NY Gov. Hochul’s new gun law prohibits historical reenactor's muzzleloaders, flintlocks, black powder rifles

Guns didn't "make quick work" of the person listed in your link. Nature and being in police custody, not being shot, "made quick work" of him.

Did the victims have one?

Remember that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the guy is swinging the machete around and Jones just rolls his eyes, pulls out his pistol, and shoots the guy? There's a point there.

There is nothing "natural" about a gun, so how in the hell can it be considered a "natural" right?
Self defense is a natural right, but you already knew that.
There is nothing "natural" about a gun, so how in the hell can it be considered a "natural" right? And yes, the Constitution is the founding document of our government, so rights given in it are rights given by the government. You conservatives like to twist around and mythologize the Constitution.
Self-defense is a natural right, given to all life. The gun is particularly singled out by the founders as off limits to the government. The Second Amendment is a restriction on the Federal Government.

The Constitution does not give us a right to guns. If that were the case, they'd be obligated to provide us with one. The right to gun ownership is enshrined in our natural right to defense.
Did the victims have one?

Remember that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the guy is swinging the machete around and Jones just rolls his eyes, pulls out his pistol, and shoots the guy? There's a point there.

Self defense is a natural right, but you already knew that.

What do the victims have to do with the guy dying in police custody? Guns didn't make quick work of him, nature and being in custody did. And what does a fictional movie have to do with the current subject being discussed. Self defense may be a natural right, but the means to accomplish it as you state are not natural, as guns are not natural.
Where do you get that figure?

Your arguments are so facile and moronic. You "win". Special prize!

Sure, sure.

Now rub your weinie while reading about gun specs.

He was a little high on the estimated number of gun owners in the US. There are just about as many US gun owners as there were Democrats who supposedly voted for Joe Biden. Of course, that doesn't count those people who own guns, but aren't known about. Nobody knows how many of those there are. So it could be 200 million for all you know.

There are also almost 400 million known privately-owned guns in the US, and probably more that aren't known of. I know that I have more than several guns that weren't purchased through channels.

How Many GUNS are in the US in 2022? (Gun Ownership Stats)
Another fine example of the left erasing Constitutional rights and American history, one piece at a time.

"During the annual Battle of Plattsburgh commemoration, re-enactors from New York, Canada and the Northeast demonstrate the ground battles that occurred as a naval battle took place simultaneously on Lake Champlain. They also march in a parade with their muzzleloaders, flintlocks and black powder rifles and camp on the grounds of the local historic museum.

But there’s a problem this year. State Assemblyman D. Billy Jones, a Democrat representing the 115th district, says New York’s new gun law specifically prohibits all those activities. …

“The new law the way it’s written reenactors are not allowed to carry a firearm, a musket loading type rifle, black powder rifle, flintlock rifle, whatever because it’s in violation of the new law. The new gun law of New York state has claimed its first casualty: the Battle of Plattsburgh. It’s the first event happening after the new law went into effect on the 1st. There’s nothing in the law that let’s an exemption happen or a waiver happen for an event in a historical significance like we have here in Plattsburgh. We have over 70 reenactors that were coming to this event. Very disappointing.”

Battle of Plattsburgh reenactor chair PJ Miller says some reenactors have canceled their appearance at this weekend’s events."

NY Gov. Hochul's Law Claims Its First Victims: Historical Battle Reenactors - The Truth About Guns
/------/ And Libtards claim they aren't after our guns.
What do the victims have to do with the guy dying in police custody? Guns didn't make quick work of him, nature and being in custody did. And what does a fictional movie have to do with the current subject being discussed. Self defense may be a natural right, but the means to accomplish it as you state are not natural, as guns are not natural.

So as I expected, you have nothing to offer to the discussion. Have a nice day.
google.com Knock yourself out.

Thanks! Will do. When I care about your point. (I assume you don't know how the figure was arrived at, in other words is it a per capita type calculation which doesn't actually mean every member of the 200M population actually owns a gun).

I don't care if you don't care.

Now go play with your guns!
So as I expected, you have nothing to offer to the discussion. Have a nice day.

I'm asking you to explain your opinions, to try to see if there was any point to them, but there's not, as reflected in your response. When a person can't support their claims, they tend to walk away from the conversation. Thank you for demonstrating that.
Good. Now someone has the standing to bring it before the courts, right up to the SCOTUS.

The SCOTUS needs to rule that the States are NOT PERMITTED to limit gun rights in any manner. Full stop.

And put an end to the NFA and GCA, which the Supreme Courts Bruen decision should ultimately do.
Another fine example of the left erasing Constitutional rights and American history, one piece at a time.

"During the annual Battle of Plattsburgh commemoration, re-enactors from New York, Canada and the Northeast demonstrate the ground battles that occurred as a naval battle took place simultaneously on Lake Champlain. They also march in a parade with their muzzleloaders, flintlocks and black powder rifles and camp on the grounds of the local historic museum.

But there’s a problem this year. State Assemblyman D. Billy Jones, a Democrat representing the 115th district, says New York’s new gun law specifically prohibits all those activities. …

“The new law the way it’s written reenactors are not allowed to carry a firearm, a musket loading type rifle, black powder rifle, flintlock rifle, whatever because it’s in violation of the new law. The new gun law of New York state has claimed its first casualty: the Battle of Plattsburgh. It’s the first event happening after the new law went into effect on the 1st. There’s nothing in the law that let’s an exemption happen or a waiver happen for an event in a historical significance like we have here in Plattsburgh. We have over 70 reenactors that were coming to this event. Very disappointing.”

Battle of Plattsburgh reenactor chair PJ Miller says some reenactors have canceled their appearance at this weekend’s events."

NY Gov. Hochul's Law Claims Its First Victims: Historical Battle Reenactors - The Truth About Guns

But....but.....Clayton and the others keep telling us they don't want to ban all of our guns....just the ones they don't like, the ones they don't think we should have, the ones they decide we really don't need, the ones that are...well....guns......

But don't tell them that they want to ban and confiscate guns....that's just crazy talk...
Boy if the NFA bothers you , you've been at this a LOOOOOONG time.

May I ask why you might need a fully automatic gun? Do you have some sort of plan for its use?

If your leftist buddies have no intention of going full socialist and filling mass graves with innocent people...then why do you want to take guns away from us so much?
But....but.....Clayton and the others keep telling us they don't want to ban all of our guns....just the ones they don't like, the ones they don't think we should have, the ones they decide we really don't need, the ones that are...well....guns......

But don't tell them that they want to ban and confiscate guns....that's just crazy talk...

What the democrats—and many republican politicians as well—are doing is passing anti-2A regulations which, while not exactly outright bans on firearm ownership, so severely regulate what a citizen can and cannot do with their guns that they may as well be straight up bans.

I grew up on a nearly 1000 acre thickly forested property in northern Maryland. From about the age of nine or ten I followed my great grandfather's and grandfather's long tradition of shooting freely on the property. That was late 70's to late 80's. During that time no one batted an eyelash over the sound of gunfire emanating from the area. Of course, the land was still fairly remote at the time but there were neighbors with half a mile, mostly farmers. We'd set up targets wherever, shoot at old rusted out cars both out in the open and in the woods, and hunted pheasant, deer, squirrel, rabbit and whatever else with absolute abandon. Those were amazing years, years I never realized at the time would be so incredibly unique—and brief—in my life.

Nowadays, shooting on the same property is very risky. Maryland has imposed a plethora of anti-gun laws which, if violated, could land one in the slammer for some time—just for practicing one's second amendment rights while harming no one. Shot spotters have been installed all around that county now. If one discharges a gun, even on one's property, the county police will come running—at least to see what's going on. Thus, before one fires a shot he had better be sure he has paid for and is in possession of the proper NFA tax stamps, if he is running SBRs or suppressors or whatever else the government has deemed taboo.

We live in the central PA mountains now, on a large semi-remote property which borders thousands of acres of state game land. Despite meeting PA law for shooting safely on one's property—I often hesitate to do so because a number of our neighbors rent their homes out to tourists and you never know who's going to object to the (distant) crack of gunfire or how they'll react. Luckily we have a long basement/garage running under our home, half of which is unfinished and makes for a great 15 yard indoor range. Even shooting in the basement, however, gives me the willies—because you never know who might be hiking through our woods or on land that borders it.

And don't get me started on truck guns. When I was growing up, again in the 70's and 80's, everyone and their uncle's cousin had a gun rack in their pick up truck back window, and it was usually holding up a rifle and a shotgun. People back then did not shoot at each other driving down the road—but it was damn comforting to have a carbine or shotgun handy if one ran into some kind of trouble away from home. Nowadays, the insane state and federal regulations on transporting a modern carbine or AR pistol alone could get you into years of prison time.

None of it makes any sense. ALL modern and recent gun laws are directly aimed at neutering the law abiding citizen's ability to protect himself, his family and his property.
None of it makes any sense. ALL modern and recent gun laws are directly aimed at neutering the law abiding citizen's ability to protect himself, his family and his property.

It doesn't make any sense? You would do better in the debate if you tried to at least understand the position of the opposition. You guys don't. All you have is a cartoon view.

We all understand you like guns. None of us actually think you are bad people on average for loving your guns, guns are cool! And useful tools.

The problem as our side sees it is that the number of guns is simply TOO HIGH. It increases the probability that guns will diffuse out into the hands of those who would do harm.

Think about the Sudafed restrictions we have. Even if you have a horrible set of allergies or whatever you can only buy so many Sudafeds. this is to ensure it isn't "diverted" to illegal usage (meth manufacturing). But the rules hamper the actions of law-abiding good people.

Guns are kind of like that. The fact that so many gun lovers can't understand that point says more about their ability to think critically and understand the other side.

You WILL LOSE in the long run if you don't work to understand the side that is working against you. You will.

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