Nuclear Force Vulnerability

No that would give away the location of the sub, they like to remain hidden for obvious reasons. Once it's launched a nuclear missile is on it's own. Think about the environment of a nuclear war. A nuclear detonation produces an EM pulse that fries electronics for a considerable distance. The first detonations would destroy any missiles in flight. Radio is useless in a nuclear war.
About 6 years ago, news spread widely about how a rocket was fired from a Russian submarine from the Caspian Sea at ISIS in Syria. It was a cruise missile.
About 6 years ago, news spread widely about how a rocket was fired from a Russian submarine from the Caspian Sea at ISIS in Syria. It was a cruise missile.
Cruise missiles have been around for quite some time now. There is no reliable defense against them.
No modern nuclear missile whatever the type is vulnerable to electronic countermeasures. The supposed weakness you think you have found was solved 40-50 years ago. They can all take hard EM pulses without malfunction.
I think cruise missiles can be easily paralyzed by simply turning on the wavelength emitters of a certain range.

That is why they are not banned by the UN
I think cruise missiles can be easily paralyzed by simply turning on the wavelength emitters of a certain range.

That is why they are not banned by the UN
Perhaps but you would have to find them first. They fly at treetop level and are gone over the horizon before you even realize they are there. Radio only works by line of sight.
As far as I understand, the bulk of the nuclear force is concentrated in warheads mounted on radio-controlled missiles.

Totally wrong.

Ballistic missiles trajectory data is loaded before launch, they are able to correct trajectories with on board computers ... no in-flight external communication is required.

Even cruise missiles, that continuously update their position in-flight make on-board flight corrections.
Perhaps but you would have to find them first. They fly at treetop level and are gone over the horizon before you even realize they are there. Radio only works by line of sight.
No, this is a fully radio controlled flight
Totally wrong.

Ballistic missiles trajectory data is loaded before launch, they are able to correct trajectories with on board computers ... no in-flight external communication is required.

Even cruise missiles, that continuously update their position in-flight make on-board flight corrections.
I heard that some of the ballistic missiles adjust their flight at the time of landing. At the very least, this can affect the accuracy of the defeat.
And any missiles that are put the projectile on the trajectory before the free flying of projectile
are still controlled by radio. Therefore, it is also possible that by turning on powerful sources of radiation, the enemy also paralyzes the launch of missiles.
Probably submarines have an advantage in launching ballistic missiles, since a short distance gives greater accuracy without radio correction. But Submarines themselves are an easy target.
As far as I understand, the bulk of the nuclear force is concentrated in warheads mounted on radio-controlled missiles. Consequently, jamming radio control will completely paralyze nuclear forces. It is possible that these are pure bluffs already now, and they have no real potential.
You are an idiot. There is no radio control over ICBMs. What a fucking moron!
Probably submarines have an advantage in launching ballistic missiles, since a short distance gives greater accuracy without radio correction. But Submarines themselves are an easy target.
Yeah, such an easy target! Know-nothing, blabbermouth Russian bot is what you are!
According to Izvestia, there are only 10 nuclear ballistic submarines in the Russian Federation, and the total number of nuclear submarines is 40

(ru lang)

What is the alignment in the USA?
None of your fucking business!
As far as I understand, they distinguish 2 classes of missiles: ballistic and cruise. I don't know by what criteria they are divided, but only ballistic missiles fall under UN sanctions.
Sanctions? What sanctions?

Are you trying to be wrong on everything you post in this thread, because you are doing an excellent job convincing people that you are an Eastern European brand of idiot!
Admiral Rockwell Tory
I know that you are not a military man and you are a fool. Just fuck off
Not a military man, huh? 23 years active and reserve service in the Navy, qualified submariner on a ballistic missile submarine, and qualified surface warfare officer on a guided missile cruiser. I served on a destroyer tender, ballistic missile submarine, aircraft carrier, two guided missile cruisers, and an amphibious assault carrier. I have spent the past not quite 4 years working for the US Army. You are the one who needs to STFU because all that comes in your posts are lies.
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