NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms R

This is the kind of thing a reputable law firm might release, with permission of a client who swore to it. The members of the law firm can be held criminally liable in court if the statements they made turn out to be flase.

OTOH, this is also the kind of thing that can be faked by some teenager huddling in the basement of his mother's house, playing with her computer while she's out shopping.

I have no way of knowing which it is.

There is indeed a law firm in New York called Tresmond Law. They specialize in defending people accused of violating various gun laws, including many laws that are unconstitutional but still on the books. If the above article was faked by someone unrelated to the law firm, I would expect the law firm to publish articles disowning it in one big hurry.

I haven't seen any such articles.

In the discussion forum NY Firearms - Home | New York Firearm & Gun Ownership, Laws, Politics, Weapons, Discussion Forums a person calling himself Maximillian Tresmond, and using the url www.tresmondlaw.com, is discussing the issue. See and judge for yourself.
According to Wikipedia, these new gun laws (the New York SAFE Act) "Allows law enforcement officials to pre-emptively seize a person's firearms without a warrant if they have probable cause the person may be mentally unstable or intends to use the weapons to commit a crime."

Let me guess: If the NY government knows you have a prescription for certain medicines (such as anti-anxiety drugs), this is sufficient "probable cause the person may be mentally unstable".

BTW, in New York, all prescriptions for ANY drugs that require them, are copied to the state government and put in a database. So the government DOES know you have a prescription.
According to Wikipedia, these new gun laws (the New York SAFE Act) "Allows law enforcement officials to pre-emptively seize a person's firearms without a warrant if they have probable cause the person may be mentally unstable or intends to use the weapons to commit a crime."

Let me guess: If the NY government knows you have a prescription for certain medicines (such as anti-anxiety drugs), this is sufficient "probable cause the person may be mentally unstable".

BTW, in New York, all prescriptions for ANY drugs that require them, are copied to the state government and put in a database. So the government DOES know you have a prescription.

It won't be long before they say anyone with children can't have a gun, and force every licensed/registered person with children to surrender their firearms; or to surrender custody of their children.
According to Wikipedia, these new gun laws (the New York SAFE Act) "Allows law enforcement officials to pre-emptively seize a person's firearms without a warrant if they have probable cause the person may be mentally unstable or intends to use the weapons to commit a crime."

Let me guess: If the NY government knows you have a prescription for certain medicines (such as anti-anxiety drugs), this is sufficient "probable cause the person may be mentally unstable".

BTW, in New York, all prescriptions for ANY drugs that require them, are copied to the state government and put in a database. So the government DOES know you have a prescription.

Gee...no wonder there are so many court challenges against this law. According to your C&P, there are at least 2 violations of the constitution...in just ONE paragraph.

This is what happens when you ram a bill through like a freight train without letting anyone see what's in it, acting on pure emotion and absolutely no common sense. Cuomo is going to have a lot of explaining to do when things really start to come out about this bill.
By golly, he should have been in a database all along. Wayne LaPierre told me so.
How come you can only get this story on gun sites?

Could it be that MSNBC agrees with the state's actions and chose not to report it?

And how thew fuck did the state get access to medical records. Isn't there something called doctor patient privilege?

Those protections aren't as strong in New York, I live here.

I only go to doctors for mortal emergencies, such as required surgery (appendix/hernia).

Do you libtards understand why we don't want background checks? Because they allow for immediate confiscation of any group of people the government wishes to disarm, based on a false whim.
New York State has had a very strict pistol permitting process in place for 50 years or more.

btw, wasn't it Wayne LaPierre himself who said we need more gun control regarding mental cases? Didn't he also claim we needed more comprehensive record keeping in that area?
btw, wasn't it Wayne LaPierre himself who said we need more gun control regarding mental cases? Didn't he also claim we needed more comprehensive record keeping in that area?

What's that got to do with the guy with the prescription, who wasn't a "mental case" at all?

If his prescription is the only reason they have for wanting to confiscate his weapon and nothing else I can't say I agree with this. But then again I believe in extra large serving size cups too.
According to the story about a dad getting his permit revoked over something his kid said, the permitting agency has cart blanch (sp) over who possesses "good moral character"
Don't wait until they come knocking at your door, don't wait until your children are put in a foster home to protect them from gun clinging parental maniacs for their own safety.
Just give up the guns, you don't need them, the police will keep us all safe.

Don't sell them, turn them in to a government anti-gun program, if none available, have them destroyed at a recycling facility.

You're an idiot, troll.
According to Wikipedia, these new gun laws (the New York SAFE Act) "Allows law enforcement officials to pre-emptively seize a person's firearms without a warrant if they have probable cause the person may be mentally unstable or intends to use the weapons to commit a crime."

Let me guess: If the NY government knows you have a prescription for certain medicines (such as anti-anxiety drugs), this is sufficient "probable cause the person may be mentally unstable".

BTW, in New York, all prescriptions for ANY drugs that require them, are copied to the state government and put in a database. So the government DOES know you have a prescription.
So your right to privacy applies to cutting a baby out of your womb, but not to your medicine chest? Ask me again why I can't stand New York.
New York State has had a very strict pistol permitting process in place for 50 years or more.

btw, wasn't it Wayne LaPierre himself who said we need more gun control regarding mental cases? Didn't he also claim we needed more comprehensive record keeping in that area?

Of INSANE people, not people with minor anxiety issues.
Next they'll come for the people drinking really big sodas or eating trans fats.
Don't wait until they come knocking at your door, don't wait until your children are put in a foster home to protect them from gun clinging parental maniacs for their own safety.
Just give up the guns, you don't need them, the police will keep us all safe.

Don't sell them, turn them in to a government anti-gun program, if none available, have them destroyed at a recycling facility.
You are either joking or you are a total blithering libtarded idiot.
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

[NYS Police Departments Revoking Pistol Permits because of Anti-Anxiety Meds
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Read more at Ammoland.com: ]NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

Good for NY, it will show all the other states just what these gun restriction bills actually do when given the opportunity.
Ask the jews under hitler what happened, ask citizens of communist russia or china. Sorry, this kind of restrictions are not only stupid they are well only for the stupid. Stupid supports these restrictions, stupid.

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