NY Gov. Hochul’s new gun law prohibits historical reenactor's muzzleloaders, flintlocks, black powder rifles

You know, there isn't a single link or mention of the actual gun law that was passed, or what it concerns exactly in the OP's link. Just a gun blog bitching about what they think is a new restriction on guns.

No, the guns carried in the reenactment wouldn't be prohibited or banned. The law specifically talks about realistic looking guns that are used in the commission of a crime.

Here is a link about the actual law.........................

Here is what they are saying, and it also specifically states that realistic guns (i.e. the muzzleloaders) CAN be used in theatrical productions (of which the reenactment is).

This new law strengthens existing restrictions on imitation weapons by clarifying that permissible imitation weapons must be easily identifiable: they cannot be black, blue, silver or aluminum, and must be colored white, bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, bright green, bright blue, bright pink, bright purple, or be made entirely of transparent or translucent materials. While certain imitation weapons are prohibited by certain municipalities, like New York City, this new law will create consistency throughout the state. Limited common-sense exceptions for special use, such as imitation weapons used in theatrical productions, are permitted.

They are saying that they want fake weapons to be readily identifiable as fake weapons to prevent them from being used in a crime or causing police to shoot the person with the fake weapon. Theatrical productions (for you guys that don't know what that means, it means telling a story via the process of acting, which is what the reenactment is) are exempt from this law.

But, criminals will do their best to get around this, probably by painting or modifying their weapons to look fake.

The firearms used by reenactors are not props. They are invariably working, firing reproductions of the weapons that were used in those periods.

More details about the law here:

New gun laws raise concern for Battle of Plattsburgh reenactments
Another fine example of the left erasing Constitutional rights and American history, one piece at a time.

"During the annual Battle of Plattsburgh commemoration, re-enactors from New York, Canada and the Northeast demonstrate the ground battles that occurred as a naval battle took place simultaneously on Lake Champlain. They also march in a parade with their muzzleloaders, flintlocks and black powder rifles and camp on the grounds of the local historic museum.

But there’s a problem this year. State Assemblyman D. Billy Jones, a Democrat representing the 115th district, says New York’s new gun law specifically prohibits all those activities. …

“The new law the way it’s written reenactors are not allowed to carry a firearm, a musket loading type rifle, black powder rifle, flintlock rifle, whatever because it’s in violation of the new law. The new gun law of New York state has claimed its first casualty: the Battle of Plattsburgh. It’s the first event happening after the new law went into effect on the 1st. There’s nothing in the law that let’s an exemption happen or a waiver happen for an event in a historical significance like we have here in Plattsburgh. We have over 70 reenactors that were coming to this event. Very disappointing.”

Battle of Plattsburgh reenactor chair PJ Miller says some reenactors have canceled their appearance at this weekend’s events."

NY Gov. Hochul's Law Claims Its First Victims: Historical Battle Reenactors - The Truth About Guns
/——-/ Remember when libtards said the 2nd Amendment only covered flintlocks and black powder guns? Well gun grabbers what do you say now?
I;m not sure about Nrw York law but at the Federal level in the US, all black powder rifles, muskets, shotguns and pistols that do not accept a metallic cartridge are considered antique weaponry. Even if they are modern production. This means they are not regulated by the Federal government in any way.

That means that on a federal level, they can be bought and sold with no background check, they can be shipped through the mail with no restrictions, and prohibited persons can legally possess them.

You guys jump up and down and scream and stamp your feet at even the HINT that someone somewhere might want a gun not fired and you lose your shit.

20-40 little kids get their heads blown apart in a shooting and all you have are "thotz-n-prayerz".

Sorry, your values are skewed.

Kind of like banning bail for 2nd degree murder as they just did in Illinois?
Seriously? This is worthy of certiorari at the Supreme Court? Really?

I mean, yeah, it's probably a bit silly to ban the use of guns by reenactors, especially the kind of slow olde timey guns they have. This is a simple case of overreach by a small group of lawmakers.

If I were you I'd save the diapers and pissing your pants over something for a bigger battle. This isn't a hill worth dying on.
This is absolutely worthy of a Supreme Court appearance. It's very winnable.
It's you boys who want to defund the police. That's what leading to the national crime wave.

That's because you don't understand what the "Defund the Police" movement ACTUALLY was about.

You just like the cartoon extremist lies.

It's like taking the neo-nazi wing of the GOP and painting the whole GOP with it. Just because your president, Trump, loved neonazis doesn't mean YOU are a neo-nazi (necessarily)
That's because you don't understand what the "Defund the Police" movement ACTUALLY was about.

You just like the cartoon extremist lies.

It's like taking the neo-nazi wing of the GOP and painting the whole GOP with it. Just because your president, Trump, loved neonazis doesn't mean YOU are a neo-nazi (necessarily)
Tell us what it's really about, then.
Tell us what it's really about, then.

I will! But you'll ignore it like the Republicunt you are.

For the rational middle of the party it means that we put more funding into social services and emergency mental health and crisis intervention experts. Police are well trained and extremely important for certain things. Not all things.

IF we have more trained mental health workers out there (by shifting SOME funding from the straight up beat-cop over to this as well) we will have fewer people in mental crises who get gunned down.

So go ahead and tell us how you don't care about that and that you prefer the extremist cartoon view, Republicunt
I will! But you'll ignore it like the Republicunt you are.

For the rational middle of the party it means that we put more funding into social services and emergency mental health and crisis intervention experts. Police are well trained and extremely important for certain things. Not all things.

IF we have more trained mental health workers out there (by shifting SOME funding from the straight up beat-cop over to this as well) we will have fewer people in mental crises who get gunned down.

So go ahead and tell us how you don't care about that and that you prefer the extremist cartoon view, Republicunt
/———/ I can’t stop laughing..
I will! But you'll ignore it like the Republicunt you are.

For the rational middle of the party it means that we put more funding into social services and emergency mental health and crisis intervention experts. Police are well trained and extremely important for certain things. Not all things.

IF we have more trained mental health workers out there (by shifting SOME funding from the straight up beat-cop over to this as well) we will have fewer people in mental crises who get gunned down.

So go ahead and tell us how you don't care about that and that you prefer the extremist cartoon view, Republicunt

Calling me names proves you knew you're full of shit before you offered you explanation.

But, you confirmed that I'm right: the Democrats have defunded the police and the crime stats have proven it to be a catastrophic failure.

NY Gov. Hochul’s new gun law prohibits historical reenactor's muzzleloaders, flintlocks, black powder rifles​

Damn. What am I going to do with this flintlock I just bought to hold up banks with? :smoke:
Calling me names proves you knew you're full of shit before you offered you explanation.

LOL. Republicunt.

But, you confirmed that I'm right: the Democrats have defunded the police and the crime stats have proven it to be a catastrophic failure.

You did ignore what I wrote! I knew it!


You can't tell the truth.

You are inherently dishonest.


Maybe you're just a ****.
I mean, yeah, it's probably a bit silly to ban the use of guns by reenactors,
It is silly and illegal to ban any firearm seeing that the Constitution says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not infringed.

Of course we all know that the Libtard Moon Bats are idiots so they are liable to do anything.
It is silly and illegal to ban any firearm seeing that the Constitution says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not infringed.

God you drama queens and your precious "rights". Like you give a flying fuck about anything else in the Constitution.


Jeezus. You really SHOULD have your guns confiscated because you are dangerous with your unhinged paranoia.


CLutch your pearls little girl!
God you drama queens and your precious "rights". Like you give a flying fuck about anything else in the Constitution.


Jeezus. You really SHOULD have your guns confiscated because you are dangerous with your unhinged paranoia.


CLutch your pearls little girl!
The fuck they aren't trying to take our guns. Now, the credit card companies are doing the government's dirty work for them and tracking gun and ammunition purchases.

Anyone that says they aren't trying to take our guns is either lying, or stupid.
The fuck they aren't trying to take our guns.

Clutch those pearls, Ernestine!

Now, the credit card companies are doing the government's dirty work for them and tracking gun and ammunition purchases.

At least SOMEONE is. You guys like to keep it on the DL about who has what. Which makes it kinda questionable. What are you planning on doing with your guns? Hmmmm.

Anyone that says they aren't trying to take our guns is either lying, or stupid.

There's a difference between wanting to put restrictions on your guns and taking them away. The fact that you lot act like little screeching TODDLERS when anyone so much as LOOKS at your guns is enough to know you guys aren't adult enough for them.

Yes, even you law abiding doofuses (doofi?) are a danger. Any one of you could click over one day and do something horrible. You can't promise you won't. And given your usual emotional state of terror and threat you are actually probably more of a danger to the people around you than you are some "savior".

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