NYC Mayor Moves to Boot Donald From Trump Tower

but how long IS his penis?

Trump Tower sums up Donald Trump perfectly.

Trump says his tower has 75 stories. In fact, it has 10 stories less than that.

So when he talks about the length of his penis...

The man can't tell the truth to save his life. He lies when it isn't even necessary to lie. He's pathological.
yabut shortbusknife (OP) is going to vote for him!!!

Seems you support Bolshevik Bernie. Can't be but one reason and that's because he promised you someone else's money since you won't do for yourself.
but how long IS his penis?

Trump felt the most important thing America had to know was that his penis is not small. It was the very first thing he talked about in the March debate.

"He hit my hands. Nobody has ever hit my hands. I have never heard of this.Look at those hands. Are they small hands? And he referred to my hands, if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee."

He's the very picture of insecurity, and our enemies will exploit that to the max.
The Libtards will do anything to win.,There are no depths to which they will not sink to get their way.

According to CNN, officials in New York City are looking into whether Donald Trump is violating zoning laws that were part of a deal he reached with the city to expand the tower back in 1979.

Department of Building’s enforcement unit is investigating whether the atrium was improperly closed to the public,” Department spokesman Joe Soldevere said.

Full story @ BREAKING: NYC Mayor Makes Disgusting Move to Boot Donald From Trump Tower

Progressive Fascist taking baby steps
Same game they pulled on Palin...
why do you say that about our dear DIBLASIO? Not that I disagree----I just want
to know why YOU, TOO----hate his damned guts
In recent weeks, no fewer than five separate inquiries — involving at least six different federal, state and local law enforcement and regulatory agencies — have come to light. Four of these investigations are focused on possible violations of criminal law.

Subpoenas issued in investigation of New York mayor de Blasio

de Blasio: The Other NY Democrat Under FBI Investigation
Trump Tower sums up Donald Trump perfectly.

Trump says his tower has 75 stories. In fact, it has 10 stories less than that.

So when he talks about the length of his penis...

The man can't tell the truth to save his life. He lies when it isn't even necessary to lie. He's pathological.

I believe I heard him say it has 58 stories. In fact, that's exactly how many stories it has.

I think what your post sums you up perfectly. You're a congenital liar. You couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it.

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