NY activist judges allow same sex marriage

Bullypulpit said:
In this article you will find a detailed list of the flaws in the study's methodology. Particularly of interest is that during the gathering of the data, a newspaper article was released which essentially stateed that Mr. Cameron was out to find "ammunition" to those seeking to ban homosexuality. This article threw a huge monkey wrench into the study, thus rendering its conclusions essentially useless.

You're a day late and a dollar short, Bully. This has already been dealt with and put to bed. Baker vs. Wade (and the related article you cite) concerned another matter entirely. But, of course, you knew that. In the absence of the ability to refute any part of Dr. Cameron's findings on homosexual pedophilia, your only recourse is to throw any incidental information that might create the appearance of impropriety, and hope enough people are napping that some of it sticks.

Let's keep our eye on the ball, Bully. The issue is Dr. Cameron's study on homosexual pedophilia. It has not been refuted.
Lies, d*** lies, and statistics. Yep, 'ole Sam Clemens was quite the man.

Ugh, only Scott Peterson leaves me clinging onto my faith in the justice system.
Hobbit said:
Lies, d*** lies, and statistics. Yep, 'ole Sam Clemens was quite the man.

Ugh, only Scott Peterson leaves me clinging onto my faith in the justice system.

Or, indeed, the concept of justice itself. Every great now and then, I see sanity trying to bloom in this country (the Eason Jordan affair, for example), and it allows me to cling to hope. It's a rough go, though. Radicalism has given us a long, hard winter.
musicman said:
Or, indeed, the concept of justice itself. Every great now and then, I see sanity trying to bloom in this country (the Eason Jordan affair, for example), and it allows me to cling to hope. It's a rough go, though. Radicalism has given us a long, hard winter.

May I divert you to my new thread about the justice system, so as not to further derail this one?

musicman said:
You're a day late and a dollar short, Bully. This has already been dealt with and put to bed. Baker vs. Wade (and the related article you cite) concerned another matter entirely. But, of course, you knew that. In the absence of the ability to refute any part of Dr. Cameron's findings on homosexual pedophilia, your only recourse is to throw any incidental information that might create the appearance of impropriety, and hope enough people are napping that some of it sticks.

Let's keep our eye on the ball, Bully. The issue is Dr. Cameron's study on homosexual pedophilia. It has not been refuted.

<blockquote>Dr. Nathaniel McConaghy (1998) cautioned against confusing homosexuality with pedophilia. He noted, “The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women” (p. 259).(1.)</blockquote>

But there's more. Bigots will brand the objects of their loathing as posing a menace to the most vulnerable members of society, children (2.), which is where you, and others, come in.

If the methodology is flawed, the study results will be flawed. There's nothing to refute. Bad science is still bad science, and no amount of spin is going to change that. But then, you already knew that. To you, however, science doesn't mean so much in the pursuit of ideologically driven goals...If you don't like the science, find someone who will tell you what you want to hear. And Dr. Cameron's ISIS study results are just that...just what you, and your fellow travelers, want to hear.


(1.) <b><i>FACT SHEET ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND CHILD ABUSE</i></b>, fully annotated and referenced, to be found here:


(2.)<b><i>Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation</i></b>, also fully annotated and referenced, to be found here:

Thought you were posting something interesting and different, for about half a second there. Nope. Same old tired tripe. Skew the statistics by bastardizing definition. Pretend that sexual preference is irrelevant to child molestation. Don't you get tired of pissing into the wind, Bully?

These loaded, preposterous "studies" will continue as long as there is someone with money, and a vested interest in legitimizing homosexuality. Dr. Cameron's findings on homosexual child molesters are coming up on a quarter of a century old. You KNOW that attempts to find a credible refutation of these statistics has been an ongoing quest every minute of that time - indeed, they're probably going on as we speak. Don't you think they would have found something, other than this pathetic manipulation of the English language, by now - if it existed?

It's true, Bully. I'm sorry.

I must admit that your amateur psychoanalysis of me was a unique touch, though. Irrelevant, pointless, and wrong - but unique.
Actually, you know, Hank Aaron is not the home run king. Babe Ruth was a pitcher for the first six years of his career. So, an average of 60 home runs a year for those six years gives The Babe an adjusted total of 1,074 round-trippers.

Also, we also need to factor in the unfair advantage Aaron enjoyed by not getting drunk and catching the clap every time he turned around. All things considered, Babe's adjusted total of 1,157 homers will probably stand for all time.

Dr. Cameron's ISIS study was , indeed, found to have employed flawed methodology. This does not imply any inherent dishonesty or malevolence - it only states that mistakes were made.

None of this, of course, has any bearing on his SEPARATE AND DISTINCT study for the Family Research Institute (you remember - the one on homosexual child molestation; the one that actually pertains to the conversation we're having; the one NOBODY has been able to refute , despite a quarter century of frantic, desperate effort). But, then, you knew that.

It suits your purpose to try to lump it all together. You hope that the appearance of impropriety will dilute the impact of his findings. Do whatever you think is best, Bully. But, I should point out to you that it's disingenuous. If you really want to debate the merits of a specific study, how about if we keep our eye on the ball, and actually debate that study?
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musicman said:
Actually, you know, Hank Aaron is not the home run king. Babe Ruth was a pitcher for the first six years of his career. So, an average of 60 home runs a year for those six years gives The Babe an adjusted total of 1,074 round-trippers.

Also, we also need to factor in the unfair advantage Aaron enjoyed by not getting drunk and catching the clap every time he turned around. All things considered, Babe's adjusted total of 1,157 homers will probably stand for all time.

An average of 60 home runs a year? The Babe only hit 60 home runs once in his career-- his average was ~44.

I can't tell if you're being serious, because this is the nuttiest baseball statistics argument that's ever been made. Ever. By anyone. Anywhere. You're arguing that the person with the most home runs ever isn't the person with the most home runs ever, because #2 *could* have gotten more under different circumstances.

That said, Babe Ruth is without question the best ball player in the history of the game. But watch out for Albert Pujols...
Bullypulpit said:
In a paper by Kurt Freund(1.), the number of heterosexual vs. homosexual pedophiles was estimated at about 1.44:1. The upshot of this is that heterosexual pedophiles outnumber homosexual pedophiles.

The 1983 ISIS study by Paul Cameron, that many here seem to be fond of quoting to support their arguments against same-gender relationships, has been debunked...repeatedly. For one of the best reports on the study, go here:


In this article you will find a detailed list of the flaws in the study's methodology. Particularly of interest is that during the gathering of the data, a newspaper article was released which essentially stateed that Mr. Cameron was out to find "ammunition" to those seeking to ban homosexuality. This article threw a huge monkey wrench into the study, thus rendering its conclusions essentially useless.


(1.)<i><b>In search if an etiological model of pedophilia</b></i>, Kurt Freund, at: http://www.ipce.info/ipceweb/Library/freund_etiological.htm

However if you go by a Per Capita basis, Homosexuals being up to 10% of the population yet the instance of homosexual pedophilic relationships reach into the 40th percentile it shows quite an upswing among one particular group. If 10% of the population are responsible for 40% of pedophilic relationships we must begin studying what makes that particular group more of a danger to children than the other group and what links that particular group as a single entity. We can also assume that if 10% of the country is responsible for 40% of pedophilic relationships that it happens at a higher instance in that group than the 90% that are responsible for 60%.

Clearly in a Per Capita basis the category of Homosexual has a much higher instance than Heterosexual.
MissileMan said:
Which is it? You just argued it both ways!

Boy you are a dumbass, Sparky if you're a guy and you fuck a little boy in the ass you are homosexual pedophile. If you're a guy and you fuck a little girl in the ass you are a heterosexual pedophile. So simple a 2nd grader can understand.
MissileMan said:
OCA, that is without any doubt the most bigoted, self righteous, intellectually bankrupt, and imbecillic statement I have ever seen posted on this board.

Check out the current state of things in America as pertaining to voting on this issue state by state. I'm right you're wrong.
MissileMan said:
He acknowledged that there was such a thing as homosexual pedophilia, and then insinuated, again, that all homosexuals are pedophilic with the "Homosexuality is as homosexuality does" comment.

You really are a blithering idiot aren't you?

Homosexuality is as homosexuality does means that no matter the situation whether it be rape, pedophilia or consensual ball licking if it is between two males it is queer.

No where in that statement did I say or imply that ALL queers are pedophiles. It is the typical way of liberals though(yes you are liberal), read what they want not what is actually written.
Bullypulpit said:
In a paper by Kurt Freund(1.), the number of heterosexual vs. homosexual pedophiles was estimated at about 1.44:1. The upshot of this is that heterosexual pedophiles outnumber homosexual pedophiles.

The 1983 ISIS study by Paul Cameron, that many here seem to be fond of quoting to support their arguments against same-gender relationships, has been debunked...repeatedly. For one of the best reports on the study, go here:


In this article you will find a detailed list of the flaws in the study's methodology. Particularly of interest is that during the gathering of the data, a newspaper article was released which essentially stateed that Mr. Cameron was out to find "ammunition" to those seeking to ban homosexuality. This article threw a huge monkey wrench into the study, thus rendering its conclusions essentially useless.


(1.)<i><b>In search if an etiological model of pedophilia</b></i>, Kurt Freund, at: http://www.ipce.info/ipceweb/Library/freund_etiological.htm

When understanding that HLCP only make up 1-3% of the population the percentage of homosexual pedophiles is astronomically higher than heterosexuals.

Because an article said that Cameron was doing this makes it so, oh how so typically liberal....slander and degrade your opponent. Play#1 in liberal handbook.
OCA said:
Boy you are a dumbass, Sparky if you're a guy and you fuck a little boy in the ass you are homosexual pedophile. If you're a guy and you fuck a little girl in the ass you are a heterosexual pedophile. So simple a 2nd grader can understand.

OCA said:
You really are a blithering idiot aren't you?

Homosexuality is as homosexuality does means that no matter the situation whether it be rape, pedophilia or consensual ball licking if it is between two males it is queer.

No where in that statement did I say or imply that ALL queers are pedophiles. It is the typical way of liberals though(yes you are liberal), read what they want not what is actually written.

Well, so much for moderators being held to a higher standard on this board. You resort to name calling just like some of the others when you can't present a rational argument.

You can't seem to comprehend my argument that sex between adults and children is pedophilia, period. We don't say that a man having sex with a 4-year-old girl is practicing a form of heterosexuality, we say he is practicing pedophilia. You however, in your blind hatred of homosexuals refuse to separate pedophilia from adult-to-adult homosexuality.
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MissileMan said:
Well, so much for moderators being held to a higher standard on this board. You resort to name calling just like some of the others when you can't present a rational argument.

You can't seem to comprehend my argument that sex between adults and children is pedophilia, period. We don't say that a man having sex with a 4-year-old girl is practicing a form of heterosexuality, we say he is practicing pedophilia. You however, in your blind hatred of homosexuals refuse to separate pedophilia from adult-to-adult homosexuality.

And you're the authority on what "we say"?

It's crystal clear. There can be straight pedophelia, and gay pedophilia. Just because making this distinction has become APPARENTLY politically charged, doesn't mean it's not real. Capiche, thought pygmy?
rtwngAvngr said:
And you're the authority on what "we say"?

It's crystal clear. There can be straight pedophelia, and gay pedophilia. Just because making this distinction has become APPARENTLY politically charged, doesn't mean it's not real. Capiche, thought pygmy?

The only thing crystal clear is the view one would get looking into your right ear and out your left. Do you call a man who molests a little girl a heterosexual? I highly doubt it. Go back outside and play!
MissileMan said:
Well, so much for moderators being held to a higher standard on this board. You resort to name calling just like some of the others when you can't present a rational argument.

You can't seem to comprehend my argument that sex between adults and children is pedophilia, period. We don't say that a man having sex with a 4-year-old girl is practicing a form of heterosexuality, we say he is practicing pedophilia. You however, in your blind hatred of homosexuals refuse to separate pedophilia from adult-to-adult homosexuality.

I am the standard.

A rational argument has been laid upon you by me and others 100 ways from Sunday but your liberalism blinds you to the truth. Somewhere inside you is the ability to comprehend hard reality from glittering generalities and words, although good in intention have no usefulness and practicality to real life.

Yes, an adult male raping a juvenile male is homosexual pedophilia and likewise between a heterosexual male and a juvenile female is heterosexual pedophilia. Please quit parsing words to hide the awful truth. And while were at it lets be a man and fess up to the statistics being in favor astronomically of homosexuals committing pedophilia.

BTW i've kicked your ass in the arena of ideas and if you want to go to flaming.....I excel in both arenas with a skill known by only a select few.

You just need to accept that you are wrong on this subject and move on...you can never prove that its normal for two people of the same sex to be together in the manner that marriage denotes and yes the ball is in your court, you are the prosecution and the burden of proof lies with you. Until that time we(the majority of America) will consider homosexuality a vile lifestyle choice by default.
CivilLiberty said:
Yes, I've noticed that too in a few cases...


Got a problem Civil?

You will not question or make comments pertaining to how I or any other moderator conducts himself on this board, you fucking understand newbie?

Got a problem with what I just said take it up with Jimmy.

Furthermore your constant usage of wording that you look up in a thesaurus as your typing your posts in order to make you sound more intelligent is sort of a joke. If you are trying to make yourself into some sort of ivory tower liberal...well you are giving ivory tower libs a bad name.

I suppose now you will resort to your M.O.....call me a bigot.

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