now the game of " Tag" has just been banned in this elementary school


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Remember the good old days in school when we played dodge ball, hide and seek and even “Tag”? Well, one elementary school in California has just put a wet blanket on at least one of these classic childhood games! In fact, many of the Parents and even some of the children in one California city are not happy with a school’s recent decision to ban the age-old game of tag on the playground.

Now the Game of "Tag" Has Just been Banned in this Elementary School!

Creating a few more snowflakes. Aww don't fall and get hurt you might be mentally scarred for life gawd help us with these liberal moron schools. My kid would be yanked the hell out of a panzy school like this and a few others turning these kids into liberal mental cases.
It doesn't give a reason in the article, but I have dealt with parents who hate hearing about the normal bumps and bruises of childhood, and always want to know how they can be avoided in the future. Seriously, every scrape needs a detailed explanation. It's not all parents, but those that complain end up pushing a bubble-wrapped day for their kids.
Is there anything that the RWNJs don't get all offended about?

MindWars - from the first post of his that I read, I have pictured him clutching his white lace hanky in one sweaty hand and his cheap Walmart pearls in the other.

Calm down little snowflake. Try putting your head between your knees and taking long slow deep breaths.

If it was your little darling that was knocked down, you'd be suing the school.

The school district's spokesman, Daniel Thigpen, told KOVR: “In this case, kids were getting too rough…so the school told them to stop playing those games… It’s not uncommon for a school to enact specific recess rules to address specific behavior problems.”
Is there anything that the RWNJs don't get all offended about?

MindWars - from the first post of his that I read, I have pictured him clutching his white lace hanky in one sweaty hand and his cheap Walmart pearls in the other.

Calm down little snowflake. Try putting your head between your knees and taking long slow deep breaths.

If it was your little darling that was knocked down, you'd be suing the school.

The school district's spokesman, Daniel Thigpen, told KOVR: “In this case, kids were getting too rough…so the school told them to stop playing those games… It’s not uncommon for a school to enact specific recess rules to address specific behavior problems.”

All anxiety all the time, the system pushes it and runs on it. The last thing any power structure ever wanted to face was a clear coherent human being, much less a collection of them.
Remember the good old days in school when we played dodge ball, hide and seek and even “Tag”? Well, one elementary school in California has just put a wet blanket on at least one of these classic childhood games! In fact, many of the Parents and even some of the children in one California city are not happy with a school’s recent decision to ban the age-old game of tag on the playground.

Now the Game of "Tag" Has Just been Banned in this Elementary School!

Creating a few more snowflakes. Aww don't fall and get hurt you might be mentally scarred for life gawd help us with these liberal moron schools. My kid would be yanked the hell out of a panzy school like this and a few others turning these kids into liberal mental cases.
Leave No Child's Behind

It's being replaced with the game of "Pick a Pansy."
Is there anything that the RWNJs don't get all offended about?

MindWars - from the first post of his that I read, I have pictured him clutching his white lace hanky in one sweaty hand and his cheap Walmart pearls in the other.

Calm down little snowflake. Try putting your head between your knees and taking long slow deep breaths.

If it was your little darling that was knocked down, you'd be suing the school.

The school district's spokesman, Daniel Thigpen, told KOVR: “In this case, kids were getting too rough…so the school told them to stop playing those games… It’s not uncommon for a school to enact specific recess rules to address specific behavior problems.”
We aren't offended by it. We are just remarking on how sad and pathetic the lib buttstains latest attempt to pussyfy children is.
Is there anything that the RWNJs don't get all offended about?

MindWars - from the first post of his that I read, I have pictured him clutching his white lace hanky in one sweaty hand and his cheap Walmart pearls in the other.

Calm down little snowflake. Try putting your head between your knees and taking long slow deep breaths.

If it was your little darling that was knocked down, you'd be suing the school.

The school district's spokesman, Daniel Thigpen, told KOVR: “In this case, kids were getting too rough…so the school told them to stop playing those games… It’s not uncommon for a school to enact specific recess rules to address specific behavior problems.”

Only in your world can it be spun that way. Thanks for proving you are part of the M.I . syndrome.
It doesn't give a reason in the article, but I have dealt with parents who hate hearing about the normal bumps and bruises of childhood, and always want to know how they can be avoided in the future. Seriously, every scrape needs a detailed explanation. It's not all parents, but those that complain end up pushing a bubble-wrapped day for their kids.
The article did give a reason. It is because tag requires physical touching. All physical touching including tag and touch football have been banned.
LWNJ's want our children to be genderless, fat, sickly, politically correct, drones who crave participation trophies.
Just think if this panzy bs keeps up , they will never gain enjoyment of a " REAL MAN" sport(s)
because being taught to be a big baby, or a sissy boy is much better.

By doing this they take away the PRIMAL instincts of males
By doing this they take away exercise , and yet the trendy morons wonder why American's have the fattest kids because they give them an IPAD, or Video game system for their exercise here play with this exercise your mind Jesus.
It doesn't give a reason in the article, but I have dealt with parents who hate hearing about the normal bumps and bruises of childhood, and always want to know how they can be avoided in the future. Seriously, every scrape needs a detailed explanation. It's not all parents, but those that complain end up pushing a bubble-wrapped day for their kids.
The article did give a reason. It is because tag requires physical touching. All physical touching including tag and touch football have been banned.

The Fox News link came after I replied. The first link did not explain the reasoning behind the rule change.
Remember the good old days in school when we played dodge ball, hide and seek and even “Tag”? Well, one elementary school in California has just put a wet blanket on at least one of these classic childhood games! In fact, many of the Parents and even some of the children in one California city are not happy with a school’s recent decision to ban the age-old game of tag on the playground.

Now the Game of "Tag" Has Just been Banned in this Elementary School!

Creating a few more snowflakes. Aww don't fall and get hurt you might be mentally scarred for life gawd help us with these liberal moron schools. My kid would be yanked the hell out of a panzy school like this and a few others turning these kids into liberal mental cases.

good grief

this is far too much of this nonsense

Let kids be kids, not mushy mashed potatoes with no back bone and ill prepared to face the world

We learn from experience, failure, hard knocks, falling down, etc.

this snow flake cr@p has got to stop. what are they doing to the next generation.
The left's quest for a sterile environment, everyone is equal, all inclusive continues.

It's not how life works and no matter how hard you try it will never work.

Then you wonder why millennials are a bunch of sniveling, whining crybabies demanding safe have failed them
I see so many replies about this being a sign of liberalism. Too funny.

I teach in a school full of Trump-supporting families. So sorry, but helicopter parents don't seem to follow a political philosophy, but an economic class. Rich parents seem to want to prevent their children any and all discomfort. Lower middle class to poor parents know that life is difficult, and a bruise is something they need to shake off.

I've taught both sides of the spectrum, and while it's not a universal rule, these are the generalizations from what I've observed.
I see so many replies about this being a sign of liberalism. Too funny.

I teach in a school full of Trump-supporting families. So sorry, but helicopter parents don't seem to follow a political philosophy, but an economic class. Rich parents seem to want to prevent their children any and all discomfort. Lower middle class to poor parents know that life is difficult, and a bruise is something they need to shake off.

I've taught both sides of the spectrum, and while it's not a universal rule, these are the generalizations from what I've observed.

Not liberalism, progressivism. There is a huge difference

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