kids.
No one is saying he wasn't a bad guy; I'm saying the level of violence before the invasion, was no where near the level of violence after the invasion.
Shit? As a kurd i know, what we have been through. I KNOW Saddam was a ruthless terrorist, and if you actually supported that guy, then know that you support the horrible killings of 4-10 year old kids.
No one is saying he wasn't a bad guy; I'm saying the level of violence before the invasion, was no where near the level of violence after the invasion.

Your right, the Kurds, Shiites, and Sunni's, were held in check by the butcher of Iraq. Once he was gone all that pent up hate erupted. All three sides were happy to see him go for then they would be free to escalate the tribal and religious violence that was brewing for decades.
Your right, the Kurds, Shiites, and Sunni's, were held in check by the butcher of Iraq. Once he was gone all that pent up hate erupted. All three sides were happy to see him go for then they would be free to escalate the tribal and religious violence that was brewing for decades.
We basically let the genie out of the bottle.
loinboy, Staidhup, et al,

I agree, as well.

Your right, the Kurds, Shiites, and Sunni's, were held in check by the butcher of Iraq. Once he was gone all that pent up hate erupted. All three sides were happy to see him go for then they would be free to escalate the tribal and religious violence that was brewing for decades.
We basically let the genie out of the bottle.

We may have defeated Saddam, and effected a Regime Change; but, I don't think we left a better, more stable country in its place. In the long run, we might have made it worse in many ways.

Most Respectfully,
loinboy, Staidhup, et al,

I agree, as well.

Your right, the Kurds, Shiites, and Sunni's, were held in check by the butcher of Iraq. Once he was gone all that pent up hate erupted. All three sides were happy to see him go for then they would be free to escalate the tribal and religious violence that was brewing for decades.
We basically let the genie out of the bottle.

We may have defeated Saddam, and effected a Regime Change; but, I don't think we left a better, more stable country in its place. In the long run, we might have made it worse in many ways.

Most Respectfully,

I do not believe getting rid of Sadaam et al made things worse----miserable
as this war has been. A lesser known fact is that Sadaam was quite a
megalomaniac------he was not a beloved sunni for nothing in the SUNNI
WORLD He supported sunni supremacy not just in Iraq---but a kind
of world wide quest. ----in fact his invasion of Kuwait for a PURPOSE---
not just a bit of oil money but A LOT_---and for what? EMPIRE
He was not doing all that murdering and warring HELTER SKELTER

Uhm anyone here aware of the fact that it was SADDAAM that founded
the USA terrorism support outreach CAIR??? way way back----like
in the 1960s It had another name back them----something "american
friends of arabs" or something like that---but its the same organization and
founded by a MANIAC-----for an AGENDA

focus peoples. The iranian sociopaths see their own EMPIRE ---arising
to confer the beauty of SHIITE ISLAM on the WORLD -----
anyone here remember that SADDAAM DECLARED HIMSELF
NEBUCHADNEZZAR??? ---he did comment on the babylonian
empire and his "RIGHTS TO IT" Its history folks----at that time
he was dancing around these ideas ----we laughed----but it was a serious
issue in the WORLD OF SUNNI. Now Erdogan is feeding the CALIPHATE
DELUSION FEVER----and---even more recently MORSI stepped
up to the plate ----and the LATEST developement RUSSIA is
lining up to be on the WINNING SIDE ------Just as it supported
ARABISM/BAATHISM in the 50s and 60s ----the shit complex is

remember the key words --re the SUNNI CALIPHATE DELUSION
BAATHISM (btw supported by communists ALL ALONG)
ISLAMICISM (rthe islamicism allows non arabs to feel wanted--
Pakistan will support the program just as the taliban
had its love affair with sunni saudi Osama----etc etc )
What people? in his genocide of SHIITES to the south and
KURDS to the north your hero SADDAAM as just getting
warmed up -----his financial support of ISLAMIC TERRORISM ---
based on BAATHIST ARABIST ideology was just getting
warmed up too. For those who do not know----the INVASION
OF KUWAIT -----was for oil money to support international terrorism.
ask me how I know..............
No, I'm not going to do that, because you're way off topic.

I just had my boney lil' ass handed to me, so now I must :scared1:

It is not simply the 1 million human beings in Iraq who died because of the war we caused that bothers me. I wonder even if what is happening right now in North Africa would be happening, but for that war based on lies that we started in Iraq. I remember when the war started and I was at the lake, at our familys lakehouse, and watching how when a stone is thrown in the water all these ripples form and extend outward and the calm is broken and everything has changed. I knew we were changing forever the course of history for the entire region and world by that war we unjustly had started. I knew I could not even begin to imagine all the forces we had unleashed and changes that would flow. I was filled with sadness and what is left to do but beg for God's forgiveness and when we cannot bring ourselves to humble ourselves before God and do that any longer then all that is left is for us to await Gods wrath to be poured upon us.
Just a tiny drop in the bucket, multiply that number my a hundred and we'd be a much better and safer world, multiply by a thousand and we'd really see peace spread around the globe.
You're saying the world will become more peaceful if an additional 100 million to 1 billion of its inhabitants are murdered for political or ideological gain? Are you a terrorist?
Just a tiny drop in the bucket, multiply that number my a hundred and we'd be a much better and safer world, multiply by a thousand and we'd really see peace spread around the globe.

Hmm. I guess that makes sense. Less people, less conflict. If we kill everyone, you could have a perfectly peaceful world!
Just a tiny drop in the bucket, multiply that number my a hundred and we'd be a much better and safer world, multiply by a thousand and we'd really see peace spread around the globe.

Hmm. I guess that makes sense. Less people, less conflict. If we kill everyone, you could have a perfectly peaceful world!
If we kill everyone, who gets the damn money?

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