Now That Whites Are The Most Oppressed -- What Do We Do?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018



The rampant racism by blacks and latinos is getting out of hand and its about time ACTION is taken against them. I bet these guys would never go down to a KKK/Proud Boys/Nazi rally wearing those shirts
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Perhaps they wouldn’t. But I wouldn’t either, and my ancestors come from among other places, Norway. Are you saying that silly shirts are threatening to you? Seriously? If so, you are in fact the thin skinned that they are making fun of. Then again, perhaps you just don’t like minorities in the first place.

Me, I like them just fine. Sat down with an old friend of mine just yesterday for a while before work. Got caught up on his family, and all that. Need I say he is very dark skinned Black? Good friend of mine, and I’d trust him with my life without any doubts or questions. Another friend, who happens to have the same last name, is also a fellow Combat Engineer from the Army. Different times, same pains. Also a black man.

You see, there are no bad races. There are occasionally bad people, but the groups you mention, the Kluckers, the Nazi’s and the rest. Those are never good people. They are the scum of the earth.

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