Now we're talking- Wyoming to bring back the Firing Squad

You are a very dishonest person. Oj obviously got off because he was black. His team petitioned to have the case moved to a black area for that very reaspn. I have to ask, what do you have to gain from lying to yourself and others about this?

Actually, the decision to try him in LA was made by the LA county prosecutor because the court closest to Brentwood wouldn't have accommedated all the media. Also, yes, it would have looked really bad if OJ got convicted by an all-White jury after another All White Jury had let the Rodney King cops go.

Let's be blunt. The problem was that Clark and Darden were a couple of mediocre lawyers who were used to putting poor kids in the slammer while their Public Defenders slept off a drunk. They never encountered someone who could fight back before.
Actually. You are completely wrong. The case was moved by the la superior court, not the prosecution. So that idea that the prosecution petitioned to move the case because of Rodney King is something you entirely pulled out of your ass. He got off because the case was moved to a primarily non white area where the jury pool was favorable. He didn't get of because he was rich. But because he was black. This is born out in the stats at the time that showed the racial divide on whether he was innocent or guilty. He would have been convicted by a white jury, despite his money, you admit this. Thus you concede the point it was about race not money.

He got off because he had a spectacular legal team, and the prosecution hopelessly bungled their case.
They would be just as capable of killing guards on death row. Maybe even more motivated to. What else are they goign to do to you at that point?

Solitary confinement 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They do not leave the cell unless sedated or fully restrained.
They would be just as capable of killing guards on death row. Maybe even more motivated to. What else are they goign to do to you at that point?

Solitary confinement 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They do not leave the cell unless sedated or fully restrained.

Again, you're proposing a sensible solution to crime. That is in direct opposition to the secular progressive movement

They would be just as capable of killing guards on death row. Maybe even more motivated to. What else are they goign to do to you at that point?

Solitary confinement 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They do not leave the cell unless sedated or fully restrained.

Again, you're proposing a sensible solution to crime. That is in direct opposition to the secular progressive movement


Yes, because you "lock them up" strategy is working so well.

Oh. Wait. no. We spend more on prisons than any country on the planet and we still have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.
You may have been born here, unlike your emperor obie, but you ain't an're some kind of mongrel academic dirtbag who should be sent to the kind of leftist shithole you're trying to turn America into.....

Actualy, I used to be more RW than you are.

No, you didn't, liar.

And then I had a boss fire me after I had medical issues because "He didnt' have to deal with a union!"

No, you didn't, liar.

That's when i figured out what was what.

No, you didn't, liar.
They would be just as capable of killing guards on death row. Maybe even more motivated to. What else are they goign to do to you at that point?

Solitary confinement 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They do not leave the cell unless sedated or fully restrained.

Again, you're proposing a sensible solution to crime. That is in direct opposition to the secular progressive movement


Yes, because you "lock them up" strategy is working so well.

Oh. Wait. no. We spend more on prisons than any country on the planet and we still have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Locking them up Joe is not working. IN fact, it enable crime

We need to strengthen our laws, .... in other words, we're not hitting them hard enough where it hurts. Betcha I can make a thug change his ways or consequently, he has chose to quit living. Its that simple

Coming from the party that wants to lynch George Zimmerman, as well as any cop that defends himself against a thug, it's a little hard to believe you people actually care about innocent people being victimized.

George ZImmerman wasn't 'innocent'. In fact, no one even disputes that he shot an unarmed Trayvon Martin. The only question is, did Zimmerman, who has been arrested multiple times before and after shooting Trayvon, have justification in shooting an unarmed child because he was losing a fight he started.

And no one advocated giving Zimmerman the Death Penalty. Although I suspect locking his ass up with a bunch of black guys would have been.

No, you simply wanted him (and his family) lynched.


Thinking this through a bit, I think that if I were going to be executed, a firing squad would be a pretty good way to go.

It's not like you'd say, "oh crap, that hurts", because you're fucking dead, who cares, fuck it.

Yeah. Just sayin'.

Locking them up Joe is not working. IN fact, it enable crime

We need to strengthen our laws, .... in other words, we're not hitting them hard enough where it hurts. Betcha I can make a thug change his ways or consequently, he has chose to quit living. Its that simple

No, locking them up doesn't work because you throw a pot seller in a cell with a rapist, you aren't going to get a more mellow rapist, you are going to get an angier pot seller.

But it's more than that. Even one stint in prison usually means someone who can never be employed at anything meaningful. so we act all surprised when these guys return to crime.

How is it that germany only locks up 78,000 people, they have a lower crime rate than we do.

We're just doing it wrong.
Locking them up Joe is not working. IN fact, it enable crime

We need to strengthen our laws, .... in other words, we're not hitting them hard enough where it hurts. Betcha I can make a thug change his ways or consequently, he has chose to quit living. Its that simple

No, locking them up doesn't work because you throw a pot seller in a cell with a rapist, you aren't going to get a more mellow rapist, you are going to get an angier pot seller.

But it's more than that. Even one stint in prison usually means someone who can never be employed at anything meaningful. so we act all surprised when these guys return to crime.

How is it that germany only locks up 78,000 people, they have a lower crime rate than we do.

We're just doing it wrong.

I agree AGAIN JOE. Its not working because we're not trying. And who gives a shit if a felon in unemployable? Guess what? DON'T BReAK THE LAW! We need more consequences like the employment metric you cite.

Sorry Joe- Our failed diversity experiment comes at a cost. Criminals get no sympathy from me

I agree AGAIN JOE. Its not working because we're not trying. And who gives a shit if a felon in unemployable? Guess what? DON'T BReAK THE LAW! We need more consequences like the employment metric you cite.

Sorry Joe- Our failed diversity experiment comes at a cost. Criminals get no sympathy from me

No, what has failed is privatizing the prison system and turning it into a source of cheap labor.

We need to get it back into what it was meant to be- a process of correcting those who can be corrected and incarcerating those who can't.

We lock up 2 million people, most for non-violent offenses. That's fucking nuts.

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