NRA opposes Fla move to raise age for rifles to 21, the same age for other firearms.

I think it is a good idea that those under the age of 18 should have some sort of parent undersign their purchase and maybe even parental supervision, but tell me, if no one under 21 can legally buy a gun, how will kids 17.5 years of age enlist into the Army where they will have guns up to the teeth?

Apparently, you have never been in the military. If the military requires you to carry a gun as part of your duties, you will be trained in the proper use and cleaning of the weapon in question, as well as will have it ISSUED TO YOU. No purchase required.

And, you can enlist in the Delayed Entry Program at age 17, but you cannot ship off to boot camp until AFTER your 18th birthday.

I guess you don't read or comprehend too well. Please try harder. HOW OR WHERE did I ever say otherwise or that a kid had to buy his own gun for in the service? And the age to sign up with parental consent is 17.5 years regardless of whenever you enter.

Wrong. You can enlist up to a year in advance in the Delayed Entry Program, and, you can join when you are only 17. How do I know this? Worked at the Military Entrance Processing Station at Amarillo TX from 1999 to 2002 as Leading Petty Officer and Head Classifier.

As far as where did you say kids had to buy their own gun? You kinda implied it when you said this....................

but tell me, if no one under 21 can legally buy a gun, how will kids 17.5 years of age enlist into the Army where they will have guns up to the teeth?

You kinda implied they had to buy their own guns when you asked how a kid would be able to enlist in the military. And, because you implied it in that manner, I simply was telling you that if the military wants you to carry a weapon, they will train the shit out of you so you can do so, and then issue it to you.
I'm an NRA member and have been for DECADES .. I own more guns than most people have IQ points - I dont own an assault rifle and several 40 round clips because I DONT NEED ONE - and theres not an 18 year old kid on the planet that "NEEDS" one for anything other than slaughtering people .. anyone thats 18 and wants an assault rifle to carry around and look bad ass then go join the Marines and BE BAD ASS. They can hook you up with as many rags as you can handle.

The End

An AR 15 isn't an assault rifle.

Hell darling -- let them focus on ARs.. I like the nice wooden gloss on my SKS. They don't need to know how scary that pretty rifle can be...

PS --- babysitting it for a friend in Cali who didn't want it to be confiscated... He's got a problem now with getting it back.. :19:

I do love pretty rifles. Next up a Henry Golden Boy for my birthday.


Here's some tips for you.. THEN have a Harvey WallBanger to celebrate...

Don't scratch it up and do that in reverse order. It's rifle practice --- THEN the WallBanger..
Since we infantilize today's children, let's just move the age of adulthood to 26. No tobacco, alcohol, guns, joining the army, getting married or getting a job and living with mom and dad and mooching on their insurance until 26. That should please the liberals.
The NRA needs to be ignored and pushed past. Leave it in the dust like 'The Moral Majority' and 'Intelligent Design'. Time to stop talking to or about the NRA, just marginalize them into oblivion.
Since we infantilize today's children, let's just move the age of adulthood to 26. No tobacco, alcohol, guns, joining the army, getting married or getting a job and living with mom and dad and mooching on their insurance until 26. That should please the liberals.

Lol. Not a bad idea.
The NRA needs to be ignored and pushed past. Leave it in the dust like 'The Moral Majority' and 'Intelligent Design'. Time to stop talking to or about the NRA, just marginalize them into oblivion.

Are you in favor of doing the same to the ACLU and their advocacy for the 1st amendment? You realize they do the same kind of work, just different amendments don't you?
The NRA needs to be ignored and pushed past. Leave it in the dust like 'The Moral Majority' and 'Intelligent Design'. Time to stop talking to or about the NRA, just marginalize them into oblivion.

Are you in favor of doing the same to the ACLU and their advocacy for the 1st amendment? You realize they do the same kind of work, just different amendments don't you?

The NRA USED to lobby for the Second Amendment.

Now? They are just a lobby for the gun manufacturers to keep the laws concerning their products as lax as possible so they can sell more weapons.

By the way.......................anyone notice that everytime there is a mass shooting like this, people go out and buy guns? Kosher Girl started a thread about buying a new gun today, and so did another member when they started a thread about the new folding pistol they bought. And, you can see it on the news because they report the increase in gun sales.

Hey...................conspiracy's one for you................ever consider that the NRA is secretly funding these school shootings so that they can instill fear and drive up gun sales?

And..................don't be so quick to discount that, because at the opposite side of the spectrum is those conservative idiots who said that Sandy Hook was a false flag.
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.

Conservative legislators have changed driving laws to restrict children from driving other kids to school; yet, the NRA and some pols seem to think someone 18 years old is responsible enough to own a gun capable of killing 17 kids and maiming a dozen or more in a few minutes.

Guns are made to kill human beings and other living creatures. Cars are made to transport people to and fro.
I hate this! One maniac kills kids because the government didn't do what they're supposed to so millions of people lose rights? I'm not liking this. Sad day in America. Sad.

Not one media outlet is pushing for FBI, FL DCF, or Broward County Sheriff reform. None of the kids are, either.

When I was 18, (not right when I turned 18) but a few days after I registered for the draft, I walked into the pawn shop and walked out with a rifle I could afford (after the proper paperwork). It's looking like future 18-year olds in America will not have that freedom, and that really makes me sad for some reason. :(

Not only is the blame not placed where it should be, but Americans lose rights as well.

The root cause of mass shootings is the removal of God from the schools, and lack of discipline.

The government failed to protect citizens in this instance, yet no one is blaming those who dropped the ball? Why not?

A gun is just a tool. We pay government very good money to keep us safe, then they fail to do their job and expect us to give up our rights?

No, I'm not going to ever like that bullshit. Why should everybody else have to pay for what a maniac and the government agents (multiple levels) that should have controlled him and failed did?
They don't need reformed. They need eliminated.
I'm an NRA member and have been for DECADES .. I own more guns than most people have IQ points - I dont own an assault rifle and several 40 round clips because I DONT NEED ONE - and theres not an 18 year old kid on the planet that "NEEDS" one for anything other than slaughtering people .. anyone thats 18 and wants an assault rifle to carry around and look bad ass then go join the Marines and BE BAD ASS. They can hook you up with as many rags as you can handle.

The End

Not true... No 18 yr old wants to see the spring calves EATEN by varmints.. semi auto with fair size clip is the right tool for that job.. ALSO handy for long wilderness hike..

well, I also know several ranchers who raise cattle and sheep some have goats .. lots of fucking goats,

their weapon of choice is a bolt action .222 - .223- . 243 with a variable scope and basically use it for longer range shot out he windows of their truck ... Ive been with a couple of them when they are out checking stock, throw on the brakes, grab their varmint gun off the rack and waste a dog aka coyote .. I have yet to see 15-20 varmints travel in huge packs killing livestock on Texas Ranches.

I'm an NRA member and have been for DECADES .. I own more guns than most people have IQ points - I dont own an assault rifle and several 40 round clips because I DONT NEED ONE - and theres not an 18 year old kid on the planet that "NEEDS" one for anything other than slaughtering people .. anyone thats 18 and wants an assault rifle to carry around and look bad ass then go join the Marines and BE BAD ASS. They can hook you up with as many rags as you can handle.

The End

An AR 15 isn't an assault rifle. A semi has nothing to do with slaughtering people. I have a Mosin Nagant semi. I'm in bear, coyote, cougar and wolf country.

yeah Canada -- where you swear you dont live most of the time.

Liars like you catch themselves more often than not.
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
The kid could not have purchased the weapon without his care takers' knowing. And children shouldnt' be buying guns in the first place. If parents or guardians want them to have them to use, fine.
You’re assuming they didn’t know. Every kid in our family gets their first gun at 12. What’s your new law going to do about that?
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.

then so what ?

if thats what it takes and doesnt make a shit either way, then change the law and make "whoever" happy and quit fighting over nothing.


Then make the age of majority 21 instead of 18

was 21 how old you were when you was a Sr in HS ?

prolly .........
I graduated when I was 17
It's a useless change in the law that will accomplish nothing. It's security theater and nothing more.
The kid could not have purchased the weapon without his care takers' knowing. And children shouldnt' be buying guns in the first place. If parents or guardians want them to have them to use, fine.
You’re assuming they didn’t know. Every kid in our family gets their first gun at 12. What’s your new law going to do about that?

I got a H&R Topper Jr .410 when I was 5.

You know raising the age isn't really going to do much except delaying by 3 years some nut getting a gun. I'm all for the govt putting the ban back in place they had on AR-15's and like but raising the age isn't going to do nothing. Everyone is on a roll right now about guns and a few about protection, I think they better institute the latter first and go after the other later if ever. I stand by metal detector's and armed guards. If they can do it at court houses, airports, sports venues and concerts they can certainly do it for schools.

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