Number One Clinton Foundation Donor Traded With Iran While Hilary Was SOS

There's no way this silly little conspiracy works.

Interestingly, this story broke yesterday. And before calling it a conspiracy, you should wait for all the facts to come out, shouldn't you?

Oh, its not the story I question. Its your claims of bribery. That's the conspiracy which the evidence doesn't support. And you know it doesn't support.

And here's exactly where it breaks: you can't establish preferential treatment as the State Department held Interpipe the same threshold of sanction pursuit as any other company. No non-US company from any country in any industry was subject to sanctions for less than a $500 million dollar violation. And Interpipe's violation was about $800k. Orders of magnitude too small to meet the threshold for any violation the State Department pursued sanction against.

And here's how we can be sure you know your argument breaks: You won't discuss your inability to factually establish preferential treatment. Its a little chalk outline you've drawn around the corpse of your argument. And it demonstrates your awareness of exactly how your argument doesn't work.

You have a bad habit of self reassurance.

You have a bad habit of confusing your accusations with actual evidence. Alas, they aren't the same thing.

I'll stick with the evidence, thank you. And it simply doesn't back your conspiracy.
The presidential hopeful's husband, former President Bill Clinton, has made millions on lucrative book deals and more than $100 million on the speaking circuit. Secretary Clinton has recently begun to earn that kind of money as well.

Secretary Clinton received an estimated $14 million advance on her new book last year, and she has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for each speaking engagement, figures that rival her husband's.

the Clintons need foundation $$ ?

RW morons living in dream world..
Reagan represents the embodiment of what all GOP candidates want to be. It's a very low standard.

Oh be quiet. You my friend are the epitome of ignorance. You don't care at all what Hillary does, you'll support her no matter what. You can't address any arguments, and refuse to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble, this is evidenced in your repeated denials.

Scared, are we?

There are no arguments. only insinuation.
You dont think it looks like she took money in return for not prosecuting him?

Is there evidence of this?
Evidence that she appears to have taken the money in exchange for not prosecuting his company? I laid it out. It sure appears that way.
Is there a memo that says "Hey, I wont list your company on the prohibited list if you send my foundation millions of dollars"? No, not yet. But this isnt a court of law. It's the court of public opinion. and appearances of wrong doing pretty much count as wrongdoing.
I sort of hope it convinces her to bow out. There are better Democrats out there.

That said, selling weapons to them to fund Central American genocide didn't keep Bush41 out of the White House.
Sorry did Bush personally benefit from that? No. Are the two cases comparable? No.
Hillary took bribes in return for looking the other way on sanctions. That is the inescapable conclusion here.
And Interpipe's violation was about $800k. Orders of magnitude too small to meet the threshold for any violation the State Department pursued sanction against.

By the way it isn't not by how much they exceeded the the cap amount. If the total sale exceeds $1 million, they are liable. That's one big hole in your argument. Moreover, given the ties between Hillary and Pinchuk over the past decade, it can stand to reason that she did in fact treat Pinchuk favorably in exchange for donations.

Sanctionable Activities Under E.O. 13590:

Executive Order 13590 gives the Secretary of State authority to impose sanctions on persons that knowingly engage in a number of activities in Iran’s energy sector, including:

2. Goods, Services, Technology, or Support for the Maintenance or Expansion of the Petrochemical Sector:

The sale, lease, or provision of goods, services, technology, or support to Iran that could directly and significantly facilitate the maintenance or expansion of its domestic production of petrochemical products**, with:

1) Fair market value of $250,000 or more; or

2) Aggregate fair market value of $1 million or more in a 12-month period.
Ronald Reagan is guilty.

Of what?

Either selling arms to Iran or incompetence where members of his administration did so without his knowing.

And how does this relate to what we're talking about? Reagan (or his subordinates without his approval) circumvented an act of congress. There was no bribery involved, nothing of the sort Hillary was involved in.

Not bribary per se, just working with Iran, technically treason. Way worse than anything being accused here with Clinton. I'm demonstrating that you would easily vote for (or have) a former President that did way more than anything you are accusing the Clintons of. This isn't just anybody, this is St. Ronnie, memorialized by today's conservatives. It's kind of self evident.
You clearly have no idea what "treason" is. Hint:It's defined in the Constitution.
Clinton appears to have taken bribes.
Reagan was pursuing a bold foreign policy initiative.
See the difference?
And Interpipe's violation was about $800k. Orders of magnitude too small to meet the threshold for any violation the State Department pursued sanction against.

By the way it isn't not by how much they exceeded the the cap amount. If the total sale exceeds $1 million, they are liable. That's one big hole in your argument.

Laughing....the difference between your claims being wrong by 3 orders of magnitude or 4 orders is a 'big hole' in my argument? I think the words you're looking for is 'virtually irrelevant'. Even if it it were 1.8 mil.....that's still orders of magnitude below the minimum level that the State Department takes action on. As the lowest violation that the State Department ever pursued sanctions was half a BILLION dollars.

That's billion. With a B.

With 800k or 1.8 mil being chump change in comparison. And neither being anywhere close to the level that the State Department used as its theshold of sanction for ANY company. Including Interpipe.

Once again, your argument breaks with this simple fact. As you can't establish any preferential treatment. All you can do is assume it, which means nothing.

Moreover, given the ties between Hillary and Pinchuk over the past decade, it can stand to reason that she did in fact treat Pinchuk favorably in exchange for donations.

Nope. That's merely your assumption, based on jack shit. You've already admitted that you can't factually back the claim. Meaning that you've jumped the gun again, offering us conclusions that the evidence clearly doesn't support. Which are meaningless.

No non US-company was held to sanctions below half a billion dollars. In any country, in any industry, with or without donations made by their owners to any charity, anywhere. Interpipe was held to the same standard as everyone else.

You really need to work on separating your accusations from the evidence. Because you keep trying to treat them like they're interchangable. And I keep having to call you on it.
There's no way this silly little conspiracy works.

Interestingly, this story broke yesterday. And before calling it a conspiracy, you should wait for all the facts to come out, shouldn't you?

You have a bad habit of self reassurance.

"Theres no way this is true! It's a conspiracy!!"

None you deranged types waited for the facts on Benghazi to come out, which wasn't surprising, since when the GOP run committee did come out with the facts, and they debunked every rightwing nut theory going,

the facts were ignored.
There's no way this silly little conspiracy works.

Interestingly, this story broke yesterday. And before calling it a conspiracy, you should wait for all the facts to come out, shouldn't you?

You have a bad habit of self reassurance.

"Theres no way this is true! It's a conspiracy!!"

None you deranged types waited for the facts on Benghazi to come out, which wasn't surprising, since when the GOP run committee did come out with the facts, and they debunked every rightwing nut theory going,

the facts were ignored.
When has the GOP committee come out with facts? The investigation is ongoing.
None you deranged types waited for the facts on Benghazi to come out

Didn't need to, and wouldn't have had to if you hadn't blamed the damn thing on a YouTube video. Simply tell the truth and we wouldn't be having these kinds of discussions.

1. That never happened and 2. you're even more fucking stupid than you prove to be every day here if you think that the rightwing propaganda machine would have left Benghazi alone if there had never been a video.

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