Liberal, Socialist, Communist Extreme Gun Restrictions Lead To Gun Confiscation Which Leads To Turning Citizens Into Subjects

I am an extreme leftist, socialist, progressive, liberal, and am completely against gun control.

The USSR, Cuba, China, etc., were Stalinist, which is very right wing, state capitalism.
The proof is that Stalin had all the leftists killed, like Trotsky.
It isn't a party/political issue. This is about freedom and protecting the Constitution. I suspect there are many like you whose political beliefs don't mesh at all with conservatives but who STILL understand that 2A is all that stands between us and a police state.

That doesn't matter...if they vote for left wing candidates, it is those candidates who will appoint left wing judges who will rubber stamp extreme anti-gun laws......and left wing politicians who will pass extreme anti-gun it doesn't matter if they like the 2nd Amendment, their very votes will end the 2nd Amendment....
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

God bless you my Friend and expand your territory.
I copied his brilliant article and saved it to my storage for future reference.

I think it's about time for me to create a new website, "The Gun Control Fraud."
So much material refutes all of liberalism's lies.

You could start a thread here....but if you do start that website, let me know.......
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

95% of our gun crime in the U.S. is caused by a tiny number of career criminals with long histories of crime and violence.......the majority of them living in democrat party controlled voting districts...

Now......can you explain why it is that the democrat party keeps releasing violent, known, repeat gun offenders....?

You need to answer that question since it is these criminals, released over and over again by the democrats who are doing all of the shooting in democrat party controlled cities...

Do you actually want to answer this question? Because nothing else you bring up actually addresses gun crime and gun murder...
The Democrats are pushing hard, while they have control of the House / Senate / WH, to ram through as much extremist legislation intended to secure power and ensure Democrats never lose another election, thus instituting a 1-party oppressive Socialist government.

EXPECTING and FEARING an eventual revolt by the American people, the Democrats have militarized DC, turning it into the Iraqi 'Green Zone' - they are AFRAID of the majority of Americans they have victimized with their oppressive, Un-Constitutional, and criminal assault on US citizens.

To continue a step further, following the other Socialist / Communist / Nazi regimes, to secure their power they are following their footsteps, moving towards gun ownership banning, and gun confiscation.

The nation is already almost unrecognizable compared to the US that existed prior to Barry being elected. After I Barry was elected I thought we would be ok if we just survived his presidency. Barry, compared to Biden is like getting COVID-19. President Biden is like getting Leprosy or the Plague. I am seriously wondering is we will survive his 1st 2 years , if not 1, in office based on the fact that his 1st 60 days have been so destructive and placed US citizens and our national security is extreme danger.
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

Same could be said about those that want to add laws that hurt 99% of gun owners because of the actions of the other 1%
When the same government that was intentionally illegally smuggling weapons to Drug Cartels (automatic weapons and grenades),weapons that were used to kill US citizens in the US. tells the law-abiding citizens of the United States that THEY need to be disarmed because criminals are killing too many innocent people / Citizens I am inclined to tell the liberal politicians to go f* themselves.

When Democrats can completely stop the record-setting murder rate, the double-digit shootings/woundings/murders happening EVERY weekend in Chicago I will consider giving them more power.

When Democrats can stop supporting Foreign-Funded Domestic Terrorists, stop supplying them, stop supporting them, stop facilitating their violence that causes BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run communities all over the US...and stop advocating these groups to continue to commit these terrorist attacks after the election, as our current VP has done - if they can start opposing those violent terrorists. ...they can start claiming we have no need for weapons

When Democrats secure our borders, stop allowing Drug/Human/Child trafficking Cartels and Coyotes to freely enter the US, when Democrats stop allowing violent felon illegals to remain in the US, when Democrats spread violent / virus-infected illegals all over the US without telling local and state officials they are coming, when Democrats REALLY secure our borders they can begin trying to make the argument we don't need the 2nd Amendment.

When Democrats stop violating both Constitutional and Civil rights to destroy our economy and force the closure and destruction of more than 50% of all existing minority-owned small businesses for their own political benefit they can start telling us we do not need the 2nd Amendment.
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

1) No one thinks your strawman. You addressed nobody

2) You have offered zero solutions to prevent criminals from getting guns.

What a ditsy Nazi
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

Laws already exist to prevent crazy people and violent criminals from owning guns, it's just that cat lady twats like you don't feel like enforcing laws against actual criminals, you prefer to go after law abiding citizens that disagree with you politically.

Why haven't your 30 cats eaten your dried up snatch yet?
There are things that no self respecting cat would ever do....
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

God bless you my Friend and expand your territory.
I copied his brilliant article and saved it to my storage for future reference.

I think it's about time for me to create a new website, "The Gun Control Fraud."
So much material refutes all of liberalism's lies.

You could start a thread here....but if you do start that website, let me know.......

Based on you encouragement, Friend, I will do that immediately. Your suggestions and assistance are welcome.

In just a few minutes, I began the ongoing work in progress. I would include the brilliant schooling of a city council by an Asian immigrant on guns in America, but the Left Wing YouTube Brownshirts have censored it from public view. They cannot stand truth contradicting their socialist narratives.

While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Lol, it is paranoid.
No, snowflake - it's history.
It's you reading your paranoid fantasies onto History.
People will turn people in here in America. The test of this virus proves it. People have been fired from jobs comparing this to Jewish people in Nazi Germany. Most of the Progs will get in your face but whither when hit back. the problem is that many Non Prog do not hit back. If the worst happens, all of you non progs never help a Prog in that time period if needed. Never!!! They brought this on us all.

Actually that depends on where you live...
While waging their war against the 2nd Amendment and marching further and further incrementally towards attempting to strip law-abiding citizens of their legally owned weapons, Democrats and snowflakes also continue to push the propaganda that Americans who are alarmed by this and who push back against the Liberal Agenda are 'paranoid'. They aren't 'paranoid' - they just know their history.

To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution.

Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.

Once World War II came to an end, Eastern European countries took after their Soviet overlords and started implementing gun confiscation, as detailed in Firearms Possession by 'Non-State Actors': The Question of Sovereignty. Several countries stood out during this time period:

  • Bulgaria: Once Communists took power in 1944, they confiscated privately owned firearms.
  • East Germany: Private gun ownership was banned, even though the government did allow for agricultural collectives to possess hunting weapons while taking part in government-supervised hunts.
  • Hungary: Communist Minister of the Interior, Lazlo Rajk dissolved all pistol and hunting clubs, while also dismantling other organizations that potentially posed a threat to government power

In 1938, Hitler signed a new Gun Control Act. Now that many “enemies of the state” had been removed from society, some restrictions could be slightly liberalized, especially for Nazi Party members. But Jews were prohibited from working in the firearms industry, and .22 caliber hollow-point ammunition was banned.
- In sum, the Jewish populace was disarmed and had no way of defending itself against the increasingly militant Nazi political operatives. The Holocaust followed.

Similar to the Nazi case, Castro took advantage of firearm registration lists established by the previous government. Once the dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed, Castro’s tyrannical instincts kicked in. In a speech at the Maestre Barracks of San Ambrosio, Castro exclaimed: "Guns, for what? To fight against whom? Against the Revolutionary government that has the support of the people?" Following this speech, gun confiscation slowly commenced. The Castro government started by targeting rival revolutionary groups, who fought the Batista government but were not Communist affiliates. Then, the Castro government broadened the definition of “rival revolutionaries” to disarm more of the populace.

The Venezuelan government started by passing the original version of the Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law. Since then, the law has been modified to broaden the scope of the firearms regulated by the Venezuelan Armed forces, who have the power to register, control, and confiscate firearms. The day of reckoning came when Venezuela banned the sale of firearms and ammo in 2012, under the guise of fighting crime. Despite the gun ban in place, crime rates continue to skyrocket.

Now Venezuelans have no way of defending themselves against a government that is free to muzzle their speech, expropriate their wealth, debase their currency, and starve them to death. And if that weren’t enough, the average Venezuelan must contend with the constant threat of common criminals and colectivos, Venezuela’s infamous pro-government paramilitary units.

Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns

Crazy people should not be allowed cars, flammables, toxins, etc., so you have to supervise them.
You don't need gun laws.
With violent criminals, they should be in jail.
You don't need gun laws.

The only people who would obey gun laws are the honest people who we do not want disarmed.
Hey Sergei. Only an insane moron or a Russian asset thinks we should let crazy people and violent criminals have guns
None of your dumb ass gun control laws prevent this. Please explain why passing more gun laws will make already law abiding gun owners even more law abiding. ^^^ more proof the left are morons.
I am an extreme leftist, socialist, progressive, liberal, and am completely against gun control.

The USSR, Cuba, China, etc., were Stalinist, which is very right wing, state capitalism.
The proof is that Stalin had all the leftists killed, like Trotsky.

Lol, the old "it wasn't socialism they were doing it wrong" trope.

It is not that they were doing it wrong.
That sounds like you are saying they just goofed or made mistakes.
But it was no mistake when Stalin had all the socialists, communists, and anarchists killed.
He never intended to implement or allow communism or socialism.
Stalin was likely the single greatest capitalist in modern history.
I am an extreme leftist, socialist, progressive, liberal, and am completely against gun control.

The USSR, Cuba, China, etc., were Stalinist, which is very right wing, state capitalism.
The proof is that Stalin had all the leftists killed, like Trotsky.

Lol, the old "it wasn't socialism they were doing it wrong" trope.

It is not that they were doing it wrong.
That sounds like you are saying they just goofed or made mistakes.
But it was no mistake when Stalin had all the socialists, communists, and anarchists killed.
He never intended to implement or allow communism or socialism.
Stalin was likely the single greatest capitalist in modern history.

I was mocking the mindset of modern socialists. They think that their system isn't the issue, it's how it's implemented "wrongly"
I am an extreme leftist, socialist, progressive, liberal, and am completely against gun control.

The USSR, Cuba, China, etc., were Stalinist, which is very right wing, state capitalism.
The proof is that Stalin had all the leftists killed, like Trotsky.

If you vote for any of the things you are for then you're not completely against gun control because the people who will be implementing what you like will be doing what you, and I, do not like.

Gun rights is election topic #1. Everything else is dependent on not having guns taken away. Even abortion is second to gun right.

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