NPR Admits Opposition To Obama May Not Be Due To Racism But Because He Sucks

"living in a time of divisive politics"

When have we not lived in a time of divisive politics? That is like saying climate change is something new vs. the last 4.5 billion years. Obama's approval numbers are in the same rung as Bush. It is not so much the level of either President's divisiveness, it is that they enter into elections where the electorate is already divided. We are divided. Half are Conservative, Half are Liberal.

Name another American President who has called the opposite party the enemy.

None. Obama, who ran as a "uniter" has done more to "separate" than any other president in history. After all - it's the "Chicago Way".
The original blog post also stated: But Race Is Definitely A Factor - it's just not race alone. Which I've always agreed with. For some it's ideology, for some it's both, for some it's race. We would never have seen the degree and tenacity to which the birther movement dug if he were a white president.

You don't know that, it's pure speculation, besides didn't the Clinton camp start it in the first place.
What did they say about opposition to the likes of Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Allen West, et al,

because you can't speak a word of criticism about them on this board without being called a racist.

When most disagree with Obama, they refer to liberal policies and why they don't work. They say the same things they said about Carter or Clinton.

When the left speaks about Cain, Carson, West, Williams, et al. they call them names that are reserved specifically for blacks. Uncle Tom, puppet, traitor, ventriloquist dummy, etc. They don't talk about their politics and just name call.

The left does not treat white Republicans and minority Republicans the same. They are harder on minority Republicans and belittle them constantly by insinuating that they can't think for themselves.

You are full of shit up to your ears. Show me any thread on this board with any of the above black conservatives you named where the liberals never talked about their politics and only insulted them with racial slurs.

look at joeb's posts for your eyes
The original blog post also stated: But Race Is Definitely A Factor - it's just not race alone. Which I've always agreed with. For some it's ideology, for some it's both, for some it's race. We would never have seen the degree and tenacity to which the birther movement dug if he were a white president.

You don't know that, it's pure speculation, besides didn't the Clinton camp start it in the first place.

If I recall correctly, it was started by an unaffiliated blogger, but was then picked up by the Clinton campaign in the primaries. I was called out over this on another board five years ago when I claimed Hillary started it. I looked into it, and I was wrong. Her campaign just picked it up and ran with it.
The original blog post also stated: But Race Is Definitely A Factor - it's just not race alone. Which I've always agreed with. For some it's ideology, for some it's both, for some it's race. We would never have seen the degree and tenacity to which the birther movement dug if he were a white president.

The OP didn't claim that the article mentioned was 100% correct, only that the media is starting to open its eyes to the fact that opposition to Obama might not be based totally on racism.

The extent to which the article believes racism is the cause is the extent to which the author is a moron.
Race is a factor. If Obama had been white he never would have been elected. But the media and the public jumped on the First Black President meme and wanted to be part of history.

The article shows the break up in the Democrat party. Notice Harry Reid and a lot of Dems are opposing Obama's picks. They smell defeat. And he will become the scapegoat. Watch for stories mentioning him as the first mixed race president.
lol, npr...

NPR = Polite but arrogant talk radio with people who claim to be "journalists" so they can tell you why Democrats = Great and Republicans = Pure evil.
Race is a factor. If Obama had been white he never would have been elected. But the media and the public jumped on the First Black President meme and wanted to be part of history.

The article shows the break up in the Democrat party. Notice Harry Reid and a lot of Dems are opposing Obama's picks. They smell defeat. And he will become the scapegoat. Watch for stories mentioning him as the first mixed race president.

Bingo! When Barry's handlers decided it was time for a supposed "black" man to run, The press jumped in with both feet, painting this half-breed as some "wunderkind" who could part the waters and change water into wine. It was their chance to make history. After all....Jackie Robinson changed baseball, right?

Barry Obama AIN'T no Jackie Robinson. He's a substitute professor that doesn't know the difference between shit and shinola.

Unfortunately, the Press hasn't enough sense to understand that they were played.

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