NYC To Pay Out Millions For Arresting Unruly Protesters


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
You heard that right--- I can't believe no one is talking about this, I heard about this many days ago--- In NYC, they are making amends to 320 BLM protestors who held the city at bay in 2020 for daring to arrest them for refusing police orders to disperse and being arrested. That's right: protesting PAYS in NYC! Especially if you are among their beloved BLM!

The 320 protesters are to each receive between $21,500 up to as much as $45,500 each for being surrounded by police, rounded up and arrested. The original report claimed it was because the police failed to wear covid masks during the struggle, thus subjecting the rioters in the crowd to Covid-19 which they couldn't have been too concerned about if they were out in a crowd protesting, but isn't mentioned in the reports now on line, so I'm not sure where that claim went.

The police who had to battle these riots are receiving SQUAT.
The police who were killed in 2020 Floyd riots are receiving ZILCH.
The police who were seriously injured, sent to the hospital, were spit on, hit with boards, and had molotov cocktails thrown at them in 2020 get NOTHING.
And never mind those protesting at the Capitol on J6 who were arrested and held for two years without charges, evidence concealed, no charges filed, lies spread about them, and every bit as much a right to protest--- they get nothing, at least not yet so far.

Why would law enforcement officers even care anymore? Democrats will end up getting their way through attrition: law enforcement officers don't want to create the next national story and / or not be supported by their leadership. They will minimize who and why they engage.
You heard that right--- I can't believe no one is talking about this, I heard about this many days ago--- In NYC, they are making amends to 320 BLM protestors who held the city at bay in 2020 for daring to arrest them for refusing police orders to disperse and being arrested. That's right: protesting PAYS in NYC! Especially if you are among their beloved BLM!

The 320 protesters are to each receive between $21,500 up to as much as $45,500 each for being surrounded by police, rounded up and arrested. The original report claimed it was because the police failed to wear covid masks during the struggle, thus subjecting the rioters in the crowd to Covid-19 which they couldn't have been too concerned about if they were out in a crowd protesting, but isn't mentioned in the reports now on line, so I'm not sure where that claim went.

The police who had to battle these riots are receiving SQUAT.
The police who were killed in 2020 Floyd riots are receiving ZILCH.
The police who were seriously injured, sent to the hospital, were spit on, hit with boards, and had molotov cocktails thrown at them in 2020 get NOTHING.
And never mind those protesting at the Capitol on J6 who were arrested and held for two years without charges, evidence concealed, no charges filed, lies spread about them, and every bit as much a right to protest--- they get nothing, at least not yet so far.

It is a complete disgrace to America that this is happening. These people deserve not a single penny they attacked the police. And of course brother as you point out the hypocrisy is stunning what about the money for the January 6 protesters who have had a languish in jail for years on end for no good reason.

All of us know the massive difference between a BLM criminals and the January 6 protesters. Black Lives Matter liters are feet and they’re stealing money from hard-working Black people and white people. And then they have the BLM rioters these are the BLM criminals… They burn American flags they chant things like death to the police or they called the police “ pigs that should be fried up like bacon.”

On the other hand look at January 6 these were patriots with flags American flags all over the place. And then what the media does is a destroy those images they show us five or six images they keep showing us the same images it’s a total distortion without the media plays of January 6 compared to the Black Lives Matter riots.
On CNN and the neoconservatives always like to say hey 100 Capitol police officers were injured on January 6. OK what about the 190 police officers who were injured on the attack on (one day )the White House in 2020. Remember that they burned a historic church.

Tucker Carlson has been showing us incredible footage new evidence from January 6 this week and he’s showing us the massive difference between how the government including Republicans are treating the January 6 protesters compared to how they are treating the Black Lives Matter rioters.
You heard that right--- I can't believe no one is talking about this, I heard about this many days ago--- In NYC, they are making amends to 320 BLM protestors who held the city at bay in 2020 for daring to arrest them for refusing police orders to disperse and being arrested. That's right: protesting PAYS in NYC! Especially if you are among their beloved BLM!

The 320 protesters are to each receive between $21,500 up to as much as $45,500 each for being surrounded by police, rounded up and arrested. The original report claimed it was because the police failed to wear covid masks during the struggle, thus subjecting the rioters in the crowd to Covid-19 which they couldn't have been too concerned about if they were out in a crowd protesting, but isn't mentioned in the reports now on line, so I'm not sure where that claim went.

The police who had to battle these riots are receiving SQUAT.
The police who were killed in 2020 Floyd riots are receiving ZILCH.
The police who were seriously injured, sent to the hospital, were spit on, hit with boards, and had molotov cocktails thrown at them in 2020 get NOTHING.
And never mind those protesting at the Capitol on J6 who were arrested and held for two years without charges, evidence concealed, no charges filed, lies spread about them, and every bit as much a right to protest--- they get nothing, at least not yet so far.


Of course it pays to be an untouchable trust fund baby

What??? You expect them to do all that hard work for free?


Of course it pays to be an untouchable trust fund baby
What??? You expect them to do all that hard work for free?

Just ask yourself:
  • If you were a cop in NYC now, would you be MORE disposed to go out now or LESS to put your life on ther line every day seeing these idiots rewarded like this?
  • If you were a protestor or activist in NYC, would you now be LESS likely or MORE so to go right back out looking for another excuse to cause civil disruption hoping to get popped by a pig again?
For many of these people, this reward will equal more than they take home in a year. Maybe two.
Just ask yourself:
  • If you were a cop in NYC now, would you be MORE disposed to go out now or LESS to put your life on ther line every day seeing these idiots rewarded like this?
  • If you were a protestor or activist in NYC, would you now be LESS likely or MORE so to go right back out looking for another excuse to cause civil disruption hoping to get popped by a pig again?
For many of these people, this reward will equal more than they take home in a year. Maybe two.


That was my point in a roundabout way.



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