Nunes backs down from his assertion that Trump was monitored

yeah he backed so much

that he has called for a special closed door meeting

with the fbi and nsa


you leftards crack me up


What does that have to do with his run to the President moment?

This has become such a national embarressment. Whatever happened to the seperation of legislative and executive branches - independence - inegrity in bipartisan investigations? The intelligence committee has always been on of the most bipartisan and well respected committees. But Nunes goes running to Trump and the MEDIA before even discussing or showing anything to his own committee? WTF is that about?

THIS is the man who will be asked to independently investigate the actions of the Trump administration

More reason we need an independent prosecutor
I heard that would take six months to get up and running, and cause even more delay in getting answers. The FBI is looking into it already, the Senate is looking into it. Why do we need an Independent Prosecutor looking into it? I'm really asking, not arguing.

I think this thing is getting too big for partisan congressional investigation

We are talking about potential Treason

Grounds for treason? Please lay it out.
What does that have to do with his run to the President moment?

This has become such a national embarressment. Whatever happened to the seperation of legislative and executive branches - independence - inegrity in bipartisan investigations? The intelligence committee has always been on of the most bipartisan and well respected committees. But Nunes goes running to Trump and the MEDIA before even discussing or showing anything to his own committee? WTF is that about?

THIS is the man who will be asked to independently investigate the actions of the Trump administration

More reason we need an independent prosecutor
I heard that would take six months to get up and running, and cause even more delay in getting answers. The FBI is looking into it already, the Senate is looking into it. Why do we need an Independent Prosecutor looking into it? I'm really asking, not arguing.

I think this thing is getting too big for partisan congressional investigation

We are talking about potential Treason

Grounds for treason? Please lay it out.

You have to understand what Treason actually is. It is not the treason rants that Republicans made about Hillary having a private server. This is actual Treason

Russia did things to assist Trump
Trump did things and made statements to support Russia

On their own, neither implies treason. But if there is a connection of the two...Trump has committed treason

To represent the interests of a foreign nation, in this case an enemy, in order to get elected President is TREASON
It may be that "nunes" is the name of a Slavik bird that feeds on the debris surrounding the anus of the drumphaplan, a breed of Bavarian dairy cow.
These republicans got the votes and the power but it's extremely evident they don't know how to govern.
Trump is so out of his element and unprepared to participate in the governmental process.
Makes me laugh when the Trump meme was, " we don't want a another politician in the White House."
And you didn't get one and now you see what a huge mistake it was.
Sad to say, even when they have a politician in the WH, they still don't know what to do except start another land war in Asia.
I think Nunes went directly to Trump because there are leakers in The Intelligence Community and perhaps on the Congressional Intelligence Community.

If that is the case his going to Trump First is justified.

And I am also hearing that McCain might be one of "The Leakers'.
Where are you hearing that? People are talking?
It seems you could take the place of nunes.!!

See, there you are!

nunes laid down like the cheap whore he is, for "the gropenfuherer".

What's with all these really stupid comments? Did all of you just take a stupid pill today?


Intel Chair Devin Nunes backs down from assertion Trump was monitored

Bootlicker couldn't wait to run to Trump and the press

The chairman of the House intelligence committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were "monitored," by U.S. spies — a claim the Republicans have cited this week in fundraising emails.

Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters Friday he can't be sure whether conversations among Trump or his aides were captured in the surveillance that has become a source of controversy since Nunes made it public in two news conferences this week.

Remember my thread about right wingers getting too excited?

Intel Chair Devin Nunes backs down from assertion Trump was monitored

Bootlicker couldn't wait to run to Trump and the press

The chairman of the House intelligence committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were "monitored," by U.S. spies — a claim the Republicans have cited this week in fundraising emails.

Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters Friday he can't be sure whether conversations among Trump or his aides were captured in the surveillance that has become a source of controversy since Nunes made it public in two news conferences this week.

Lol no he didn't. I watched his entire press conference he said Trump tower wasn't wire tapped he didn't say anything at all about surveillance and spying. That's quite clear that it DID happen.
His spokesman said
"He said he'll have to get all the documents he requested from the (intelligence community) about this before he knows for sure,"

Yet there is a thread stating that Trump was "spied on". Despite Nunes not being sure.
nunes is a 2 bit cheap slut for "the gropenfuherer." he needs to be ruined.

Are you people insane? Truly losing it are you?

I've read his comments. He hasn't backed off jack shit.

It's about the unmasking fools.

“It appears like this was all legal survillance from what I can tell,” he said, but later added: “You have to ask why were names unmasked.

"Maybe someone has a good reason for it but not from what I've been able to read," he said.

Nunes said NSA Director Mike Rogers has been "highly cooperative" with his committee and could turn over documents, possibly transcripts of surveilled conversations, Friday or sometime next week.

Nunes did not say how many names were unmasked.

"There was additional unmasking that was done in the documents I read the other day. I don't know who asked for them to be unmasked, i just know there are more," he said, although he said he knew about the unmasking before he read the documents."

Nunes says information from Trump surveillance ‘concerned me’

Ruined for what? Busting the intel agencies spying on the Trump transition team? Unmasking Americans that they are not allowed to do?

Leaking classified information is against the law. Someone is going to be wearing orange big time. And its not going to be anyone from the team Trump.
This has become such a national embarressment. Whatever happened to the seperation of legislative and executive branches - independence - inegrity in bipartisan investigations? The intelligence committee has always been on of the most bipartisan and well respected committees. But Nunes goes running to Trump and the MEDIA before even discussing or showing anything to his own committee? WTF is that about?

THIS is the man who will be asked to independently investigate the actions of the Trump administration

More reason we need an independent prosecutor
I heard that would take six months to get up and running, and cause even more delay in getting answers. The FBI is looking into it already, the Senate is looking into it. Why do we need an Independent Prosecutor looking into it? I'm really asking, not arguing.

I think this thing is getting too big for partisan congressional investigation

We are talking about potential Treason

Grounds for treason? Please lay it out.

You have to understand what Treason actually is. It is not the treason rants that Republicans made about Hillary having a private server. This is actual Treason

Russia did things to assist Trump
Trump did things and made statements to support Russia

On their own, neither implies treason. But if there is a connection of the two...Trump has committed treason

To represent the interests of a foreign nation, in this case an enemy, in order to get elected President is TREASON
delusional rants of an idiot.. nothing more
Devin Nunes Vanished the Night Before He Made Trump Surveillance Claims

The Republican intelligence chairman got a message and jumped out of an Uber. The next morning he made a bombshell claim based on classified information.

Hours before the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee announced his shocking claims about surveillance of the Trump transition team on Wednesday morning, he practically disappeared.

Rep. Devin Nunes was traveling with a senior committee staffer in an Uber on Tuesday evening when he received a communication on his phone, three committee officials and a former national security official with ties to the committee told The Daily Beast. After the message, Nunes left the car abruptly, leaving his own staffer in the dark about his whereabouts.

By the next morning, Nunes hastily announced a press conference. His own aides, up to the most senior level, did not know what their boss planned to say next. Nunes’ choice to keep senior staff out of the loop was highly unusual.

The Republican chairman had a bombshell to drop.

Much More: Devin Nunes Vanished the Night Before He Made Trump Surveillance Claims

Is Nunes a Russian mole?

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