NRA thread - pro and con

Reads like most any USMB Lib vs Con thread.

Both sides call each other Hitler before the second page.
There was a time when most US presidents (including democrats) were members of the NRA. JFK was a life member. The NRA hasn't changed but the democrat party sure has.
How to Beat the NRA In 7 Not-So-Easy Steps | Politics News | Rolling Stone

The NRA remains one of the most formidable forces in American political life. But it is not bulletproof. Since the massacres in Aurora and Newtown, states from New York and Maryland to Colorado and California have made modest progress against the gun lobby, passing a raft of new laws aimed at reducing gun violence. There are sharp lessons to be learned from these victories, and even more important ones to be gleaned from the playbook of the NRA itself. The seven strategies below can empower gun-control advocates to stop bemoaning their helplessness, and start carrying the day.

Read more: How to Beat the NRA In 7 Not-So-Easy Steps | Politics News | Rolling Stone
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Read the list at the link.
There was a time when most US presidents (including democrats) were members of the NRA. JFK was a life member. The NRA hasn't changed but the democrat party sure has.

I was a member for years.

I didn't change but the NRA sure did.
How did the NRA change? From what I can see, the NRA and the 2nd amendment foundation are the two groups standing in the way of more,and more silly gun control laws...without the efforts,of the NRA we wouldn't have the ability to own and carry guns the way we do today...
NRA?s ?Everyone Gets A Gun? plan: Kids must pass shooting tests to advance in school

NRA commentator Billy Johnson this week proposed that children be forced to learn shooting skills in order to graduate as part of a plan to enact “gun-required zones” in the United States, and use taxpayer money to subsidize firearm purchases.

In a video title “Everyone Gets A Gun” that was released on Monday, Johnson complains that U.S. gun policy was focused on limiting access to firearms.


“We don’t have a U.S. gun policy. We have a U.S. anti-gun policy,” the NRA commentator continued. “Gun policy driven by people’s need for guns would seek to encourage people to keep and bear arms at all times. Maybe it would even reward those who do so. What if instead of gun free-zones we had gun-required zones?”

In order to make his plan work, Johnson said that children would need to be introduced to firearms at a young age.

“Just like we teach them reading and writing, necessary skills. We would teach shooting and firearm competency,” he explained. “It wouldn’t matter if a child’s parents weren’t good at it. We’d find them a mentor. It wouldn’t matter if they didn’t want to learn. We would make it necessary to advance to the next grade.”

Johnson also suggested that the government would have to “subsidize” the purchase of guns like it did with food, education, and health care.

“I mean, perhaps we would have government ranges where you could shoot for free or a yearly allotment of free ammunition,” he said. “Gun policy, driven by our need for guns would protect equal access to guns, just like we protect equal access to voting, and due process, and free speech.”

Johnson concluded by lamenting that even Second Amendment advocates “can’t fathom a world where we would treat guns as a need.”

Read the rest, watch the video at the link.

Kiss your freedom goodbye.

What is your point here? Do you have one?

I can wait

Oh- In case you missed this tidbit of news. Another failure for the looney anti-gun movement


Federal judge rules DC ban on handguns unconstitutional

(Reuters) - A federal judge on Saturday overturned Washington D.C.'s ban on carrying handguns outside the home, saying it was unconstitutional.

"There is no longer any basis on which this Court can conclude that the District of Columbia's total ban on the public carrying of ready-to-use handguns outside the home is constitutional under any level of scrutiny," Judge Frederick Scullin said in an opinion.

"Therefore, the Court finds that the District of Columbia's complete ban on the carrying of handguns in public is

unconstitutional," he added in his 19-page ruling.
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The biggest pro, in my opinion, concerning the NRA is the training that they have provided for tens of thousands of shooters.

That training has been drastically reduce due to the portrayal of all guns as evil. Pity about that.
I think the article was done tongue in cheek? You could substitute ANY Liberal cause for "guns" in that article and you'd have the Lefty Game Plan.

"Demonstrating Absurdity by Being Absurd".

Then again, time was that ALL kids had to learn to shoot as young as possible because of the dangers of the Frontier.

That's not needed anymore as our Modern Cities are Clean and virtually Crime Free!
I think the article was done tongue in cheek? You could substitute ANY Liberal cause for "guns" in that article and you'd have the Lefty Game Plan.

"Demonstrating Absurdity by Being Absurd".

Then again, time was that ALL kids had to learn to shoot as young as possible because of the dangers of the Frontier.

That's not needed anymore as our Modern Cities are Clean and virtually Crime Free!

Indeed. Its the same fish wrapper that put out this POS. LMAO

The 5 Most Dangerous Guns in America Pictures - Deadly Weapons | Rolling Stone

I'll give you a hint... pistol...

F grade for accurate journalism ..

35 years ago, when I was a Boy Scout, an NRA instructor gave the both the gun safety course and the range safety course.

Took my Hunters Safety Course from an NRA instructor...twice.

All my nieces and nephews got Eddie Eagle gun safety courses at no charge, funded and taught by the NRA.

My conceal carry course was taught by an NRA certified instructor who was also the county sheriff.

The NRA protects a right enshrined in the Bill of Rights just below freedom of expression, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.
Bottom line:

If it wasn't for the efforts of the NRA, we would have lost all rights to firearms a long time ago.

Time to send them some more money.

I concur.

I'll send them a portion of the tax money I saved when I left Maryland behind forever.
There was a time when most US presidents (including democrats) were members of the NRA. JFK was a life member. The NRA hasn't changed but the democrat party sure has.

I was a member for years.

I didn't change but the NRA sure did.

How did the NRA change? NRA officials used to stress safe handling of weapons. Does the NRA encourage the careless use of firearms today? Read the NRA publication "The American Rifleman". It's full of technical information and sporting events and always the safe handling of firearms. Is that different from the past? The government used to partner with the NRA to run the civilian marksmanship operation. Now the government has turned a 180 and refuses to endorse the shooting sports. The hypocrisy of the left is stunning. The left preaches tolerance for convicted criminals and insane persons and they are the people responsible for mass shootings. Be honest, can you claim that any of the recent mass shooters were members of the NRA? They were liberals who have either gone crazy or been taught that American citizens are legitimate targets.
The biggest pro, in my opinion, concerning the NRA is the training that they have provided for tens of thousands of shooters.

That training has been drastically reduce due to the portrayal of all guns as evil. Pity about that.

As a kid, I mostly learned from my dad but I do remember a gun safety class given by the NRA and getting a patch for completion.

In answer to the question of how its changed, those classes were not required in order for me to pass a grade in school. We were not forced to have, own, use a gun and you sure as hell didn't see nutters with assault rifles hanging out in retail stores, churches, schools, etc.

NRA is stirring up fear with the nutters so they'll buy more guns.
How did the NRA change? From what I can see, the NRA and the 2nd amendment foundation are the two groups standing in the way of more,and more silly gun control laws...without the efforts,of the NRA we wouldn't have the ability to own and carry guns the way we do today...

It went from being about firearms education and advocacy for Second Amendment rights to a political wing of the GOP pursuing an extreme rightwing agenda having nothing to do with firearms education and advocacy for Second Amendment rights.

I'm still a member, AR is an excellent publication – save the idiotic rightwing partisan ads and articles.

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