NYC Mayor to put shoplifters in Time Out

Will referring shoplifters to Social Services put the brakes on crime?

  • For sure. It's a wonder no other mayor thought of this brilliant idea.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It will only work if the shoplifters die laughing when the enter the store.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Well, Mayor Out of Touch has exposed his idiotic plan.
The Democrat mayor’s plan, laid out in bullet point format during a local Fox 5 broadcast, included providing "De-escalation training for retail employees," and putting kiosks in stores that connect "would-be thieves" to social service.

Twitter users mocked the mayor for his soft, unrealistic plan that seemed no harsher than putting unruly children in a "time out corner," as one described. Others argued that the mayor’s plan would make the city more "dangerous" than it has already become.
Well, Mayor Out of Touch has exposed his idiotic plan.
The Democrat mayor’s plan, laid out in bullet point format during a local Fox 5 broadcast, included providing "De-escalation training for retail employees," and putting kiosks in stores that connect "would-be thieves" to social service.

Twitter users mocked the mayor for his soft, unrealistic plan that seemed no harsher than putting unruly children in a "time out corner," as one described. Others argued that the mayor’s plan would make the city more "dangerous" than it has already become.
I can't wait for the video of the happy shoppers stealing the kiosks.
Crime is a social and economic issue,.especially petty, low profit crime. Until.the West addresses these issues...
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The Mayor of DC is being questioned about all the rise in crime and what to do about it. The average number of arrests for murderers is 11 times, and the prosecuters there don't even prosecute most crimes. She wants more red flag laws, but if 11 felonies isn't even a yellow flag, I don't know how this would help.
Well, Mayor Out of Touch has exposed his idiotic plan.
The Democrat mayor’s plan, laid out in bullet point format during a local Fox 5 broadcast, included providing "De-escalation training for retail employees," and putting kiosks in stores that connect "would-be thieves" to social service.

Twitter users mocked the mayor for his soft, unrealistic plan that seemed no harsher than putting unruly children in a "time out corner," as one described. Others argued that the mayor’s plan would make the city more "dangerous" than it has already become.
Social services kiosks ? What the heck is that ? Maybe a place where instead of them having to shoplift, they can just stop in to get their shopping allowance checks (taxpayer funded), so they won't get into trouble if entering a place of great temptation, and also of great weaknesses that promote gun free zones excetra excetra...

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