NY Times Proudly Proclaims America Should be Governed by Mob Rule

This man knew all about mob rule.

President Trump knows it too! :clap:

Bless them!

It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.

This coming from a guy who supported Hillary and Bill who lied, sold US secrets to China, raped women and put out hits on their enemies.
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
Who said we've got "mob rule?" That's what you're going to call the left, now, when they protest, huh, "mobs?" Oh, that will bring over a few Independents and Democrats for sure.

Why? Who would want to join a screaming mob, except the screaming mob? They look like the idiots they are.
Riots are more likely..........seems the Dems protest riot police and buses to haul off those to jail are needed every time. It is one thing to protest PEACEFULLY and entirely another to use violence as a means for political ends............

Time and time again the left use intimidation and fear tactics on their protests..........when they don't get their way or when they are offended and they try to trample the Freedom of those who speak against them............ANTIFA and BLM being prime examples..........brandishing metal clubs with homemade body armor going to crack heads of those they disagree with............

That isn't a Peaceful Protest................that is an intent to incite violence.
Wake up. It's both sides. You all will be back with your AR's on your shoulders as soon as you lose.
Anti Muslim Crusaders...........which I am not a part of ..........Are you part of Antifa...........BLM.............who are violent to the core.

Do you start riots at Trump rallies.............are you following Republicans to gas stations and harassing them.........at the movies.........are you trying to scare Collins going to work by chanting and yelling at her.....................

You are as much a part of those groups as I am part of the Crusaders.................In regards to when we lose...........TEA PARTY.........You bet. But they didn't go there and burn the town down to the ground...........and didn't silence the opposition...........Police were there........but didn't have to do mass arrests..........now did they.
How many times do I have to remind you that NO ONE has burned any town down to the ground. I don't hear you guys being silenced in the least. CNN had equal representation last night, as a matter of fact, Kavanaugh supporters and those against. But they were totally matter of fact about it, not insulting or asking for violence.
Old lady , you need to get with the times. You don’t have to shoot a person anymore in today’s world, you just character assassinate them. Today’s leftists bully, shout down, invade their space, scare children, and violate safe spaces. Just as technology has advanced, so have partisan attacks. The left is responsible for 90% of the hate, visciousness, invasion of privacy, and violence. I am assuming that you think shooting a congressman is violence. Republicans have to stop trying to reason with the left, there is no moral equivalency between the way the left and the right when it comes to transgressions. The left is quickly devolving to nazism and people like yourself who cannot see the left delegitimizing our presidency and now our court and destroying the constitution in the process are complicit in the destruction. The only way for evil to triumph is for good men( and women) to stand by and do nothing. The time to stop doing nothing is now.
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.

This coming from a guy who supported Hillary and Bill who lied, sold US secrets to China, raped women and put out hits on their enemies.
Check your facts kid, I have never posted anything supporting either Clinton.
In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.
In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.
The ONLY smoke is from 3 people proven to be bald faced liars bent on political assassination.No evidence NO witnesses NO corroboration at all, JUST their proven lies and political bent.
The nyt is so moronic in its devotion to the left. Much in the way old white men are so monolithic even when voted in by lots of women. Let’s talk numbers since this idiot wants to and let’s include all the people who voted against these candidates as well as those who voted for. It brings the numbers into much more equilibrium.

But let’s follow the strategy of delegitimization. Now let’s delegitimize the congress or better yet the constitution. How quaint and outdated is this institution especially when it doesn’t let us get our way. Why are we constrained by such an old piece of paper written by a bunch of old white men? Why are republicans allowed to transfer our power to themselves.

The country has two parties. One that believes in the constitution, and one that doesn’t. There is no more serious existential threat to our country and people better wake up to that fact.
It is the Will of the People (in 2018) that the United State Supreme Court...

1. get back to basics --- interpreting law, not making it

2. cease and reverse its judicial activism (liberal, mostly) of recent decades
In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.
The only reason there is smoke is because of democrat arsonists. You really should be ashamed that you're willing to go along with using the pain of real victims of abuse as a political weapon in order to advance the guilty until proven innocent party.

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