NPR engaging in racism and anti-Americanism right now on the radio


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I just heard a segment i NPR radio about a black person being hired at the office. Firstly, they’re treating Black people like they’re stupid like they’re not worthy of any kind of a human being. The segment was saying “well if a black person gets hired at the majority white company and there’s another black person. Will they be an ally ?”

It is horrific. How Black people are degraded stupid and unintelligent by white and black far left-wing liberals. It’s pathetic. This is not a representation of what actually occurs in America. Nobody acts like this.

But they got television shows and shows on Netflix where they set up these depictions where it’s one black person working in an office of 40 white people and he encounters “racism”. That doesn’t occur in the real world.

I couldn’t believe what I heard on the NPR segment. Again they’re talking about a black person being hired at an office with majority white workers and another black worker and the question is will the two Black people be at Ally’s? What the hell does that even mean. What happens when a white person gets hired at a Majority black community somewhere in America and then there’s another white person …are they supposed to be Ally’s?

Horrific behavior by NPR radio. I’ll tell you we all know the racists in this country are the black and white far left liberals who treat Black people like they’re stupid.
Another problem is how far left wing Black people claim that they can’t wear their hair how they want at an office without encountering racism. Again these types of far left-wing blacks are treating Black people like they’re stupid

Nobody in this country acts like this. You see all over the country so much love between black and white people. Black folks and white folks wear their hair how they want.

The far left wing constantly makes up viewpoints of other Americans. They invent their views and called them “racist” without any evidence. They are the worst of this country. They represent a tiny portion.

Well, I think there’s a great movement going on in America among Americans of all background to fight back against cancel culture. It’s an amazing thing thank God for it.
The segments on NPR and CNN and MSNBC where rich Black people lie Their asses off are terrible for the country. Imagine what it’s like for a young black kid to watch this trash and then they think to them selves “Why is America so racist.”?
America is not racist.

Only some of its individual residents are.

My children are halfbreeds, they were exposed to every known form of racism before they were 6 years old.

It's not just a black and white thing, it's more pervasive.

Individuals are the only ones who can repair this. The government can't do it, laws don't help.
"Racism" is a trigger word for Liberal leaders and Liberal news stations. Let's be honest here, Liberals are the RACIST ones. Ask Joe Biden. Go back 40 years, this piece of dirt was extremely racist and still is. He panders and kisses to the black race thinking Liberals are all a certain color and keeps them penned in with lying promises just to get their vote.
The TV show Good Times put families of good people on the forefront. My experience working and going into the projects was not that way. In the 1980's and 1990's. If 90% of the people as tenants were that family, the issues we see would 90% less. It is now 2023 and the resources, taxes, extra charges for every way of living in we do to give to others and the issues still exist. That show was the 1970's.

NPR engaging in racism and anti-Americanism right now on the radio​

so change the channel
I just heard a segment i NPR radio about a black person being hired at the office. Firstly, they’re treating Black people like they’re stupid like they’re not worthy of any kind of a human being. The segment was saying “well if a black person gets hired at the majority white company and there’s another black person. Will they be an ally ?”

It is horrific. How Black people are degraded stupid and unintelligent by white and black far left-wing liberals. It’s pathetic. This is not a representation of what actually occurs in America. Nobody acts like this.

But they got television shows and shows on Netflix where they set up these depictions where it’s one black person working in an office of 40 white people and he encounters “racism”. That doesn’t occur in the real world.

I couldn’t believe what I heard on the NPR segment. Again they’re talking about a black person being hired at an office with majority white workers and another black worker and the question is will the two Black people be at Ally’s? What the hell does that even mean. What happens when a white person gets hired at a Majority black community somewhere in America and then there’s another white person …are they supposed to be Ally’s?

Horrific behavior by NPR radio. I’ll tell you we all know the racists in this country are the black and white far left liberals who treat Black people like they’re stupid.

Our tax payer dollars at work.

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