NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms R

Gun control isn’t about guns — it’s about control. And the right to bear arms isn’t about the arms — it’s about the right.
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

[NYS Police Departments Revoking Pistol Permits because of Anti-Anxiety Meds
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Read more at Ammoland.com: ]NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

Yeah............sure................more propaganda from the gun lobby.

And, although someone else on this thread already accused MSNBC of not covering this story because they want to help Obama take your guns................I have a quick question................

Why hasn't FAUX Nooze been crawling all over this? This is the kind of red meat crap they love.
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

[NYS Police Departments Revoking Pistol Permits because of Anti-Anxiety Meds
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Read more at Ammoland.com: ]NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

Yeah............sure................more propaganda from the gun lobby.

And, although someone else on this thread already accused MSNBC of not covering this story because they want to help Obama take your guns................I have a quick question................

Why hasn't FAUX Nooze been crawling all over this? This is the kind of red meat crap they love.
Another stupid idiot who supports socialism pukes out ass.
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

[NYS Police Departments Revoking Pistol Permits because of Anti-Anxiety Meds
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Read more at Ammoland.com: ]NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

Joe Doe?


You dopes are too much... Give us a story with facts we can actually check out.
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

Yeah............sure................more propaganda from the gun lobby.

And, although someone else on this thread already accused MSNBC of not covering this story because they want to help Obama take your guns................I have a quick question................

Why hasn't FAUX Nooze been crawling all over this? This is the kind of red meat crap they love.
Another stupid idiot who supports socialism pukes out ass.

And you're on your knees behind him, mouth wide open, ready to lap it all up...
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

NYS Police Departments Revoking Pistol Permits because of Anti-Anxiety Meds
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Read more at Ammoland.com: ]NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms
Good for NY, it will show all the other states just what these gun restriction bills actually do when given the opportunity.

Remember folks, the government violating doctor patient confidentiality is a good thing. Don't complain about it when the government uses Obamacare to take away your rights, it is a goo thing.
How come you can only get this story on gun sites?

Why don't you hear about Mark Mattioli unless you pay attention to sites that promote rights? Could it be because the media has an agenda?

Yet again................I ask the question....................if this is true, why isn't FOX News all over this story?

Or.............are they part of the media covering up for Obama as well?
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action.."

No name. Nothing which can be verified.

Read more at Ammoland.com: NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

From the second link: "I have first-hand knowledge."

In other words, he's got no proof. Again, nothing which can be checked or verified.

Show me the evidence.

ps: Even if it is true, does anyone remember what the gun nuts were screaming in the days after Newtown? "Don't make more gun laws which will affect honest citizens! Just get the guns out of the hands of crazies!"

Well....here you are. How do you suppose they can get the guns out of the hands of crazies without first defining who should not have one and then taking them?

And we all know the government would never do anything remotely like this.
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action.."

No name. Nothing which can be verified.

Read more at Ammoland.com: NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

From the second link: "I have first-hand knowledge."

In other words, he's got no proof. Again, nothing which can be checked or verified.

Show me the evidence.

ps: Even if it is true, does anyone remember what the gun nuts were screaming in the days after Newtown? "Don't make more gun laws which will affect honest citizens! Just get the guns out of the hands of crazies!"

Well....here you are. How do you suppose they can get the guns out of the hands of crazies without first defining who should not have one and then taking them?

And we all know the government would never do anything remotely like this.
Under obamaturd it would.
New York State has had a very strict pistol permitting process in place for 50 years or more.

btw, wasn't it Wayne LaPierre himself who said we need more gun control regarding mental cases? Didn't he also claim we needed more comprehensive record keeping in that area?

If my name was Wayne LaPierre you pointing out that quote might make sense. Since it isn't, and he is not one of the posters in this forum, all you are doing is proving you have nothing to base your position on because you cannot think for yourself.
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Only good thing I see here is it will get this BS law in the courts faster. It's time to bitch slap the libs.
How come you can only get this story on gun sites?

Why don't you hear about Mark Mattioli unless you pay attention to sites that promote rights? Could it be because the media has an agenda?

Yet again................I ask the question....................if this is true, why isn't FOX News all over this story?

Or.............are they part of the media covering up for Obama as well?

Because, unlike you, they are not drooling idiots who jump all over every single story in the world? Kind of the same way that MSNBC doesn't report every about every mother who is demanding the government answer for her son's death because of a war Bush started.

Or, maybe, this is all part of a delusion, and you are actually stuck in a pod about to be eaten by aliens.
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

[NYS Police Departments Revoking Pistol Permits because of Anti-Anxiety Meds
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Read more at Ammoland.com: ]NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

Yeah............sure................more propaganda from the gun lobby.

And, although someone else on this thread already accused MSNBC of not covering this story because they want to help Obama take your guns................I have a quick question................

Why hasn't FAUX Nooze been crawling all over this? This is the kind of red meat crap they love.

I just love it when you Libs come up with new and clever twists on the name of Fox News, you're just so smart and creative. They act like they're a legitimate news agency but it's not like the Founding Fathers meant for the 1st Amendment to apply to stories that would interest Conservatives and certainly not one's that would show Liberals, especially Liberal politicians, in a bad light.

Since you're soooo creative do you think you could come up with a new derogatory homosexual term for those crazy Tea Party people. I bet you could come up with a really good one and then you could call your mom down to the basement and show it to her.
NY Gun Confiscation Underway - Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

Yeah............sure................more propaganda from the gun lobby.

And, although someone else on this thread already accused MSNBC of not covering this story because they want to help Obama take your guns................I have a quick question................

Why hasn't FAUX Nooze been crawling all over this? This is the kind of red meat crap they love.

I just love it when you Libs come up with new and clever twists on the name of Fox News, you're just so smart and creative. They act like they're a legitimate news agency but it's not like the Founding Fathers meant for the 1st Amendment to apply to stories that would interest Conservatives and certainly not one's that would show Liberals, especially Liberal politicians, in a bad light.

Since you're soooo creative do you think you could come up with a new derogatory homosexual term for those crazy Tea Party people. I bet you could come up with a really good one and then you could call your mom down to the basement and show it to her.

So...................just like every other conservative on the board that is reading this thread, you won't answer the question.........................

Why hasn't FOX News reported on this situation? Apparently, from what we've heard them say, they support the gun lobby, and if this actually happened, why aren't they broadcasting this from their highest places if it didn't happen?

I'll tell you why........................because the news from that particular website is nothing more than propaganda for the gun lobby, and they know they're losing.

I mean............................FOX News (and yeah.............for this post I used the correct spelling to satisfy the right wing types)......................didn't report this.

Why not?

I mean..........................this could potentially be a thing to take down Obama if it's true.
I just love it when you Libs come up with new and clever twists on the name of Fox News, you're just so smart and creative. They act like they're a legitimate news agency but it's not like the Founding Fathers meant for the 1st Amendment to apply to stories that would interest Conservatives and certainly not one's that would show Liberals, especially Liberal politicians, in a bad light.

Since you're soooo creative do you think you could come up with a new derogatory homosexual term for those crazy Tea Party people. I bet you could come up with a really good one and then you could call your mom down to the basement and show it to her.

So...................just like every other conservative on the board that is reading this thread, you won't answer the question.........................

Why hasn't FOX News reported on this situation? Apparently, from what we've heard them say, they support the gun lobby, and if this actually happened, why aren't they broadcasting this from their highest places if it didn't happen?

I'll tell you why........................because the news from that particular website is nothing more than propaganda for the gun lobby, and they know they're losing.

I mean............................FOX News (and yeah.............for this post I used the correct spelling to satisfy the right wing types)......................didn't report this.

Why not?

I mean..........................this could potentially be a thing to take down Obama if it's true.

Either I am not a conservative, or you are conveniently ignoring the fact that I did answer the question. By the way, how would it take down Obama? Is he secretly running New York?

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