now whoopie wants the briotuish royals to kiss blacks asses

so why go complicated all were talking on is dumb whoopie shooting her mouth off.
Because. . . if you are a REAL AMERICAN, it is axiomatic. . . the royal family is our enemy. THEY ARE EVIL.

We believe in meritocracy in this nation, THEY DON'T. The aristocracy is a system, that imposes the next thing to slavery. It is folks being born into privilege. They have entire networks and a security state devoted to upholding that status quo.

If you are too dumb to understand this, I don't know what else I can tell you, MOVE TO A COMMON-WEALTH NATION, became a royal subject and owned by the queen, rather than a sovereign and free citizen of the republic.

This is called, United States Message Board for a reason. What are you, British? Canadian? Australian? :dunno:

If an American criticizes the British system of government because it has not changed from its tyrannical days? YOU SUPPORT THEM, you don't defend a monarch and get all fucking racist.

Because. . . if you are a REAL AMERICAN, it is axiomatic. . . the royal family is our enemy. THEY ARE EVIL.

We believe in meritocracy in this nation, THEY DON'T. The aristocracy is a system, that imposes the next thing to slavery. It is folks being born into privilege. They have entire networks and a security state devoted to upholding that status quo.

If you are too dumb to understand this, I don't know what else I can tell you, MOVE TO A COMMON-WEALTH NATION, became a royal subject and owned by the queen, rather than a sovereign and free citizen of the republic.

This is called, United States Message Board for a reason. What are you, British? Canadian? Australian? :dunno:

If an American criticizes the British system of government because it has not changed from its tyrannical days? YOU SUPPORT THEM, you don't defend a monarch and get all fucking racist.

they are not. im talkikng whoopie being stupied again. your dragging into a racist hate british speech.
Of course no one told me shit.

But international and national political affairs are not simple, the are not soundbites, and they cannot be understood simplistically, as you are making them out to be.

Either you are a simple minded parrot of government and corporate TEE VEE acting as a useful idiot, or? You are a propagandist. . . engaging in centuries old tactics, like divide and rule, and creating chaos so that elites can come and impose their order.

Either way? NO, absolutely not. I will not, do what you want and simplify issues into sixth grade sound-bites, because the issues are vastly more complex than that. This is why the vast intelligence agencies have classified so much material and hidden this stuff from the public.

Do you have access to that material or are you guessing what MAY be there?

Because. . . if you are a REAL AMERICAN, it is axiomatic. . . the royal family is our enemy. THEY ARE EVIL.

We believe in meritocracy in this nation, THEY DON'T. The aristocracy is a system, that imposes the next thing to slavery. It is folks being born into privilege. They have entire networks and a security state devoted to upholding that status quo.

If you are too dumb to understand this, I don't know what else I can tell you, MOVE TO A COMMON-WEALTH NATION, became a royal subject and owned by the queen, rather than a sovereign and free citizen of the republic.

This is called, United States Message Board for a reason. What are you, British? Canadian? Australian? :dunno:

If an American criticizes the British system of government because it has not changed from its tyrannical days? YOU SUPPORT THEM, you don't defend a monarch and get all fucking racist.

There are MANY forces at play the worst being the whiteanting of America by China, Russia and the Atheist Left secularists. They have ZERO interest in a God-Loving USA. Why you give them only a passing thought and hark back to some Medieval perception of the Divine Right of Kings is beyond my comprehension. If you have no desire to understand that the world has turned and Constitutional Monarchys with it then the dumb ones are not those who understand this. I am all for the Westminster system of gov in OUR country as I am for whatever rocks the boat in the US. I firmly believe that EVERY country must assert their self interest in International Affairs in a Just and prudent manner. If you are concerned about the US's interests then bust your boiler about them!! I encourage it and frankly would be happy to support you and conservatives anywhere if I could(personal limitations on my part noted), but calling a Constitutional monarchy an absolute monarchy is like calling China's system "the same" as the US!!Just as dumb quite frankly.

There are MANY forces at play the worst being the whiteanting of America by China, Russia and the Atheist Left secularists. They have ZERO interest in a God-Loving USA. Why you give them only a passing thought and hark back to some Medieval perception of the Divine Right of Kings is beyond my comprehension. If you have no desire to understand that the world has turned and Constitutional Monarchys with it then the dumb ones are not those who understand this. I am all for the Westminster system of gov in OUR country as I am for whatever rocks the boat in the US. I firmly believe that EVERY country must assert their self interest in International Affairs in a Just and prudent manner. If you are concerned about the US's interests then bust your boiler about them!! I encourage it and frankly would be happy to support you and conservatives anywhere if I could(personal limitations on my part noted), but calling a Constitutional monarchy an absolute monarchy is like calling China's system "the same" as the US!!Just as dumb quite frankly.

Do tell.

Why does that House of Lords even still exist?

What is the head of the Common-Wealth nations, still the monarchy? They are not allowed to have divergent foreign policies, THEY ARE OWNED. . .property.


That makes them all, naught but franchises, little more than slaves.

. . . now, I am not saying the the US is much different. Ever since we have been subverted by the den of vipers and thieves that our founders warned us about? I can't see us ever having an independent foreign policy in the interest of the people.

This is why we have heard bullshit like, "too big to fail," in the past several decades, and why JFK was assassinated.

. . . but, the truth is, if we had not been subverted, the nasty corruption that has gone on in the palace of Buckingham, surely would have necessitated a good American foreign policy invading England, and dismantling the British empire, and freeing those nations under her yoke, and getting rid of unearned privileges of the aristocracy and assorted blue bloods, once and for all.

Until it happens, we will not be free from their insane plans for trans-humanism and world domination.

It will be either their global police state dreams, or world freedom in the end. Either a dystopian nightmare, or world liberation, it can't be both.

Parasites always, inevitably, lead to the death of the host.

Eventually they will have to go. Americans won't be enslaved again. I just can't see it happening. They will, again, someday, realize that the cause of all our ills lead back to the Palace in the Vatican and the Palace in Buckingham. They both need to be ended.

As long as these organizations seek world domination? They are a threat to free men and women everywhere. And of course, they do seek world domination. .. . . they lie about it, that is the first order of business, and has been for centuries.
Last time I looked, the OP was about the nonsensical bumblings from Whoopie Goldberg, not the so called tyranny of the Queen and the British Monarchy.

Could start a thread, discussing the pros and cons. :dunno:
Last time I looked, the OP was about the nonsensical bumblings from Whoopie Goldberg, not the so called tyranny of the Queen and the British Monarchy.

Could start a thread, discussing the pros and cons. :dunno:
Goldberg is calling out the monarchy for treating the planet like they own people, and she wants an apology. . . which, of course, we know they will never do.

Why? Because these evil pieces of shit actually DO BELIEVE that the planet is their property.

All of the water, air, minerals, all the people on it are their to command, to make their lives, ones of leisure and luxury. That is their entitled attitude.

The guillotine is too good for them.


How many countless millions have been tortured and killed for these butchers? We cannot say.
Goldberg is calling out the monarchy for treating the planet like they own people, and she wants an apology. . . which, of course, we know they will never do.

Why? Because these evil pieces of shit actually DO BELIEVE that the planet is their property.

All of the water, air, minerals, all the people on it are their to command, to make their lives, ones of leisure and luxury. That is their entitled attitude.

The guillotine is too good for them.


How many countless millions have been tortured and killed for these butchers? We cannot say.

:puhleeze: tell me how you really feel.

And you yourself are being dishonest. Lauding Goldberg, who you would otherwise regard as being an idiot, just because it’s expedient for you and suits your anti British rants agenda.
Do you have access to that material or are you guessing what MAY be there?

I'm not "guessing," on shit.

I know why the Council on Foreign Relations exists, it is a satellite of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. And I know why the UN exists, to do the bidding of the crown and those aforementioned organizations. Did you even bother watching that documentary in post number #2 before you started commenting? It is no secret that British and American elites, before the first world war wanted to reconstruct the British Empire, if not in name, then as a defacto ruling entity.

Shit, that is basically what has propelled all foreign policy for the past century. Only a neophyte denies it.

When they denied Russia entry into NATO, and then continued to expand it. . . what did everyone THINK was going to happen? They knew, exactly what the crown intended.



. . . it is no wonder these folks are going to be able to reduce the world's population by 5 or 6 billion. . . :rolleyes: Y'all are like faithful dogs. You worship those who are trying to kill you, everyone, no matter the party, nor the nation. And they throw it in your face and mock you to boot.
:puhleeze: tell me how you really feel.

And you yourself are being dishonest. Lauding Goldberg, who you would otherwise regard as being an idiot, just because it’s expedient for you and suits your anti British rants agenda.

I am not being dishonest, I am perfectly honest.

She might be a propagandist on a CRT mission, and I might be using her to grind on the blade of the axe head on the other side, because she is too dumb to understand what is REALLY going on?

BUT? With that said, she is still an American, and I am still on her side, she just does not realize it.

As seen from this posting. . .

"Interesting that they are playing for a Jesuit school named after the Irish.


". . . People such as Barack Obama, Muhammad Ali, Eddie Murphy, Billie Holiday, and Beyonce all have traces of Irish DNA or Irish ancestors.

Thirty-eight percent of African-Americans have some percentage of Irish DNA, Sloan claims, and there is a history of intermarriage between the two communities in places such as New Orleans that dates back to a time when African-American men had a life expectancy of 14 years while Irish-American men lived to 31. In contrast, Sloan tells how African-American women had an average life expectancy of 36 while Irish women could only be expected to live to 18.

Out of necessity, he says, a system of placage was established in which African-American women were placed in the security of white Irish men, creating three to four generations of intermarriage.. . "

We are one people, we are Americans, and the global oligarchs are trying to divide us.

Now. . . more than ever.. . . we need to stand united."

I am not being dishonest, I am perfectly honest.

She might be a propagandist on a CRT mission, and I might be using her to grind on the blade of the axe head on the other side, because she is too dumb to understand what is REALLY going on?

BUT? With that said, she is still an American, and I am still on her side, she just does not realize it.

As seen from this posting. . .

"Interesting that they are playing for a Jesuit school named after the Irish.


". . . People such as Barack Obama, Muhammad Ali, Eddie Murphy, Billie Holiday, and Beyonce all have traces of Irish DNA or Irish ancestors.

Thirty-eight percent of African-Americans have some percentage of Irish DNA, Sloan claims, and there is a history of intermarriage between the two communities in places such as New Orleans that dates back to a time when African-American men had a life expectancy of 14 years while Irish-American men lived to 31. In contrast, Sloan tells how African-American women had an average life expectancy of 36 while Irish women could only be expected to live to 18.

Out of necessity, he says, a system of placage was established in which African-American women were placed in the security of white Irish men, creating three to four generations of intermarriage.. . "

We are one people, we are Americans, and the global oligarchs are trying to divide us.

Now. . . more than ever.. . . we need to stand united."

I started losing interest the beginning of the third paragraph down.

Must be the layout.
I started losing interest the beginning of the third paragraph down.

Must be the layout.
Or. .. if you use a smart phone.

I have read a study that those who use devices have reduced attention spans. Hell, since using computers, I have a reduced attention span for my books.

I have noticed, very few folks on this site will watch a video over two or three minutes, they are like children, they don't have the time or attention span.
That’s true.

But I don’t use a phone. I have one, but it’s not activated. I suppose l should. :eusa_doh:

Any other attempts to exonerate yourself? :cool-45:
Exonerate myself from what? Your tiny intellect?


I have nothing to apologize for your short attention span, and lack of comprehension.

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