Nra/gun rights advocate’s “guns walking.”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

NRA and gun rights fanatics allow “guns to walk” into the hands of criminals, gangs and the insane that has used them to kill 34 Americans each day. They oppose “tracking,” registering them and back ground check with gun control that they have allow to “walk” making “fast and furious” look like a turkey shoot with BB guns.

By the way, Fast and Furious were born out of Operation Wide Receiver.

The guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships, are all symbols of human failure.
Lyndon B. Johnson
The NRA and GOP's Fast and Furious Lies

Most dramatically, with the heartrending burials of 20 innocent first-graders and six of their heroic educators as a backdrop, NRA top lobbyist Wayne LaPierre issued a belligerent and self-pitying demand for yet more weaponry, and the posting of armed guards at every school in America. But as the nation debates Obama’s proposals—and LaPierre’s—it will be important to reexamine the NRA’s greatest PR victory of the last few years: the greatly overworked, shamefully distorted Fast and Furious scandal.

As Fortune reporter Katherine Eban revealed in an outstanding investigation published last summer, much of what Republicans have claimed about the scandal—including the headline-grabbing assertion that the US government intentionally provided guns to Mexican drug cartels—is false. The real story is of an agency sabotaged by the same pro-gun mania which led to the Newtown tragedy.
The NRA and GOP's Fast and Furious Lies | The Nation

NRA and gun rights fanatics allow “guns to walk” into the hands of criminals, gangs and the insane that has used them to kill 34 Americans each day. They oppose “tracking,” registering them and back ground check with gun control that they have allow to “walk” making “fast and furious” look like a turkey shoot with BB guns.

By the way, Fast and Furious were born out of Operation Wide Receiver.

The guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships, are all symbols of human failure.
Lyndon B. Johnson

I wrote a nice, long, involved response to this...

but then I said to myself, "ah fuck it... what's the use...?"

and erased the whole thing...
By the way, Fast and Furious were born out of Operation Wide Receiver.
We already know that, in fact, I already tried to get Liberals to go after GW Bush for that but they won't because they know Obama is knee deep in it as well.

Prosecute Bush for Wide Receiver.
Prosecute Obama for Fast and Furious.
Who trust guns in the hands of their wives to protect her and her kids when you are away. Wouldn’t they be safer with a more secure home with an alarm system and a safe room? Gun don’t always fire when you want them to and is your wife trained to use a gun? My home is secure first and them a gun is only a back-up. No problem with having a gun in your home for protections but if it is locked up, how safe are you to get it for use in an emergency and if it is not how safe are your kids? What if the Alabama woman’s gun had jammed?
So does anyone think murderers, gangs, pimps, drug sellers are going to be getting or selling guns through the legal system? We talk bout all these gun measures as if we think the criminal element get's their guns legally I will offer one suggestion on gun control maybe some in the media should stop putting out maps to the homes of those who legally own guns if I couldn't pass the checks to legally get a gun I would find these maps really helpful in getting one illegally.
I beileve people are so fearful of losing their lives that is become an obsession. If I am so fearful that I feel I need a gun, I am going to go further than owning a gun.

Doomsday Preppers are so fearful of dying they that they spend their lives and money preparing to avoid death in case of the end of the world or a disaster that they let living pass them up. And in the end they die a slow and painful death or take their own lives and the lives of their kids.
gun control has never worked and never will because criminals and nuts do not buy guns legally.

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