Now that the war is over, can i get me a few of those Automatic Weapons that Joe Biden left behind, without an extensive background check?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
I mean come on man, if the Taliban can get them without a FFL, then i should be able to get them the same.
The Associated Press reported today that billions of dollars of U.S.-made military equipment has fallen into the hands of the Taliban since the terrorist group began its assault. The haul included ammunition, aircraft, and small arms, including M4s and M16s.

Images from Afghanistan show some Taliban fighters toting the fully automatic versions of the AR-15 rifle. While it’s fair to debate the tactical advantage that these rifles will provide over their Russian counterparts, the optics are not good for the United States.
Probably not unless you want to go over and join the Taliban, which I have heard some right-wing radicals support the Taliban.
Maybe you could learn to aim and fire instead of spray and pray.
I laugh at your stupidity.......Maybe some of those Taliban will show up at the southern border and want to trade for a green card.....
I mean come on man, if the Taliban can get them without a FFL, then i should be able to get them the same.

When a person is right a person is right! If it helps any, I will personally vouch for you! :SMILEW~130:

ITMT, the left worries about light weapons at the local gun stores, meantime, 80,000 Taliban with now billions worth of the heavy stuff the military uses can, anytime they want, now fly right over here and walk right across our border.

And these idiots are worried about some psycho grand-stander wearing horns and a selfie stick. :uhh:
When a person is right a person is right! If it helps any, I will personally vouch for you! :SMILEW~130:

ITMT, the left worries about light weapons at the local gun stores, meantime, 80,000 Taliban with now billions worth of the heavy stuff the military uses can, anytime they want, now fly right over here and walk right across our border.

And these idiots are worried about some psycho grand-stander wearing horns and a selfie stick. :uhh:

You can bet the Taliban/ and others wont be happy with just the U.S. being gone. They will want to bring the fight to the mainland here. Biden has been so great at recreating Vietnam, I just hope he is not going to recreate another mini Tet offensive right over here throughout the U.S.
Your right, there is nothing stopping them from crossing our borders. They simply need to make deals with the Drug cartels in Northern Mexico.

If the government wants to put me through the hoops of obtaining a license, firearm training, and any other thing, that infringes on my right to have a firearm then it should be done at their expense not mine.

Otherwise it's like a poll tax on my rights.


I laugh at your stupidity.......Maybe some of those Taliban will show up at the southern border and want to trade for a green card.....
Let me know when they get to Tennessee. I have plenty of Ammo, weaponry and the training to use them.
You can bet the Taliban/ and others wont be happy with just the U.S. being gone. They will want to bring the fight to the mainland here.

I can't say where they will bring their fight, but they just kicked the USA's ass out, taken over a country, are rich beyond compare now and have a gazillion pieces of big military hardware enough for an army of 300,000, and are being recognized by big powers now all over the world. They just shoved their 20 year occupier's faces right in the dirt with the whole world watching and you can bet that once the dust settles, they will be thinking about what they can do with their next step of acquiition of wealth, power and respect, the bounty of which Joe Biddum just already granted them.
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If the government wants to put me through the hoops of obtaining a license, firearm training, and any other thing, that infringes on my right to have a firearm then it should be done at their expense not mine.

Otherwise it's like a poll tax on my rights.



It didn't infringe on mine. That is why I am legal in 30 states.
If you are able to get some, can you pick me up a six pack and a dole of ammo?

If they got a flamethrower and rocket launcher, I'd like one of each of those also!!

Thanks muchly!!!:D
If someone was to want a brand new fully automatic weapon...
And don't mind doing some assembly to assemble it together and modify it slightly...
You can go across the border into mexico and get one. is illegal to possess such a firearm and you will be subject to arrest by the BATF....which has such winning arrest records like the incident at Ruby Ridge.

Meaning... you really don't want any part of that whatsoever if you enjoy living.

I highly recommend one of them trigger cranks mounted on a semi automatic rifle...they are jakey as all get out but it simulates the fire rate of a fully automatic weapon... that most people can't truly control anyway.

Stay out of expectancy rates have dropped drastically recently.
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So now it's alright by you for the government to charge a fee to exercise your rights?

How about a $1000 fee to vote?



The fee I paid, covered the cost of proper training in the law, range time and instruction, and a background investigation. It wasn't that much.
There are entirely too many hillbilly cowboys out there, without the knowledge or the responsibility to be on the streets with a weapon. I have seen people I would never trust to hunt with on every range I ever ran in my military career. It's a crowded, densely populated, often confrontational country out here. Some people should only have weapons for home defense (as everyone should have the right to defend their home and family), but some have no business out on the streets packing. It is a simple as that. If you wore that uniform and spent more than yearly qualifying time on you short duration, you saw people that were dangerous to themselves and everybody around them.
The fee I paid, covered the cost of proper training in the law, range time and instruction, and a background investigation. It wasn't that much.
There are entirely too many hillbilly cowboys out there, without the knowledge or the responsibility to be on the streets with a weapon. I have seen people I would never trust to hunt with on every range I ever ran in my military career. It's a crowded, densely populated, often confrontational country out here. Some people should only have weapons for home defense (as everyone should have the right to defend their home and family), but some have no business out on the streets packing. It is a simple as that. If you wore that uniform and spent more than yearly qualifying time on you short duration, you saw people that were dangerous to themselves and everybody around them.


So now you're saying that people need to be trained to exercise their rights?

I'll agree with that after the eighty plus million that voted for putting the current lame brain and his absent VP in the White House.

How about we take away their voting rights next election cycle?

We could make it so they have to do something like sign up for six years of military service to gain those voting rights back.


View attachment 534770

So now you're saying that people need to be trained to exercise their rights?

I'll agree with that after the eighty plus million that voted for putting the current lame brain and his absent VP in the White House.

How about we take away their voting rights next election cycle?

We could make it so they have to do something like sign up for six years of military service to gain those voting rights back.



It would be for the best. Some of us were trained and disciplined by our fathers, further trained by the military or in law enforcement. Some, like my past neighbor are just duffusses, that even with training, still have to get somebody like me to unload their weapon after being in a situation where they had to charge it. Just because you have a right, does not mean you are competent to exercise that right. With training, you can be.
It is your right to meet somebody, get naked and make a baby, but some people just are not up to the responsibility of raising a baby and never will be. Every year the prisons, reform schools, alternative schools and criminal justice system is filled with people whose parents most likely did it wrong or ineffectively at best.
It is much less dangerous for an individual citizen to exercise his right to vote than to exercise his right to bear arms in public. With rights, comes responsibilities.
Don't whine at me about infringing on the rights of people that want to carry a loaded weapon by having them properly trained, who otherwise shouldn't be trusted with a potato gun.

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