NRA Pissed Off the Wrong Nerd Genius

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The NRA Pissed Off the Wrong Nerd Genius
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg already had the gun lobby in his sights. Now Bill Gates is donating $1 million for universal background checks—and there’s more where that came from.
Somewhere in a large glass tower in Northern Virginia, there’s a guy who runs guns with a French name having a bad day. With good reason.

It was reported Monday that Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and incredibly wealthy guy, and with his wife, Melinda, have given $1 million to Initiative 594 in Washington state. The ballot initiative, if passed by voters on November 4 (and it currently enjoys overwhelming support), will require universal background checks for all firearm purchases in the state.


Its time we all agreed that lives matter and made gun makers and owners accountable. And yes, I own guns. They do not, however, own me.

Those who disagree with Gates ... Well, you'll just have boycott his product. :laugh:
Smart man. Throwing away $1 million for the tax write off. he might as well bought every crackhead in DC a hundred dollar rock and in the end, I'll still be able to buy as many guns and as much ammunition as I want to.
I love when the billionaire moonbats throw money at lost causes.

Maybe he'll douse himself with gasoline and set himself on fire too.

I love it when liberals make a real political statement. :biggrin:
too bad the left isn't as worried over groups such as PP like they freak out on NRA all the time
He's worth $79 billion and all he can manage to squeeze out is $1 million? He must not be too serious about it.
too bad the left isn't as worried over groups such as PP like they freak out on NRA all the time

Maybe that's because well basically, liberals are cowards. They half-heartedly attack legitimate and legal gun owners in this country, knowing damned well they'll never change anything.

But when it comes to murdering defenseless unborn children, their body count rivals the Gruppenfuhrers of the Nazi death camps and the Kommisars of the Russian Gulags.

Being the cowards they are, they can only murder babies, and not armed citizens. Furthermore, the whole purpose of the Second Amendment, was to prevent tyrants like liberals/progressives/Democrats from gaining any real control over the free people of this country. God bless the founders of this nation, they certainly knew what we were in for.
"The ballot initiative, if passed by voters on November 4 (and it currently enjoys overwhelming support), will require universal background checks for all firearm purchases in the state."

UBC has been upheld as Constitutional in Colorado.
too bad the left isn't as worried over groups such as PP like they freak out on NRA all the time

Maybe that's because well basically, liberals are cowards. They half-heartedly attack legitimate and legal gun owners in this country, knowing damned well they'll never change anything.

But when it comes to murdering defenseless unborn children, their body count rivals the Gruppenfuhrers of the Nazi death camps and the Kommisars of the Russian Gulags.

Being the cowards they are, they can only murder babies, and not armed citizens. Furthermore, the whole purpose of the Second Amendment, was to prevent tyrants like liberals/progressives/Democrats from gaining any real control over the free people of this country. God bless the founders of this nation, they certainly knew what we were in for.

all the truth spoken in that dear. :eusa_clap:
"The ballot initiative, if passed by voters on November 4 (and it currently enjoys overwhelming support), will require universal background checks for all firearm purchases in the state."

UBC has been upheld as Constitutional in Colorado.

We need UBC for voting too
Maybe he'll douse himself with gasoline and set himself on fire too.

I love it when liberals make a real political statement. :biggrin:

Jonestown style mass suicides work great as well. We need one of those everyday.


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