Now that the war is over, can i get me a few of those Automatic Weapons that Joe Biden left behind, without an extensive background check?

Probably not unless you want to go over and join the Taliban, which I have heard some right-wing radicals support the Taliban.
Maybe you could learn to aim and fire instead of spray and pray.
Show the actual evidence that any right-wing U.S. individuals are supporting the Taliban. If any Americans were to support the Taliban, it would be Afghanis with dual Afghan-American citizenship, who were never that loyal to the U.S. in the first place and U.S. citizens that are Marxist. But again, show the actual evidence.
Show the actual evidence that any right-wing U.S. individuals are supporting the Taliban. If any Americans were to support the Taliban, it would be Afghanis with dual Afghan-American citizenship, who were never that loyal to the U.S. in the first place and U.S. citizens that are Marxist. But again, show the actual evidence.
I don't know, but I have seen articles, whether true or not.

In the last year, I have seen the far right fail to support the constitution, attack our own capital, voice support for attacking our own capital, chant to hang our sitting Vice President at the time, suggest that the active Army should be moved into some of our cities when they disagreed with how the local political leaders were handling riots, autonomous zones, etc. (not that I was at all impressed by the moronic city and state leaders, if you can call them that) in some of our major cities, for their handling of their local disturbances.

At this point, I do not put anything past them, although I am certainly not trusting of all the editorial positions of those two papers.

I will wait and see.
Do you really believe that the people involved simply left the Taliban many billions of property? Can anyone check it all out now? Is there any audit there? No? What, the evil Taliban will kill everyone? Oh, well then... How can you check it, really...
Wonderful, isn't it?
Let me know when they get to Tennessee. I have plenty of Ammo, weaponry and the training to use them.
And you will be the idiot spraying....Probably killing innocent citizens who happen to be in their homes...
I don't know, but I have seen articles, whether true or not.
View attachment 534809
In the last year, I have seen the far right fail to support the constitution, attack our own capital, voice support for attacking our own capital, chant to hang our sitting Vice President at the time, suggest that the active Army should be moved into some of our cities when they disagreed with how the local political leaders were handling riots, autonomous zones, etc. (not that I was at all impressed by the moronic city and state leaders, if you can call them that) in some of our major cities, for their handling of their local disturbances.

At this point, I do not put anything past them, although I am certainly not trusting of all the editorial positions of those two papers.

I will wait and see.
The Washington compost and the NY Slimes, can you get any lower in trying to prove your point? Shame on you, for being such a retarded folk to actually believe that crap...But then if you believe that shit, why dont you come down here to Florida and take a few shots at US, since you think we are in league with the Taliban?
Do you really believe that the people involved simply left the Taliban many billions of property? Can anyone check it all out now? Is there any audit there? No? What, the evil Taliban will kill everyone? Oh, well then... How can you check it, really...
Wonderful, isn't it?
Yes, when you see video of our stuff in the hands of the Taliban, it is easy to see who left it, just like it was easy to see the 2020 election stolen by the same people who left the weapons....That is how fucking stupid you are...
I don't know, but I have seen articles, whether true or not.
View attachment 534809
In the last year, I have seen the far right fail to support the constitution, attack our own capital, voice support for attacking our own capital, chant to hang our sitting Vice President at the time, suggest that the active Army should be moved into some of our cities when they disagreed with how the local political leaders were handling riots, autonomous zones, etc. (not that I was at all impressed by the moronic city and state leaders, if you can call them that) in some of our major cities, for their handling of their local disturbances.

At this point, I do not put anything past them, although I am certainly not trusting of all the editorial positions of those two papers.

I will wait and see.
Just as a side note on pointing out your stupidity. You think that we on the right are in league with the Taliban, but it wasnt us who left behind all those weapons, it was your progressive elites, named Joe Biteme, Nancy Piglosi, and Up Chuck Schumer who were in charge, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan and all those fully automatic weapons. You might want to check your stupidity at the door when you address the free people of the US , because prog slaves like you, dont deserve the responses from free people.. Just saying....
Probably not unless you want to go over and join the Taliban, which I have heard some right-wing radicals support the Taliban.
Maybe you could learn to aim and fire instead of spray and pray.
The point is why do we have to join the Taliban? If Joe Potatohead gave them away to the Taliban why can't the Americans that paid for the weapons get one for free?
It is much less dangerous for an individual citizen to exercise his right to vote than to exercise his right to bear arms in public

In only an immediate sense of the terms of "less dangerous".

The Taliban is a form of "mob rule" and representative government without a single leader or judicial branch. So is the state of California... except they do have a governor and judiciary.
And you will be the idiot spraying....Probably killing innocent citizens who happen to be in their homes...
No. I am reasonably well-trained and disciplined after 20 plus years of running ranges, training myself and others. I still make it to the range fairly often, usually not out shot, which is saying something, because most of the people I shoot with are long term military, mostly combat arms.
The Washington compost and the NY Slimes, can you get any lower in trying to prove your point? Shame on you, for being such a retarded folk to actually believe that crap...But then if you believe that shit, why dont you come down here to Florida and take a few shots at US, since you think we are in league with the Taliban?
Don't be a dumb ass. I mentioned in another post (probably this thread) about not believe everything in those two. The things I have seen, false claims of the right, attack on The Capital, support for the attack after the fact, encouraging politicians to disregard the constitution and their oaths, etc in an effort to win at all costs legal or illegal, are what make me not trust the patriotism, judgement, ethic and self control of the far right. If you trust them, you are indeed a dumb ass.
Just as a side note on pointing out your stupidity. You think that we on the right are in league with the Taliban, but it wasnt us who left behind all those weapons, it was your progressive elites, named Joe Biteme, Nancy Piglosi, and Up Chuck Schumer who were in charge, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan and all those fully automatic weapons. You might want to check your stupidity at the door when you address the free people of the US , because prog slaves like you, dont deserve the responses from free people.. Just saying....
No I did not say that, dumb ass. I said I had seen articles. I will wait and see.
The point is why do we have to join the Taliban? If Joe Potatohead gave them away to the Taliban why can't the Americans that paid for the weapons get one for free?
Fine, Duffus. Buy you a ticket. Go over there to Afghanistan and ask for one.
Don't be a dumb ass. I mentioned in another post (probably this thread) about not believe everything in those two. The things I have seen, false claims of the right, attack on The Capital, support for the attack after the fact, encouraging politicians to disregard the constitution and their oaths, etc in an effort to win at all costs legal or illegal, are what make me not trust the patriotism, judgement, ethic and self control of the far right. If you trust them, you are indeed a dumb ass.
The attack on the Capitol that wasnt an insurrection, but trespassers where two of them were killed. Shame that it wasnt a true insurrection as those up on the hill need a good dose of wake the fuck up.

No I did not say that, dumb ass. I said I had seen articles. I will wait and see.
You didnt say it, but you sure did put a link to a site saying it. Why would you put up links? Because you are trying to guilt by association? yeah, i know about you worthless fucks.

I don't know, but I have seen articles, whether true or not.
In only an immediate sense of the terms of "less dangerous".

The Taliban is a form of "mob rule" and representative government without a single leader or judicial branch. So is the state of California... except they do have a governor and judiciary.
I make no claim of understanding California. Many Californians love it. I can't see it, myself.
Fine, Duffus. Buy you a ticket. Go over there to Afghanistan and ask for one.

Potatohead handed the weapons to the Taliban on a sliver platter. The least Potatohead should do for an American that paid for the weapons is have them delivered to my FFL.
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Potatohead handed the weapons to the Taliban on a sliver platter. The least Potatohead should do for an American that paid for the weapons is have them delivered to my FFL.
Most of those had been issued to the Afghanistan army and are like the old joke about the French weapons hardly or not fired and only dropped once.

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