NY Teacher Who Performed Sex Act on Zoom Class in Front of Students Returns to Same School

Do you actually READ these articles before you post them?

Here, let me help you out, because they don't teach Reading Comprehension in whatever part of Jesusland you are from.

A Manhattan Spanish teacher yanked from the classroom after investigators found she sucked on a man’s nipple during a Zoom class returned to the same school this month – stunning students who had witnessed the lewd display.

Point was, she was fired for the incident and hasn't worked since.

Then it goes on to say this...

On Wednesday, a day after the Post asked about Fletcher’s return, the DOE sent Fletcher to a “district office,” a spokeswoman said.

Before returning to the school, Fletcher settled misconduct charges by agreeing to “irrevocably resign” effective July 1, officials said.

A DOE spokeswoman would not explain why Fletcher was sent back to the school until then.

So she was forced to resign, has not been put back in a classroom, and breifly showed up at her school per her district assignment before being re-assigned, pending her resignation.

So a couple of thoughts.

It should be easier to fire NYC teachers for misconduct. It isn't as bad as it was a decade ago, when fights between the districts and the Union left teachers in "Rubber Rooms" for years, drawing full pay.

Second, a lot of people made mistakes during Covid, forgetting that just because they were working from home, they shouldn't act like they were AT home. It kind of sounds like she forgot the video was still on while she was having her lunch.

Because the Post is a Murdoch paper, they leave out lots of key details. It honestly sounds like this woman just forgot that the camera was still on. Dumb ass mistake, but not the evil pedophile conspiracy you are making it out to be.
Thanks for reminding us the Left promoted her to the District office where she can now influence every student in the entire district with her sexual grooming policies.
You say this over and over: sending your child to public school is child abuse. That's ridiculous. It's patently foolish, as if sending your child to the teacher here in Manhattan is just the same as sending your child to the second grade teacher in Kansas who sits just down the pew from you every Sunday and also teaches Sunday School.

Like every public school in America is JUST EXACTLY THE SAME.

It's how liberals argue.
Universal school choice or burn the system down! Burn it down, I say! Torch it!
Thanks for reminding us the Left promoted her to the District office where she can now influence every student in the entire district with her sexual grooming policies.

Obviously, you don't understand the difference between "reassigned pending resignation" and "promoted". Do words confuse you?

No shock you’re for teachers having sex with their high school students. We all know about you.
What part of "consenting adult" confuses you, Cleetus?
Universal school choice or burn the system down! Burn it down, I say! Torch it!

I think I have already expressed my support for school choice. No one in America should be forced to participate in one system or another. That includes public school, PRIVATE school and HOME schools
I think I have already expressed my support for school choice. No one in America should be forced to participate in one system or another. That includes public school, PRIVATE school and HOME schools
They shouldn't be forced to support it either.
As I already pointed out, you’re one mental patient from being forced to lie about a person’s sex or get fired.
Dems da facts.

You think you know my job based on what you read in the media--which you don't trust for anything else. But you don't know my job.
Naive thinking the school district will defend you against a mentally deranged mom who wants your hide because you called her son in a dress HE.

Because you know the school district I've worked for nearly 30 years better than I do. Oh that's right. You read a few articles. SO you know.
She shoulda took a load on the tonsils and claimed it to be a sex ed video on birth control

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