Now that the murderous flag has been banned can we ban ILLEGAL immigrants?

they can take a flag away, but democrats dont seem to mind when an illegal kills a legal american.
Surely it deserves the same attention as a flag or marriage right?

You don't expect the current bunch to actually solve real problems, do you? They are only good at feel good speeches and symbolic measures. Hillary already claimed that sanctuary cities will keep everyone safe (well, except for the victims of criminals who shouldn't be here in the first place).

Matthews admitted that illegal immigration means more votes for Dems. Little slip there, but he said it.

Banning the flag will accomplish NOTHING and is just the government trying out their power over us in the way they can stop free speech. While the claim is that the flag will only be removed from government buildings, Amazon employees already stated they were told by government to stop selling the flags. People are being bullied into banning it on their own. It will not make any difference in safety or help race relations. Most people never even gave it much thought until some obsessive liberals decided that it was something to be outraged over. Now they will move on to the next thing, which will be meaningless and ineffective, but make it appear that something is actually being done to improve things. What they are doing is riling people up and vilifying many people to push their own agenda. It's nothing more.
America has seen the far right in action.

You folks have no respect anymore, at all.
Surely it deserves the same attention as a flag or marriage right?

You don't expect the current bunch to actually solve real problems, do you? They are only good at feel good speeches and symbolic measures. Hillary already claimed that sanctuary cities will keep everyone safe (well, except for the victims of criminals who shouldn't be here in the first place).

Matthews admitted that illegal immigration means more votes for Dems. Little slip there, but he said it.

Banning the flag will accomplish NOTHING and is just the government trying out their power over us in the way they can stop free speech. While the claim is that the flag will only be removed from government buildings, Amazon employees already stated they were told by government to stop selling the flags. People are being bullied into banning it on their own. It will not make any difference in safety or help race relations. Most people never even gave it much thought until some obsessive liberals decided that it was something to be outraged over. Now they will move on to the next thing, which will be meaningless and ineffective, but make it appear that something is actually being done to improve things. What they are doing is riling people up and vilifying many people to push their own agenda. It's nothing more.
I don't expect anything out of them if we don't consistently hold their feet to the fire. If we actually care about this issue it can't be allowed to fade away after Kates burial.
America has seen the far right in action.

You folks have no respect anymore, at all.

You are correct. I have very little respect for foreign invaders who break U.S. law by sneaking into here. I have very little respect for those foreign trespassers who bring with them a culture of drugs, murder, and disease. I have very little respect for a race of people who refuse to assimilate into my culture, speak my language, and obey my laws. I have even less respect for those people who seem to think it's alright to have open borders and encourage those people to come here.
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And all of that nonsense above now is associated with the far right in the public's mind.

It's already illegal to fly illegals over government buildings, hater dupes.
The left's priorities are all messed up

When you consider that their priority is their radical agenda, they are right on track and that is bad for the country. More time and effort have been spent discussing the Confederate flag and other minor issues than on tackling real problems. The economy still sucks and all they do is pretend that everything is better. The idiot government dependents don't know any better since their monthly checks still come.

Too many illegal aliens are here for the welfare and whatever else they can get from us. And while we cut military and deny raises for the troops, Obama constantly demands increases in spending for illegals. Immigration is supposed to help us, not hurt us. We are being sold out for the sake of some corrupt politician's careers.
The illegals are needed both for cheap labor, and to keep the right wing working stiffs both pissed off and scared. Both demorat and repig parties are for it though. Otherwise, the employers that hire illegals would be getting hit with the huge fines that are on the books.
I see last night GOP lawmakers in the HOUSE tried to insert a right to fly the rebel battle flag in national parks. How anybody votes for the GOP anymore...
Given the assurance that if someone also tried to raise the rainbow flag over a government building and it would come down too, I really don't care about all this. I continue to fly my Confederate flag over my property and there's nothing anyone can say or do about it.

In addition to that, we're having a huge Civil War reenactment in the next town over this August. Confederate flags will fly there.

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