Now they won't even let Christians hand out Bibles in Orange County Florida!


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
You are lying. Show evidence of this. And not just one or two examples. There are 49 Islamic contries in the world. Your statement implies that it is a typical thing for Islamic countries to do. So, show evidence that Islamic countries, in general, stone people to death for anything, much less passing out the truth.

BTW, are you also implying that the Bible is the truth? Please provide evidence of that too.
Actually, you can find several examples of where someone was stoned to death in an Islamic country.

Most notably, "honor killings" are quite fashionable in those countries.

As far as stoning someone for telling the truth? Well, when it comes to spiritual matters, who can really say what is "true" and what isn't?

However...................I CAN say that lots of dogmatic types will want to expel or kill you if you go against their accepted dogma.

That goes for Christians as well as Muslims.

Ever hear a Christian tell you that you're going to hell because you don't believe as they do about Jesus?
Actually, you can find several examples of where someone was stoned to death in an Islamic country.

Most notably, "honor killings" are quite fashionable in those countries.

As far as stoning someone for telling the truth? Well, when it comes to spiritual matters, who can really say what is "true" and what isn't?

However...................I CAN say that lots of dogmatic types will want to expel or kill you if you go against their accepted dogma.

That goes for Christians as well as Muslims.

Ever hear a Christian tell you that you're going to hell because you don't believe as they do about Jesus?

Ever hear of what atheist dictators have done to masses of people if they did not fall in line?


Pol Pot?

Look them up.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
Actually, you can find several examples of where someone was stoned to death in an Islamic country.

Most notably, "honor killings" are quite fashionable in those countries.
Which have absolutely nothing to do with Christian prosyletizing. Honor killings are all about removing shame. They are almost exclusively enacted against women, most often for the heinous crimes of refusing an arranged marriage, having sex outside of marriage, or being raped.

As far as stoning someone for telling the truth? Well, when it comes to spiritual matters, who can really say what is "true" and what isn't?

However...................I CAN say that lots of dogmatic types will want to expel or kill you if you go against their accepted dogma.

That goes for Christians as well as Muslims.

Ever hear a Christian tell you that you're going to hell because you don't believe as they do about Jesus?
Yeah...I got nuffin to say here. Mostly because I agree with you. :)
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
It means you are a typical piece of stinking hypocritical shit who uses any type of news like this as a poignant opportunity to attack Christians.

You are a fucking liberal, which means you are an intolerable, intolerant, hypocritical, pile of shit who stands for nothing. Nothing more. That is all.

You piece of shit.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
It means you are a typical piece of stinking hypocritical shit who uses any type of news like this as a poignant opportunity to attack Christians.

You are a fucking liberal, which means you are an intolerable, intolerant, hypocritical, pile of shit who stands for nothing. Nothing more. That is all.

You piece of shit.
Poignant? :biggrin:
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
It means you are a typical piece of stinking hypocritical shit who uses any type of news like this as a poignant opportunity to attack Christians.

You are a fucking liberal, which means you are an intolerable, intolerant, hypocritical, pile of shit who stands for nothing. Nothing more. That is all.

You piece of shit.
Does poor wittle baby need his nappy changed? Or his ba-ba???
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
It means you are a typical piece of stinking hypocritical shit who uses any type of news like this as a poignant opportunity to attack Christians.

You are a fucking liberal, which means you are an intolerable, intolerant, hypocritical, pile of shit who stands for nothing. Nothing more. That is all.

You piece of shit.
Does poor wittle baby need his nappy changed? Or his ba-ba???

Of course people should be able to hand out religious literature- Christian and otherwise.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
It means you are a typical piece of stinking hypocritical shit who uses any type of news like this as a poignant opportunity to attack Christians.

You are a fucking liberal, which means you are an intolerable, intolerant, hypocritical, pile of shit who stands for nothing. Nothing more. That is all.

You piece of shit.
You know the irony of this is that TheOwls thinks that it is appropriate to defend Christianity with such vitriol, anger, crudity, and hatred. One can't help but wonder if he has even read the religious texts from the religion he is defending so vociferously.
You're right.................why is it that Christians say that they love everyone, yet tell them that they're going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus like they do?

Got news for everyone........................different sects have different views on Jesus, but It all depends on their dogma.

Quick question.......................did anyone consider the possibility that God is too large to be contained by just one religion?
I wouldn't accept the NIV version they're handing out. The King James is accurate and based on the Greek and Aramaic translations by at least 50 Bible Scholars of that time.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
It means you are a typical piece of stinking hypocritical shit who uses any type of news like this as a poignant opportunity to attack Christians.

You are a fucking liberal, which means you are an intolerable, intolerant, hypocritical, pile of shit who stands for nothing. Nothing more. That is all.

You piece of shit.

Aw you are such a meanie.

His lil' avatar gonna cry again.
I wouldn't accept the NIV version they're handing out. The King James is accurate and based on the Greek and Aramaic translations by at least 50 Bible Scholars of that time.
Actually, you're incorrect. not only is the King James version the least accurate version of the bible, many Biblical scholars agree that there is strong evidence that the King James version was politically motivated, and that King James literally dictated how he expected his "scholars" to translate certain passages.

But, hey, you know...whatever...

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