NY Times Proudly Proclaims America Should be Governed by Mob Rule

Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite...

So long as they're One Percenters, what's the downside? :21:

Eating the rich has never been an effective strategy. You quickly run out of the rich and the mob is still hungry.
While I'm sure you didn't read the entire article (I did) I found the author, Michael Tomasky, logic to be wanting. While I agree that the high court has been rigged with an evangelical, so-called catholic, right winger, I don't agree that SCOTUS should represent a mob, which pretty much sums up the reaction of the far left to Kavanaugh's election.

The ideological make up of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case had nothing to do with it's decision.
The role of the Supreme Court is not to represent the will of the people and never has been, but rather, to represent the U.S. Constitution and whether any case brought before it violates the Constitution or, not.
Ok, Who is the majority? Who is this imaginary majority? All the contractors, lawyers, real estate speculators and their handlers? The dark deep insular dark government of the elitists? The same ones that say: give sanctuary to illegals aliens because its "Humanitarian", but then turn around and say fuck poor uneducated Americans that want 401ks, workman's comp and want higher pay? THOSE same assholes ? But they want to be all magnificent all of a sudden and help foreign nationals instead. Bravo! Hear that? The sound of one hand clapping.
Of course you dupes don't understand that is not the New York Times it is someone writing on their opinion page. Unlike Fox Rush etc etc your propaganda machine we allow all kinds of opinions.

But congratulations on all your successes putting off progress and justice LOL super dupers and religious nut jobs.
Ok, Who is the majority? Who is this imaginary majority? All the contractors, lawyers, real estate speculators and their handlers? The dark deep insular dark government of the elitists? The same ones that say: give sanctuary to illegals aliens because its "Humanitarian", but then turn around and say fuck poor uneducated Americans that want 401ks, workman's comp and want higher pay? THOSE same assholes ? But they want to be all magnificent all of a sudden and help foreign nationals instead. Bravo! Hear that? The sound of one hand clapping.
What are you talking about? The question is are you for a give away to the rich and increasing wealth inequality and worse upward Mobility? In that case vote Republican, super dupers.
It must sting some people here. The irony is rich. I alleged something I lived thorough, that's anecdotal. Downplaying personal experience , that's fair game But over playing it when it suits , that is typical liberal.
It must sting some people here. The irony is rich. I alleged something I lived thorough, that's anecdotal. Downplaying personal experience , that's fair game But over playing it when it suits , that is typical liberal.
What was being overplayed? And by who?
It's sort of private joke. A certain poster used to say the word "Anecdotal" when I alleged I lived through this or that. I needed proof in the form of evidence, statistics, names dates and yadda yadda. Heaven forbid I use the wrong grammar or misspell something. Hmm, that's it. Nothing more. You think perhaps Unakatre will demand Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's allegations held to a higher standard of proof? When ALL liberals apply this same standard across the board, when they apply this same level of cynicism and critical observation to everyone, I will be convinced this isn't an political issue.
It must sting some people here. The irony is rich. I alleged something I lived thorough, that's anecdotal. Downplaying personal experience , that's fair game But over playing it when it suits , that is typical liberal.
What was being overplayed? And by who?
It's sort of private joke. A certain poster used to say the word "Anecdotal" when I alleged I lived through this or that. I needed proof in the form of evidence, statistics, names dates and yadda yadda. Heaven forbid I use the wrong grammar or misspell something. Hmm, that's it. Nothing more. You think perhaps Unakatre will demand Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's allegations held to a higher standard of proof? When ALL liberals apply this same standard across the board, when they apply this same level of cynicism and critical observation to everyone, I will be convinced this isn't an political issue.
Unk is not really a liberal in my estimation, just Loves arguing. At least this Kavanaugh thing will make men a little less aggressive. And other things will make them even less aggressive. I do not excuse that at all the hand over the mouth thing... People got over-excited about all of this Kavanaugh thing, thanks to our silly media that is a gabfest, no news at all. Just cheap for the networks.
It must sting some people here. The irony is rich. I alleged something I lived thorough, that's anecdotal. Downplaying personal experience , that's fair game But over playing it when it suits , that is typical liberal.
What was being overplayed? And by who?
It's sort of private joke. A certain poster used to say the word "Anecdotal" when I alleged I lived through this or that. I needed proof in the form of evidence, statistics, names dates and yadda yadda. Heaven forbid I use the wrong grammar or misspell something. Hmm, that's it. Nothing more. You think perhaps Unakatre will demand Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's allegations held to a higher standard of proof? When ALL liberals apply this same standard across the board, when they apply this same level of cynicism and critical observation to everyone, I will be convinced this isn't an political issue.
Unk is not really a liberal in my estimation, just Loves arguing. At least this Kavanaugh thing will make men a little less aggressive. And other things will make them even less aggressive. I do not excuse that at all the hand over the mouth thing... People got over-excited about all of this Kavanaugh thing, thanks to our silly media that is a gabfest, no news at all. Just cheap for the networks.
Some people are just trolls here. That was all I was alluding to. They beg to differ about 2+2=for because it was misspelled. Then we need all the proof a saint couldn't even be bothered to give, in triplicate in perfect grammar. And then they blow that off too. Because...it's "Racist". That seems their fall back position.
Ok, Who is the majority? Who is this imaginary majority? All the contractors, lawyers, real estate speculators and their handlers? The dark deep insular dark government of the elitists? The same ones that say: give sanctuary to illegals aliens because its "Humanitarian", but then turn around and say fuck poor uneducated Americans that want 401ks, workman's comp and want higher pay? THOSE same assholes ? But they want to be all magnificent all of a sudden and help foreign nationals instead. Bravo! Hear that? The sound of one hand clapping.
What are you talking about? The question is are you for a give away to the rich and increasing wealth inequality and worse upward Mobility? In that case vote Republican, super dupers.
Soros puppet. Get yourself a new talking point.
Of course you dupes don't understand that is not the New York Times it is someone writing on their opinion page. Unlike Fox Rush etc etc your propaganda machine we allow all kinds of opinions.

But congratulations on all your successes putting off progress and justice LOL super dupers and religious nut jobs.
Shitforbrains thinks The NY Times let’s anyone take up one of their main sections.

Good Soros puppet.
While I'm sure you didn't read the entire article (I did) I found the author, Michael Tomasky, logic to be wanting. While I agree that the high court has been rigged with an evangelical, so-called catholic, right winger, I don't agree that SCOTUS should represent a mob, which pretty much sums up the reaction of the far left to Kavanaugh's election.

The ideological make up of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case had nothing to do with it's decision.
The ideological make up of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case had nothing to do with it's decision.

Yeah, saying a man is property in America involves no ideology.

Whack job.
In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.
The ONLY smoke is from 3 people proven to be bald faced liars bent on political assassination.No evidence NO witnesses NO corroboration at all, JUST their proven lies and political bent.
Lol @ "proven", 'cause they haven't been.

They also aren't the only ones by a long stretch. Gotta look at something besides rwnj fake news sites and get some real info occasionally.
In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.
The only reason there is smoke is because of democrat arsonists. You really should be ashamed that you're willing to go along with using the pain of real victims of abuse as a political weapon in order to advance the guilty until proven innocent party.
As I've asked before:

If this is merely a tactic how come.it wasn't used against gorsuch, whom we have much more reason to resent?

Conservative theories on this are full of holes.
In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.

There is no evidence or credibility
In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.

There is no evidence or credibility
Your lack of logical thought patterns has been noted.

In al
It's was bad then, and it's still bad now. Bart O'Kavanaugh is not only a lying rapist he's also the least popular nominee ever.
Well damn. I bet no one told him it was a popularity contest. Maybe he'd have brought a few beers to shore up some support.

In all seriousness, liberals like you are wretched uses of otherwise good oxygen. Someone who calls another a rapist with no proof is just garbage.
In all seriousness there is far too much smoke for there to be no fire. You just refuse to see because you are a rwnj hack.

There is no evidence or credibility
Your lack of logical thought patterns has been noted.

Superior to yours you mean.

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