NPR: Tennessee is about to become the 1st state to make camping on public land a felony

Empty the prisons and throw all of the migrants and homeless in them.

Deport all three groups is better. Start arresting employers who hire illegals will shut that down almost overnight.

If you don't like welfare then get used to homelessness in free societies. It's the other side of the coin re 'free markets' and no social safety nets.
Deport all three groups is better. Start arresting employers who hire illegals will shut that down almost overnight.

If you don't like welfare then get used to homelessness in free societies. It's the other side of the coin re 'free markets' and no social safety nets.
Make it a felony to provide government assistance or a paycheck to migrants.
"Public lands" is an awfully broad term. If it were up to me, I would designate CERTAIN public lands.

Portland is absolutely filthy with homeless camps popping up in neighborhood after neighborhood, and they bring great amounts of crime and litter with them. I believe the people IN those neighborhoods have rights, too, especially as they are the ones paying taxes.

Every city has areas of old, abandoned factories, warehouses and underused areas that are non residential. If it were up to me, I would limit the camps to these areas, which would coincide with zoning regulations. People in residential zones should not have to put up with the squalor.
Public land in this case means it was extended to cover town/city parks and other lands owned by municipalities.....Like say a sidewalk.
And the GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates continue to make America more and more wonderful, as in the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world by far. Great job!
And the GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates continue to make America more and more wonderful, as in the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world by far. Great job!
Invite the homeless to take-up quarters in your home then.

I think billeting the homeless in dem homes is a fine idea.
Invite the homeless to take-up quarters in your home then.

I think billeting the homeless in dem homes is a fine idea.
It's all about taxing the rich again and investing in infrastructure again, hater dupe.
It's all about taxing the rich again and investing in infrastructure again, hater dupe.
Put up or shut up.....Me, I turn in every homeless person I see least they take a toehold in my deep red AO. The cops soon move them on too.
You want to criminalize poverty while subsidizing billionaires go ahead; might as well just round them up and toss them in ovens. Public land is actually the place they need to be camping out if too poor to pay outrageous rents on the Third World wages companies feel entitled to pay these days. You cant support 'free markets n stuff' and then criminalize failure, it's stupid and hypocritically contradictory. Employers should be able to call up the police to haul off people who are getting laid off and gas them, apparently. Or harvest their organs like the Red Chinese do, the burn their bodies. That way all the right wingers won't get offended n stuff with reminders their ideological silliness is rubbish.

The percentage of homeless people due to what you call "Third World wage" is miniscule. The vast majority of homelessness is caused by drug abuse, mental health issues, or a combination of both. I know this for a fact because I've worked with them.
The percentage of homeless people due to what you call "Third World wage" is miniscule. The vast majority of homelessness is caused by drug abuse, mental health issues, or a combination of both. I know this for a fact because I've worked with them.
We c9u
The percentage of homeless people due to what you call "Third World wage" is miniscule. The vast majority of homelessness is caused by drug abuse, mental health issues, or a combination of both. I know this for a fact because I've worked with them.
More and more it is rental prices going up and lack of low income housing because the GOP won't tax the rich their fair share and there's no money to invest in infrastructure or Americans so we have the worst poverty and homelessness ever by far. Great job! l
The percentage of homeless people due to what you call "Third World wage" is miniscule. The vast majority of homelessness is caused by drug abuse, mental health issues, or a combination of both. I know this for a fact because I've worked with them.

Most of the homeless ARE working, dumbass, so no, you haven't worked with anybody except the mentally ill, the most visible ones. Most homeless are not visible, they sleep in cars or trucks or RV.s

Wetbacks live 20 to a house or apt., so yeah they aren't 'homeless'.
What people have to remember is that since no one really created any of the land they claim to own, there really is no legal basis to claim ownership of any land.

Humans came from millions of years of evolution on being hunter/gatherers without land ownership.
It is then wrong to start claiming land ownership, without at least preserving something for others.
What people have to remember is that since no one really created any of the land they claim to own, there really is no legal basis to claim ownership of any land.

Humans came from millions of years of evolution on being hunter/gatherers without land ownership.
It is then wrong to start claiming land ownership, without at least preserving something for others.
Great news!!

What's your address, again?
You want to criminalize poverty while subsidizing billionaires go ahead; might as well just round them up and toss them in ovens. Public land is actually the place they need to be camping out if too poor to pay outrageous rents on the Third World wages companies feel entitled to pay these days. You cant support 'free markets n stuff' and then criminalize failure, it's stupid and hypocritically contradictory. Employers should be able to call up the police to haul off people who are getting laid off and gas them, apparently. Or harvest their organs like the Red Chinese do, the burn their bodies. That way all the right wingers won't get offended n stuff with reminders their ideological silliness is rubbish.

Other than public health hazard going to bathroom willy-nilly with no shower or trash removal and on and on and on. your polly-ana rant ain't far off.
Bring back poor farms/houses.....Every county used to have one.....I bet you could still find a "Poor House Road" in most counties where they used to send the indigent.

something like that. But now you need security (or get sued into oblivion), utilities, sq ft per person, separate womens childrens probably. on and on. The Stain would be on it demanding more before the key hit the first lock.
Most illegal camping citing's on the West Coast are only misdemeanors. A felony sure seems extreme. What do you expect. It's a Red State, bucko.

stuff it home O. They make this law but up there in print it said "will not be enforced" like the other law they passed. What good is it? no one knows.

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