Number One Clinton Foundation Donor Traded With Iran While Hilary Was SOS

Has a law been broken?
Probably. Why? Is that the only standard for public officials? I f they break laws then theyre bad, if they dont everything is OK? Or do they need to be indicted for it to count? Or do they need to be convicted for it to count? Or does it depend on whether its a Democrat or Republican?
Has a law been broken?
Probably. Why? Is that the only standard for public officials? I f they break laws then theyre bad, if they dont everything is OK? Or do they need to be indicted for it to count? Or do they need to be convicted for it to count? Or does it depend on whether its a Democrat or Republican?

Probably? Great answer.

You don't know a thing about what happened here. Why are you so quick to judge?

I'm going to do what I always do. Wait until I know what happened. That's what adults do.
Just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. This might bring the Clinton train to a halt.

Um, won't. It's ridiculous to think it would based solely on the idea that you just want it to. 2016 is a long way away, this little bullshit story changes nothing.
:cuckoo: :bs1:

Remind me in 6 months when Clinton is still leading the GOP field how crazy I am.

Well, I'll remind you of this... you guys were all but moving her into the WH before the 2008 primaries.

How'd that work out?
Has a law been broken?
Probably. Why? Is that the only standard for public officials? I f they break laws then theyre bad, if they dont everything is OK? Or do they need to be indicted for it to count? Or do they need to be convicted for it to count? Or does it depend on whether its a Democrat or Republican?

Probably? Great answer.

You don't know a thing about what happened here. Why are you so quick to judge?

I'm going to do what I always do. Wait until I know what happened. That's what adults do.

Well, good for you. Unfortunately your fellow liberal brethren at any hint of anything affecting a (R) call for their heads. What goes around, comes around... or is it what comes around, goes around?
Has a law been broken?
Probably. Why? Is that the only standard for public officials? I f they break laws then theyre bad, if they dont everything is OK? Or do they need to be indicted for it to count? Or do they need to be convicted for it to count? Or does it depend on whether its a Democrat or Republican?

Probably? Great answer.

You don't know a thing about what happened here. Why are you so quick to judge?

I'm going to do what I always do. Wait until I know what happened. That's what adults do.

Well, good for you. Unfortunately your fellow liberal brethren at any hint of anything affecting a (R) call for their heads. What goes around, comes around... or is it what comes around, goes around?

Why would I care about what others do? Why does what others do influence your actions? Are you weak?
Has a law been broken?
Probably. Why? Is that the only standard for public officials? I f they break laws then theyre bad, if they dont everything is OK? Or do they need to be indicted for it to count? Or do they need to be convicted for it to count? Or does it depend on whether its a Democrat or Republican?

Probably? Great answer.

You don't know a thing about what happened here. Why are you so quick to judge?

I'm going to do what I always do. Wait until I know what happened. That's what adults do.
Oh please. You will never know "what happened." Same way you dont know what happened with the IRS.
Whatever actually happened the appearance is Hillary sold influence with the government in exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Whether that actually happened is really immaterial. The appearance of impropriety for someone in that position is enough to disqualify her. Honest people would agree.
Has a law been broken?
Probably. Why? Is that the only standard for public officials? I f they break laws then theyre bad, if they dont everything is OK? Or do they need to be indicted for it to count? Or do they need to be convicted for it to count? Or does it depend on whether its a Democrat or Republican?

Probably? Great answer.

You don't know a thing about what happened here. Why are you so quick to judge?

I'm going to do what I always do. Wait until I know what happened. That's what adults do.
Oh please. You will never know "what happened." Same way you dont know what happened with the IRS.
Whatever actually happened the appearance is Hillary sold influence with the government in exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Whether that actually happened is really immaterial. The appearance of impropriety for someone in that position is enough to disqualify her. Honest people would agree.

You've been clear in the past about what you think. You are only interested in the political implications of this....or anything that happens. You don't care if Clinton did anything wrong here. You simply want people to think she she doesn't win in 2016. You JUST STATED AS MUCH.

How sad is that?
Has a law been broken?
Probably. Why? Is that the only standard for public officials? I f they break laws then theyre bad, if they dont everything is OK? Or do they need to be indicted for it to count? Or do they need to be convicted for it to count? Or does it depend on whether its a Democrat or Republican?

Probably? Great answer.

You don't know a thing about what happened here. Why are you so quick to judge?

I'm going to do what I always do. Wait until I know what happened. That's what adults do.
Oh please. You will never know "what happened." Same way you dont know what happened with the IRS.
Whatever actually happened the appearance is Hillary sold influence with the government in exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Whether that actually happened is really immaterial. The appearance of impropriety for someone in that position is enough to disqualify her. Honest people would agree.

You've been clear in the past about what you think. You are only interested in the political implications of this....or anything that happens. You don't care if Clinton did anything wrong here. You simply want people to think she she doesn't win in 2016. You JUST STATED AS MUCH.

How sad is that?
No, how sad is you really dont give a shit that your candidate is the ethical equivalent of Black Plague and you dont care? Hillary allowed the appearance of bribery. That is undoubted. There is no dispute that it appears that way. There is no dispute that she violated many promises she made, as well as some laws. She told Obama the Foundation would not take foreign contributions. She violated that promise. She was supposed to disclose those contributoons on tax forms. She didnt. The Foundation is submitting amended tax forms now because they were caught on this.
Those things in themselves are illegal and violate the rules. If any of us had done them we'd be in front of a judge. For Hillary rules dont apply.
I get back to: Is there anything that Hillary could do that would render her unfit for the nomination, in your mind?
The stench of scandal and corruption emanating from the Clintons stinks to high heaven.

This is the most dishonest and amoral couple I have ever seen in my life!
The stench of scandal and corruption emanating from the Clintons stinks to high heaven.

This is the most dishonest and amoral couple I have ever seen in my life!
When Clinton was rpesident it was non stop. It began at the very beginning. Recall how he had the FBI not do background checks on certain people joining his administration. IT went on through Whitewater, Lewinsky, the Buddhist nuns, the Chinese businessmen, on and on. They are a couple who feel what is moral, legal and ethical is what they can get away with. Outside of that there are no barriers.
Why anyone would support someone like that or think she would make a good president is beyond me.
How many churches do background checks on every person who wants to put money in the collection plate?

Bill and Hillary are friends with Pinchuk. Victor even flew in for Bill's 60th.

They both know exactly who they are dealing with. A multi billionaire oligarch who also stands to make millions upon millions more for him and his family since the overthrow of the duly elected President of the Ukraine and his party.
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The latest revelations in the New York Times and the Washington Post about Hillary's obvious selling of influence and other rotten-smelling dealings while she was Secretary of State are devastating. I am finished defending her in any way. She is clearly corrupt to the core.

There should be a full-blown investigation into her agreement to allow a state-controlled Russian company to buy Uranium One and thus to acquire a huge supply of uranium. This is serious stuff that should trouble anyone who believes in honest, ethical government.

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