Now they won't even let Christians hand out Bibles in Orange County Florida!

Someone supports satanists? They want satanism spread to children. Odd that one.
Why? Why is Satanism any more odd than the sex, and violence found in Judeo-Christianity?

It could be seen as better, depending on what you use as the basis for your judgement.

I read a thing a while back where someone added up all the people in the bible who were killed by God and by Satan.

God's tally was 2.8 million (this was the lower of the numbers).

Satan's tally was 10. And those were the 7 sons and 3 daughters of Job. They were killed in a bet with God, so God kinda owns those too.
I think that all bibles should come with this warning label.

I am so stealing that image. You know that, right? :D

I stole it first...
i would think the satanists would have a good legal case, if they wanted to push it. the cancellation of the policy was probably their actual goal though.
Hey Winter Born................did you ever consider that those who were killed were killed because of a religious faction that thought they were doing the will of God?

Nope................sorry.......................God doesn't want us to kill each other.

He'd be happier if we helped one another.

Too bad the various religious factions can't see that. I mean, it's happening with the Muslim who thinks that Shia is better than Sunni.

It also happens when Catholics think they are better than Baptists.

Sorry.........but God is too large to be contained by any one religion.
Hey Winter Born................did you ever consider that those who were killed were killed because of a religious faction that thought they were doing the will of God?

Nope................sorry.......................God doesn't want us to kill each other.

He'd be happier if we helped one another.

Too bad the various religious factions can't see that. I mean, it's happening with the Muslim who thinks that Shia is better than Sunni.

It also happens when Catholics think they are better than Baptists.

Sorry.........but God is too large to be contained by any one religion.

I didn't say that God wants us to kill each other.

I also think that religion has been used over and over again to manipulate the masses into killings and wars.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
You are lying. Show evidence of this. And not just one or two examples. There are 49 Islamic contries in the world. Your statement implies that it is a typical thing for Islamic countries to do. So, show evidence that Islamic countries, in general, stone people to death for anything, much less passing out the truth.

BTW, are you also implying that the Bible is the truth? Please provide evidence of that too.
Simple research will show you. The Bible IS the truth.
Hey Winter Born................did you ever consider that those who were killed were killed because of a religious faction that thought they were doing the will of God?

Nope................sorry.......................God doesn't want us to kill each other.

He'd be happier if we helped one another.

Too bad the various religious factions can't see that. I mean, it's happening with the Muslim who thinks that Shia is better than Sunni.

It also happens when Catholics think they are better than Baptists.

Sorry.........but God is too large to be contained by any one religion.

Yeah, cause baptists certainly never think they are better than anyone. Wesboro BAPTIST? Right, they do not count.

Neither do the KKK members, who do identify themselves more or less as baptists.

BTW, the translation of "Thou shall not kill" is actually translated into "Thou shall not murder." Which, is different. Distinctly different.

Let us see, the King James version of the bible was written in 1611. That version did contain the 7 books of the deuterocanonicals, better known as the apocrypha among protestants. Hebrews 11:35 of course refers to an incident that is cited in the book Maccabees. Those books were eventually taken out of the KJV in the 19th century. I digress.

God cannot be "contained" by any man. However, the GREATER GLORY OF GOD is manifest through the death, resurrection and overcoming of sin through Christ.

There was always suppose to be ONE church, ONE blood, and ONE body. If you hold the sins of the members of the Church then you are merely doing the work of the devil who accuses day and night. In hebrew, the name satan means accuser.

Those adapted into the church are living in the age of the fulfillment of the mosaic law. Though, the believers are no longer under that yoke. The Church (pillar of truth 1st Timothy 3:15) made that clear when they gathered at the first council in Jerusalem as documented by the book of Acts.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
You are lying. Show evidence of this. And not just one or two examples. There are 49 Islamic contries in the world. Your statement implies that it is a typical thing for Islamic countries to do. So, show evidence that Islamic countries, in general, stone people to death for anything, much less passing out the truth.

BTW, are you also implying that the Bible is the truth? Please provide evidence of that too.
Simple research will show you. The Bible IS the truth.

If you want to believe the bible is a true spiritual guide, by all means do so.

But it is not a historically accurate work. That does not take away from what it should be seen as. But I want to be clear what I mean.
Personally, I think that God wanted us to be spiritual rather than religious, because God is too big to be contained in just one religion.

Dogma also has a tendency to get in the way when it comes to religion.
Oh! Wait! Actually they did. Orange County school district had no problem when a Christian organization, on three separate occasions, handed out leaflets, and bibles to kids coming out of schools. But, now that non-Christian organizations want equal time with the kids? it's a problem.

The school board did not have an issue permitting evangelical group World Changers of Florida to hand out Bibles on three separate occasions — and the group fully intends to do it again in January. In fact, the group has already purchased copies of the New International Version to be handed out in 18 district high schools. “We’re looking forward to doing it again,” said World Changers Vice President Greg Harper.

The “open forum” may have applied to the Christian group, but when Satanists announced their intent to distribute an activity book that includes coloring pages, a maze, a word jumble, and other educational materials, and lessons in morality, suddenly the non-Christians were “taking advantage.”

The irony is that the evangelicals are calling this an attack on Christians!

World Changers is unhappy with this latest development. Despite that it is an obvious attack on those who do not subscribe to the Christian faith, Harper calls the planned policy change an attack on Christians.

“They seem to be moving against the interests of a large part of the community,” he said, likening it to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains at schools. “The Bible will open somebody’s heart, somebody’s mind, and cause them to pursue answers.” The World Changers VP likened the policy amendment to the district’s August decision to ban football chaplains after receiving complaints of Christian proselytization.

Now, how Harper can view this as an attack on Christians, when the practice was perfectly acceptable when Christians were the only ones attempting to participate is completely beyond me. I think that Lucien Greaves has a more honest take on the situation:

"It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices," said Doug Mesner, co-founder and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, who also goes by the pseudonym Lucien Greaves.
Orange moves to change policy to keep Satanist coloring book out of schools

But, you know. We live in a nation where Christians are under attack...

Are we beheading people for passing out their false books? Cause islamic countries stone you to death for passing out the truth.
Well, by all means, I would suggest that you not go live in Islamic Countries. In the meantime, what does that red herring have to do with the story at hand?
It means you are a typical piece of stinking hypocritical shit who uses any type of news like this as a poignant opportunity to attack Christians.

You are a fucking liberal, which means you are an intolerable, intolerant, hypocritical, pile of shit who stands for nothing. Nothing more. That is all.

You piece of shit.

LOL. I am absolutely positive that the gentle Jesus would have answered exactly like this. LOL
"This really has, frankly, gotten out of hand," said chairman Bill Sublette. "I think we've seen a group or groups take advantage of the open forum we've had."

Too bad, that's the nature of a free and democratic society, where democracy can be messy, and venue must be given to those with whom we disagree.
You know....................I kinda think that Jesus has the kind of humility that would allow others to believe in God as they saw fit. Granted...............He may have spent some time trying to lead them to believe in God as He does, but I don't think He would force you to believe as He does.

Personally? I think Jesus would be more concerned with whether or not you believed in God than He would about the dogma you used to get to that belief.

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