Nuclear Deal With Iran Officially Takes Effect


Jun 18, 2015
Obama's nuclear deal with Iran officially goes into effect today *Applause*

Here's a brief excerpt:

"On Sunday, the nuclear deal with Iran goes into effect.

Neither Iran's recent military buildup in Syria nor its decision to test ballistic missiles in violation of a UN ban or even its continued detention of three American prisoners on what the Obama administration calls trumped-up charges will stand in the way of the nuclear deal from going forward."

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Granny says, "Dat's okay, we shouldn't be negotiatin' with them either - leave dey's butts under sanctions...

Khamenei: 'Negotiation With America is Forbidden'
October 21, 2015 - As the Iran nuclear agreement formally began earlier this week, the Islamic regime posted a Twitter message highlighting a recent declaration by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei prohibiting negotiations with the United States.
The illustrated tweet, posted the day before the nuclear deal’s “adoption day” on Sunday, quoted excerpts from a speech Khamenei delivered to Islamic Revolution Guards Corps navy commanders and families on October 7. “For America negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran means penetration. This is their definition of negotiation and they want to open the way for imposition,” it said. “Negotiation with America is forbidden, because of its countless detriments and because of alleged advantages of which it has none whatsoever.”

Khamenei’s prohibition comes after – and despite – some 20 months of negotiations between Iran, the U.S. and five other powers that produced the controversial agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) last July. The speech, posted on an official website, was one of several over recent months to warn young Iranians in particular that America and other foes were seeking to use the nuclear deal as an opening to infiltrate the country with their cultural influences and destroy Iran’s Islamic values. “[Iran’s enemies] want to change both revolutionary and religious thoughts and the ideas that are related to the interests of the country,” Khamenei said. “Of course, we are aware of their activities and we know exactly what they are doing. And youth are the main target.”

Khamenei drew a clear distinction between negotiating with the U.S. – labeled “the Great Satan” – and doing so with other countries. “We negotiate with certain governments. We negotiate with European governments, with Latin American governments. All these things are negotiations. We have no problems with negotiation,” he said. “We negotiate with them and we have no problems with that, but for America negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran means penetration. This is their definition of negotiation and they want to open the way for imposition.” Accusing the U.S. of collaborating with “the Zionist orientation,” he said that negotiating with the Americans “means opening the way for their penetration in economic, cultural, political and security areas.”

Iran already tryin' to wriggle outta nuclear agreement...

Khamenei: Any Sanctions Will Violate Nuclear Deal and End Iran’s Compliance
October 22, 2015 – Iran will consider any sanctions imposed upon it during the next eight years, including those relating to human rights and terrorism concerns, to be a violation of the nuclear agreement and will as a result stop complying with the deal, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared Wednesday.
In a letter to President Hasan Rouhani, Khamenei delivered his verdict on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached last July between Iran, the U.S. and five other powers, and laid down his conditions for acceptance. “During the eight-year period imposition of any sanctions at any level and under any pretexts (including the repeated and fabricated pretexts of terrorism and human rights) by any of the negotiating countries [the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany] will be considered a violation of the JCPOA,” he wrote. This would therefore oblige the government to “stop JCPOA activities,” he added.

Khamenei’s condition appears to be a direct contradiction of the Obama administration’s insistence that non-nuclear sanctions will not be lifted under the JCPOA. A White House document on the key provisions of the deal adds a parenthetical note saying. “Note: U.S. statutory sanctions focused on Iran’s support for terrorism, human rights abuses, and missile activities will remain in effect and continue to be enforced.” Speaking in Vienna on the day the agreement was reached, Secretary of State John Kerry emphasized that “a number of U.S. sanctions will remain in place, including those related to terrorism, human rights, and ballistic missiles.”

Seeking congressional support for the deal, Kerry made the point again in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee nine days later, telling the panel that “U.S. sanctions related to human rights, terrorism, and ballistic missiles will remain in place.” Another stipulation laid down by Khamenei in the letter to Rouhani is that U.S. and European Union sanctions must be terminated, not merely suspended. He wrote that the “removal of unjust economic and financial sanctions” was Iran’s objective in entering the talks. Therefore Tehran’s compliance with the agreement would be tied to “guarantees,” including a written declaration by the American president and the E.U. “that these sanctions will be fully lifted.”

That condition appears to be at odds with the JCPOA text itself. Paragraph 21 states that when the agreement is implemented, the U.S. “will cease the application” of the nuclear-related sanctions. Only after eight years will the U.S. take the necessary steps to “terminate” those sanctions, the agreement says in paragraph 23. (The eight-year period referred to in Khamenei’s letter and in the JCPOA itself began on the agreement’s formal “adoption day” on Oct. 18. Eight years after “adoption day” is “transition day,” when the International Atomic Energy Agency concludes that “all nuclear material in Iran remains in peaceful activities.” The IAEA may reach that conclusion earlier, in which case “transition day” will be brought forward. Once “transition day” is reached, Iran is allowed to begin updating some of its nuclear equipment and facilities.)

‘Boring negotiations’ and ‘flip-flopping’
Granny says, "Dat's right - Chamberlain showed appeasement doesn't work...

Cruz Compares Obama's Nuke Deal to Neville Chamberlain's Munich Pact
December 11, 2015 | President Obama’s handling of the Iranian nuclear deal is akin to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of Nazi Germany in the 1938 Munich Pact, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told an audience at the Heritage Foundation in Washington on Thursday.
“I believe today we are at a moment like Munich in 1938,” Cruz said. “That President Obama has returned from Geneva, returned from agreeing to give over $100 billion to the Ayatollah Khamenei, promising like Neville Chamberlain peace in our time. “If history teaches anything, giving hundreds of billions of dollars, strengthening homicidal maniacs who intend to murder you, has never, ever, ever worked out well,” Cruz said. The Republican presidential candidate went on to decry Obama’s current handling of foreign policy, which he said has made the administration of former President Jimmy Carter look like a success in comparison. “After two terms of an Obama-Clinton foreign policy so disastrous it makes the Carter administration look good, we are in a desperate need once again for clarity,” Cruz said.

Cruz slammed the president for refusing to acknowledge America’s enemy, accusing Obama of acting as an “apologist” for radical Islamic terrorism. “He’s chosen not to confront the actual enemy. He’s chosen not to call the attacks in Fort Hood or Little Rock or Boston or Chattanooga concerted acts of radical Islamic terrorism,” Cruz said. “He spent a significant portion of his Sunday address as an apologist for radical Islamic terrorism,” Cruz said in reference to the president’s speech on the administration’s counterterrorism strategy following the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001. “In this context, it raises the specter that Americans will be labeled as bigots if they dare utter the world ‘Islam’ in connection with a terrorist attack.”

However, the Texas senator also criticized both parties for wanting to restrict Americans’ liberties to combat terrorism, pointing out that many Republicans want the government to collect a reckless amount of Americans’ personal records, while many Democrats want to restrict their use of firearms through gun control. “In addition to those voices on the right who are suggesting sweeping aside citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights, there are voices on the left who are taking the same approach and want us to voluntarily surrender our Second Amendment rights,” Cruz said. “Both of these approaches are misguided,” he declared. “When the focus of law enforcement and national security is on law-abiding citizens rather than targeting the bad guys, we miss the bad guys while violating the constitutional rights of American citizens.”

Cruz advocated securing the border, engaging in limited records collection, and restricting refugee access to those coming from “terror-ridden” countries. “We should not shy away from smarter policies that enhance our ability to target the bad guys while protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens,” he said.

Cruz Compares Obama's Nuke Deal to Neville Chamberlain's Munich Pact
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