NYC Mayor Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All in Historic Surprise Announcement

how funny.....turning illegals into non that where has that been done before?

How childish , arguing that anyone who doesn't think illegals should get the same benefits as citizens doesn't think they are people.

Of course liberals ARE children so there is that.
on the left think the American taxpayershould provide free medical care to people in the country illegally?

New York City mayor vows health care for all — including undocumented immigrants

Do you think the American taxpayer should provide foriegn aid to countries who consistently vote against us in the UN?

Foreign aid comes with strings attached and we need to buy as many friends as we can these days. When a country consistently is on the losing end of a UN vote when the vote tallies are 200-2 or thereabouts it`s an obvious sign that that country is screwed up. BTW, 90 countries offered help to the U.S. after Katrina.
90 nations offer aid to help U.S. with Katrina

and how many nations chipped in to help us??
This year alone the US has suffered devastating damage from Two hurricanes in Puerto Rick, Florence in NC, Michael a cat 5 in Florida, and the California fires. No nation ever offered to help! Keep the foreign aid at home. We need it.
Personally, I do not think people should die unnecessarily

When people have been offered asylum in Mexico and refuse because they are indulging in a political statement by trying to invade our country illegally, the responsibility for any deaths that results lies squarely on their own shoulders.

You only oppose the notion of national sovereignty because you have been conditioned by globalists to think so.
Has nothing to do with people living here

We do not let people die
Personally, I do not think people should die unnecessarily

Find me anyone that does. The point it's not our responsibility to take care of everyone's problems in the world, nor can we afford to do so.
If someone is sick and they don't have insurance or the funds to pay for care they must be cared for and we must all share the cost.

Do unto others and all that jazz.
on the left think the American taxpayershould provide free medical care to people in the country illegally?

New York City mayor vows health care for all — including undocumented immigrants

Do you think the American taxpayer should provide foriegn aid to countries who consistently vote against us in the UN?

Foreign aid comes with strings attached and we need to buy as many friends as we can these days. When a country consistently is on the losing end of a UN vote when the vote tallies are 200-2 or thereabouts it`s an obvious sign that that country is screwed up. BTW, 90 countries offered help to the U.S. after Katrina.
90 nations offer aid to help U.S. with Katrina

and how many nations chipped in to help us??
This year alone the US has suffered devastating damage from Two hurricanes in Puerto Rick, Florence in NC, Michael a cat 5 in Florida, and the California fires. No nation ever offered to help! Keep the foreign aid at home. We need it.
We need it for what? If we really needed the money we wouldn`t have robbed the treasury for pointless tax cuts.
Then 100% of us should pay federal income tax! Not 50%, not 70% not 90% 100%. Thanks!
Todays Dims ?
They see no difference between an illegal and an American citizen.
They could care less whether someone plays by the rules and legally immigrates here, or someone sneaks across the border.

So to answer the OP, Dims of today want taxpayers to pay for healthcare for illegals.

Here's how Dims felt just a handful of years ago:

Chucky Schumer:
WASHINGTON - "People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens, and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the United States legally."

Today, not in a million years would they use language like that.
on the left think the American taxpayershould provide free medical care to people in the country illegally?

New York City mayor vows health care for all — including undocumented immigrants

Once here we need to treat them if sick and then deport them.
Just deport them. The supply of medications is not inexhaustible. The labor of medical personnel is not unlimited. We have citizens that need that medicine, that doctor, that hospital bed.

Just deport them.

How likely is it that you will be able to first find then deport every illegal alien in NYC or Pittsburgh or St. Louis or Dallas or Denver or even Idaho for that matter?

Not likely at all when mother fucking Dimocrats fight you every fucking step of the way !!!
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

on the left think the American taxpayershould provide free medical care to people in the country illegally?

New York City mayor vows health care for all — including undocumented immigrants

Simple minded question for the current NYC mayor...

Child Abusing Foreign Born Mothers.jpg

_Schumer Gillibrand deBlasio.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*
We have a naturalization clause and should have no illegal problem

were it actually enforced, no Dan

but you see, we're short sighted , can't see the forest from the sleeze

imagine giving ICE the 5 bil instead for OT, eh...?

Someone did the math and figured 100 million would come to like $200 per person. Is there one honest person who believes this will work. Is there one honest person who believes this will not hurt healthcare for everyone in NY? Maybe the plan is to destroy all the healthcare everywhere in the country and then claim the federal govt must come in and rescue California, New York, et al. With single payer. People like Ocasio Cortez have so dumbed down the Democratic Party, they are literally brain dead. None of these moves can stand up to any scrutiny.
on the left think the American taxpayershould provide free medical care to people in the country illegally?

New York City mayor vows health care for all — including undocumented immigrants

Once here we need to treat them if sick and then deport them.
Just deport them. The supply of medications is not inexhaustible. The labor of medical personnel is not unlimited. We have citizens that need that medicine, that doctor, that hospital bed.

Just deport them.

How likely is it that you will be able to first find then deport every illegal alien in NYC or Pittsburgh or St. Louis or Dallas or Denver or even Idaho for that matter?

Not likely at all when mother fucking Dimocrats fight you every fucking step of the way !!!

Yawn! If you set up a Gestapo type force, you couldn’t find them (as was witnessed with Anne Frank) for years. In the mean time, they may be infecting people on the bus, in parks, at restaurants, etc… It makes far more sense to inoculate than to risk an outbreak. But those are just facts….don’t let them influence you.
on the left think the American taxpayershould provide free medical care to people in the country illegally?

New York City mayor vows health care for all — including undocumented immigrants

Once here we need to treat them if sick and then deport them.
Just deport them. The supply of medications is not inexhaustible. The labor of medical personnel is not unlimited. We have citizens that need that medicine, that doctor, that hospital bed.

Just deport them.

How likely is it that you will be able to first find then deport every illegal alien in NYC or Pittsburgh or St. Louis or Dallas or Denver or even Idaho for that matter?

Not likely at all when mother fucking Dimocrats fight you every fucking step of the way !!!

Yawn! If you set up a Gestapo type force, you couldn’t find them (as was witnessed with Anne Frank) for years. In the mean time, they may be infecting people on the bus, in parks, at restaurants, etc… It makes far more sense to inoculate than to risk an outbreak. But those are just facts….don’t let them influence you.

Off topic. I just Said when they go to the Hospital you treat and deport.
Once here we need to treat them if sick and then deport them.
Just deport them. The supply of medications is not inexhaustible. The labor of medical personnel is not unlimited. We have citizens that need that medicine, that doctor, that hospital bed.

Just deport them.

How likely is it that you will be able to first find then deport every illegal alien in NYC or Pittsburgh or St. Louis or Dallas or Denver or even Idaho for that matter?

Not likely at all when mother fucking Dimocrats fight you every fucking step of the way !!!

Yawn! If you set up a Gestapo type force, you couldn’t find them (as was witnessed with Anne Frank) for years. In the mean time, they may be infecting people on the bus, in parks, at restaurants, etc… It makes far more sense to inoculate than to risk an outbreak. But those are just facts….don’t let them influence you.

Off topic. I just Said when they go to the Hospital you treat and deport.

ok. You left out the part of hoping they go to the hospital before infecting people

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