Number One Clinton Foundation Donor Traded With Iran While Hilary Was SOS

...this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

"racist" ? i did not know liberscum qualified as a race.., but you just might have something there.

you can leave any time, here is my personal invite to go elsewhere, TAKE A FUCKING HIKE YOU :asshole: LIBERSCUM.

:up_yours: .............. :asshole: ... liberfool.
...this knight needs some amusement.

and you are getting plenty of it, Mr. or is it Miss happy joy is is as qweer as they come, by the name alone we all know which way the uppity little bitch swings.

i'll join you in this clowns amusing rhetoric.

speaking of clowns, i wonder when will she don the clown face as all the other freedom haters have. :up:
And Interpipe's violation was about $800k. Orders of magnitude too small to meet the threshold for any violation the State Department pursued sanction against.

By the way it isn't not by how much they exceeded the the cap amount. If the total sale exceeds $1 million, they are liable. That's one big hole in your argument.

Laughing....the difference between your claims being wrong by 3 orders of magnitude or 4 orders is a 'big hole' in my argument? I think the words you're looking for is 'virtually irrelevant'. Even if it it were 1.8 mil.....that's still orders of magnitude below the minimum level that the State Department takes action on. As the lowest violation that the State Department ever pursued sanctions was half a BILLION dollars.

That's billion. With a B.

With 800k or 1.8 mil being chump change in comparison. And neither being anywhere close to the level that the State Department used as its theshold of sanction for ANY company. Including Interpipe.

Once again, your argument breaks with this simple fact. As you can't establish any preferential treatment. All you can do is assume it, which means nothing.

Moreover, given the ties between Hillary and Pinchuk over the past decade, it can stand to reason that she did in fact treat Pinchuk favorably in exchange for donations.

Nope. That's merely your assumption, based on jack shit. You've already admitted that you can't factually back the claim. Meaning that you've jumped the gun again, offering us conclusions that the evidence clearly doesn't support. Which are meaningless.

No non US-company was held to sanctions below half a billion dollars. In any country, in any industry, with or without donations made by their owners to any charity, anywhere. Interpipe was held to the same standard as everyone else.

You really need to work on separating your accusations from the evidence. Because you keep trying to treat them like they're interchangable. And I keep having to call you on it.

This isn't a court of law sweetie are you employed by the Clintons? all this cover up is hurting Hilary as it should. The Clintons are corrupt to the core. Hilary's trustworthy numbers are dropping like a rock.
heres the clincher .... Hillary was not associated with the foundation when she was SOS. She didn't join the foundation until 2013 after she left the office.

keep trying rubes, maybe you'll eventually hang her.

So donations for a foundation she's not associated with that don't personally benefit her or any member of her family are 'bribery'?

Yeah, that dog won't hunt.

She's not associated with the Clinton Foundation? Man, that takes an intentional kind of blindness and gullibility that I just can't fathom.

She didn't join the Clinton Foundation until after she left office as SOS. Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by months and years.

She's married to the man who created it. How can she possibly be "not associated with it?" It's common property. Everything he owns she also owns.

psst. It's not his money.

That's a legal fiction. Who decides how the money is spent?
I guess this disqualifies her in the race for POTUS. Who are the dumbs going to run now??
I guess Martin O'Malley come on down.

Enemies of Hillary Clinton waiting to discredit her bid for the White House are likely to seize on news that one of the biggest benefactors to the Clinton Foundation has been trading with Iran and may be in breach of US sanctions imposed on the country.

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

I think this is going to be another 'beltway scandal' that the public in general really doesn't give a fiddler's fuck about. Like the email server. And the reason? Neither Hillary nor Bill benefit financially from donations to the Clinton Foundation. Its a philanthopic non-profit. And neither draws a salary or makes money through the organization.

Stripping the narrative of most of its teeth. As its reduced to 'Ukrainian Oligarch gives money to charity".
Did you happen to see the items of the expenses the Clintons listed on their tax papers? Someone posted it in another thread about only 15% of the donations going to the charity itself. Of course they didn't benefit. What a joke.

Bullshit. According to the foundation's 2013 annual report

88% went to programs, 12% went to management and fund raising expenses.
Just saw a breaking news e-mail from CNN that the foundation is in the process of re-doing 5 tax returns. The SOBs are trying to stay out of jail.
If hilabeast were a Republican, she'd be in jail by now.

on what charge?

Corruption, violating her oath of office, accepting bribes. Many politicians have gone to jail for less.

Name one. Remember, the State Department's policy for Interpipe was the same for every other company. No company, of any size, in any country, in any industry was sanctioned for less than a 500 million violation. Interpipe's violation was 800k.

How can you claim 'bribery' without preferential treatment? How can you claim 'corruption' without preferential treatment?

This key component of both bribery and corruption is undeniably missing. And without, corruption and bribery narratives simply don't work.
So donations for a foundation she's not associated with that don't personally benefit her or any member of her family are 'bribery'?

Yeah, that dog won't hunt.

She's not associated with the Clinton Foundation? Man, that takes an intentional kind of blindness and gullibility that I just can't fathom.

She didn't join the Clinton Foundation until after she left office as SOS. Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by months and years.

She's married to the man who created it. How can she possibly be "not associated with it?" It's common property. Everything he owns she also owns.

psst. It's not his money.

That's a legal fiction. Who decides how the money is spent?

The person running the Foundation, most directly. As of today, Donna Shalala. Which isn't Clinton. Clinton is merely a voice on the Board. One among many.

He doesn't earn a penny from the Foundation.

You're offering us innuendo. Not actual evidence of wrong doing.
Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt.

Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.

Uhm, you think it's bullshit that the Clinton's, while in power, allegedly took money from foreign donors in exchange for favors? There is virtually no distinction between the Clinton's personal wealth and their charity, The Clinton Foundation. C'mon.. $250,000,000, for speeches?

This story has legs...
...this is one of the most racist spaces on the internet I've seen in quite sometime. Seriously, it's kind of disgusting.

"racist" ? i did not know liberscum qualified as a race.., but you just might have something there.

you can leave any time, here is my personal invite to go elsewhere, TAKE A FUCKING HIKE YOU :asshole: LIBERSCUM.

:up_yours: .............. :asshole: ... liberfool.

And again, I have to ask, this qualifies as debate? There's a shit ton of racism on this board. You've got the guy with the Hitler avatar, another one where the Obamas are made to look like monkeys and of know...all that hatred towards minorities strewn throughout many threads. If that bothers you...oh well.
There's a shit ton of racism on this board.

But none in this thread.

True, this was handled a long time ago. A conservative calling Clinton "Hitlery" because like someone did in this thread is ironic and that was where my mention of racism came from. Anyway, I really don't want to derail the thread anymore.
Good. This board is amazingly accepting of diverse opinions. The amount of anti semitism, racism etc etc that gets posted is huge. It is a good microcosm of society. If we want free speech we have to accept the consequences. I'm fine with racists, etc posting I can either demonstrate how stupid they are or ignore then if they are time wasters. You can too. But I appreciate having the option and not having mods censor people.

As for Hillary, if she were any other candidate she'd be gone. The powers in the Democrat party would have told her to withdraw. BUt since they have no one else remotely close they think can win they are tied to her like a tar baby. Hillary is leading the party to an epic defeat.
A conservative calling Clinton "Hitlery" because like someone did in this thread is ironic and that was where my mention of racism came from.

But comparing someone to Hitler is not racist, it is a comparison to a murderous totalitarian megalomaniac. Totally different meaning. Oh don't get me wrong, comparing anyone to Hitler is a low blow, but it isn't racist.
Anyway, I really don't want to derail the thread anymore.

Here's the door.

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