Nugent apologizes for using term 'subhuman mongrel'

I wouldn't try to hold him to the rules too closely. He's not smart enough. And I don't call many people names so I like to have him around to call a fucktard.
"I do apologize — not necessarily to the President — but on behalf of much better men than myself, like the best governor in America, Gov. Rick Perry, the best attorney general in America . . . Greg Abbott" of Texas, he told conservative talk show host Ben Ferguson, CNN reported.

Read Latest Breaking News from Nugent Apologizes for Calling Obama 'Subhuman Mongrel'

Liberfools, now that you got your apology do you all feeeeeeel better now and good ole Uncle Ted is back in your good graces. you folks do love an apologist don't you ? besides CNN reported it so there is back to back home runs.., RIGHT ?

why are Republicans and conservatives always the ones to apologize? everyone on the RIGHT is forced to apologize. YET, NO ONE on the left or progressives ever apologizes.

is there a reason for that ?? if so WHY ??
I would feel better if you people would quit idolizing bigoted retards who are continually getting in trouble for running off at the mouth. What happened to the old style conservative that was a stuffy ivy league twit in a $1000 suit? I could at least understand listening to them.
"I do apologize — not necessarily to the President — but on behalf of much better men than myself, like the best governor in America, Gov. Rick Perry, the best attorney general in America . . . Greg Abbott" of Texas, he told conservative talk show host Ben Ferguson, CNN reported.

Read Latest Breaking News from Nugent Apologizes for Calling Obama 'Subhuman Mongrel'

Liberfools, now that you got your apology do you all feeeeeeel better now and good ole Uncle Ted is back in your good graces. you folks do love an apologist don't you ? besides CNN reported it so there is back to back home runs.., RIGHT ?

why are Republicans and conservatives always the ones to apologize? everyone on the RIGHT is forced to apologize. YET, NO ONE on the left or progressives ever apologizes.

is there a reason for that ?? if so WHY ??

Hey, you ever think? that it could be the stupid shit that Rethugs do and say that puts them in a position where they need to say they are sorry for being so fucking stupid.

But I know you consider myself as some sort of left winger. So let me apologize to you.

I am so sorry that you are so fucking stupid that you have sided with the Republicans of this country. Why do you support people who do not have you best interest in mind?
I would feel better if you people would quit idolizing bigoted retards who are continually getting in trouble for running off at the mouth. What happened to the old style conservative that was a stuffy ivy league twit in a $1000 suit? I could at least understand listening to them.

ok you first with Obama and the whole Democrat/progressive/Commie party
I still cant figure out the rant that pisses off everyone except the sub human part
I would feel better if you people would quit idolizing bigoted retards who are continually getting in trouble for running off at the mouth. What happened to the old style conservative that was a stuffy ivy league twit in a $1000 suit? I could at least understand listening to them.

ok you first with Obama and the whole Democrat/progressive/Commie party

Matthew 7:5
I still cant figure out the rant that pisses off everyone except the sub human part

It's not like we have not heard from Mr. Nugent before, he says over-the-top shit that gets people angry and the more sadistic conservatives cheer, not necessarily for what he says but for how liberals react to his bullshit. He's a terrible reflection on your political motivations, there's more to politics than shocking people into outrage.
lol, more sadistic conservatives cheer

holy smokes

yet Bill Maher a million dollar donor to Obama can call women Vice Presidents cxxts and we hear it justified by, he is a comedian after all...

you can only laugh at the dramatic in a liberal if they weren't so dangerous to your FREEDOMS OF SPEECH and all this over some man who is President
This is what the left/progressives have in store for YOUr FREEDOMS of speech folks

[ame=]Krauthammer's Take: FCC Newsroom Study Latest Effort 'to Trample on What Rights are Remaining' - YouTube[/ame]

Nugent is but a stepping stone for them in it all
lol, more sadistic conservatives cheer

holy smokes

yet Bill Maher a million dollar donor to Obama can call women Vice Presidents cxxts and we hear it justified by, he is a comedian after all...

you can only laugh at the dramatic in a liberal if they weren't so dangerous to your FREEDOMS OF SPEECH and all this over some man who is President

I fucking despise Bill Maher for the same reason, saying foolish shit just to shock people into outrage is a sadistic tendency that I feel has no place in political commentary. Meanness for the sake of meanness may appeal to some on both sides but we all know it is counter-productive. I admire calm rationalism or honest righteous outrage rather than that kind of trolling behavior.
No. Just means now no one can trust what Nugent says anymore since if enough people disagree with him he'll flipflop like a whiny bitch.
Nugent apologizes for using term 'subhuman mongrel

Proof he isn't a progressive
Nugent did not apologize.

lol, more sadistic conservatives cheer

holy smokes

yet Bill Maher a million dollar donor to Obama can call women Vice Presidents cxxts and we hear it justified by, he is a comedian after all...

you can only laugh at the dramatic in a liberal if they weren't so dangerous to your FREEDOMS OF SPEECH and all this over some man who is President

I fucking despise Bill Maher for the same reason, saying foolish shit just to shock people into outrage is a sadistic tendency that I feel has no place in political commentary. Meanness for the sake of meanness may appeal to some on both sides but we all know it is counter-productive. I admire calm rationalism or honest righteous outrage rather than that kind of trolling behavior.

Can't compare Maher to Nugent/Limbaugh because D's don't idolize him or use him as a spokesman for the party. Maher has never been invited to a SOTU address, doesn't control Boehner like Limbaugh does. No Dem presidential candidate has sought out the support of Maher or appeared with him on stage as Mitt and Huckabee did with Nugent.

Maher is a pundit, comedian, entertainer. By very low standards, so are Nugent and Limbaugh but the Republicans hold them out as standard bearers for their party.
lol, D's don't IDIOLIZE Maher or use him as a spokesperson

unbelievable..D's are just a saintly people
Because throat fucking 13 year old girls? That just doesn't qualify for a pedo in conservaville. Unless of course you are Roman Polanski.

And Ted?

Should be a spokesperson for Depends.

Because no one knows shitting in his Uncle Teddy.

Are you saying that you're so stupid you believe the demagoguery your filthy party puts out?

Come on, even you can't be THAT dumb.

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