NYPD Cop Tries to ‘Cop a Feel’ on a Woman, Friend Tries to Film it, So they Assault & Kidnap Him

thats the problem Bucs, you seem to always see police actions as equating to criminal behavior.

As if you dont expect better out of police. Criminals cant put someone in jail, or put something on their arrest record for life.

So once again, not the same at all

Um...thats because the behavior of some cops is criminal. Newsflash: Every profession in the world which hires humans...also hires the occassinal criminal. Cops? Theres 1, 000, 000ish in America. How many are closeted criminals waiting to be caught? Id estimate 10, 000 if my life depended on an accurate estimate.

You speak in an unrealistic way. You believe there is some liberal fantasy land where everything can be perfect. Doesnt exist.

Military members. Preachers. Teachers. Cops. All highly noble professions with massive authority and influence. And all have criminals employed in them.

You should study sociology and personality types. It'll help you understand basic humanity better.

In the meantime...with turnover rates at 50% per 5 years....American police departments are going to need to hire about 500, 000 new officers over the next 5 years.

Out of our population. Which has low morals. Low discipline. Lots of excuses. Pot heads. Cowards. Racists. And mostly all overweight.

Whats your plan to recruit and retain 500, 000 humans who can do the job of a cop to pperfection and have no personal flaws?
thats the problem Bucs, you seem to always see police actions as equating to criminal behavior.

As if you dont expect better out of police. Criminals cant put someone in jail, or put something on their arrest record for life.

So once again, not the same at all

Um...thats because the behavior of some cops is criminal. Newsflash: Every profession in the world which hires humans...also hires the occassinal criminal. Cops? Theres 1, 000, 000ish in America. How many are closeted criminals waiting to be caught? Id estimate 10, 000 if my life depended on an accurate estimate.

You speak in an unrealistic way. You believe there is some liberal fantasy land where everything can be perfect. Doesnt exist.

Thats funny, now you are just saying silly shit where I cant bring up problems unless I "expect everything to be perfect"

Military members. Preachers. Teachers. Cops. All highly noble professions with massive authority and influence. And all have criminals employed in them.

Yes, thats why I dont understand why you compare cops to criminals and not to preachers....Criminals get locked up, police rarely do.

You should study sociology and personality types. It'll help you understand basic humanity better.

In the meantime...with turnover rates at 50% per 5 years....American police departments are going to need to hire about 500, 000 new officers over the next 5 years.

Out of our population. Which has low morals. Low discipline. Lots of excuses. Pot heads. Cowards. Racists. And mostly all overweight.

Whats your plan to recruit and retain 500, 000 humans who can do the job of a cop to pperfection and have no personal flaws?

So this is your way of derailing the topic? Asking me Human Resources questions about a hiring situation I'm not involved in?

Well, first we check them, then when they are found to abuse people we dont slap them on the wrist. You lock their asses up and or give them a fine like you do criminals.

But since cops rarely do time whats to stop them from abusing it? Only morals

Jail is a deterrent wouldnt you agree?

On Tuesday, a civil rights law firm, Rankin and Taylor, filed a lawsuit against Officer Munoz, Officer Edwin Florez, a third unidentified officer, as well as the NYPD on behalf of Disisto. The firm is also representing six other cases of police misconduct in response to being filmed.

He clearly put his hands on her. That was inappropriate and illegal. Both officers should lose their jobs and be held accountable for their actions before a judge.
In order to proceed against the offending cop the girl must lodge an assault complaint. So far I haven't read or heard of her doing so.

Once she does complain, then DeSisto's action is validated.
He clearly put his hands on her. That was inappropriate and illegal. Both officers should lose their jobs and be held accountable for their actions before a judge.
In order to proceed against the offending cop the girl must lodge an assault complaint. So far I haven't read or heard of her doing so.

Once she does complain, then DeSisto's action is validated.

What action? Filming them?
You dont need audio to see he was touching her like he was trying to pick her up at the bar
Unless I am extremely out-dated, walking up to a woman you want to pick up at a bar and putting your hands on her that way is likely to get a drink tossed in your face.
He clearly put his hands on her. That was inappropriate and illegal. Both officers should lose their jobs and be held accountable for their actions before a judge.
In order to proceed against the offending cop the girl must lodge an assault complaint. So far I haven't read or heard of her doing so.

Once she does complain, then DeSisto's action is validated.

What action? Filming them?
Yes. That is an action. A perfectly lawful action, but an action nonetheless.

On Tuesday, a civil rights law firm, Rankin and Taylor, filed a lawsuit against Officer Munoz, Officer Edwin Florez, a third unidentified officer, as well as the NYPD on behalf of Disisto. The firm is also representing six other cases of police misconduct in response to being filmed.


I agree. I hope they lose their badges! Those scoundrels!
thats the problem Bucs, you seem to always see police actions as equating to criminal behavior.

As if you dont expect better out of police. Criminals cant put someone in jail, or put something on their arrest record for life.

So once again, not the same at all

Um...thats because the behavior of some cops is criminal. Newsflash: Every profession in the world which hires humans...also hires the occassinal criminal. Cops? Theres 1, 000, 000ish in America. How many are closeted criminals waiting to be caught? Id estimate 10, 000 if my life depended on an accurate estimate.

You speak in an unrealistic way. You believe there is some liberal fantasy land where everything can be perfect. Doesnt exist.

Thats funny, now you are just saying silly shit where I cant bring up problems unless I "expect everything to be perfect"

Military members. Preachers. Teachers. Cops. All highly noble professions with massive authority and influence. And all have criminals employed in them.

Yes, thats why I dont understand why you compare cops to criminals and not to preachers....Criminals get locked up, police rarely do.

You should study sociology and personality types. It'll help you understand basic humanity better.

In the meantime...with turnover rates at 50% per 5 years....American police departments are going to need to hire about 500, 000 new officers over the next 5 years.

Out of our population. Which has low morals. Low discipline. Lots of excuses. Pot heads. Cowards. Racists. And mostly all overweight.

Whats your plan to recruit and retain 500, 000 humans who can do the job of a cop to pperfection and have no personal flaws?

So this is your way of derailing the topic? Asking me Human Resources questions about a hiring situation I'm not involved in?

Well, first we check them, then when they are found to abuse people we dont slap them on the wrist. You lock their asses up and or give them a fine like you do criminals.

But since cops rarely do time whats to stop them from abusing it? Only morals

Jail is a deterrent wouldnt you agree?

Hmmm. I read about cops getting arrested often. You must have missed those.

You do realize almost all first time offenders get a slap on the wrist...whether its a cop or a poor white trailor trash redneck.

And...justice is blind. Our Constitution doesnt allow a court to offer more severe punishment just because of what career and offender is in.

So as much as you wanna punish cops...for being cops...you cant.
He clearly put his hands on her. That was inappropriate and illegal. Both officers should lose their jobs and be held accountable for their actions before a judge.
In order to proceed against the offending cop the girl must lodge an assault complaint. So far I haven't read or heard of her doing so.

Once she does complain, then DeSisto's action is validated.

What action? Filming them?

Thank you for the story, Closed Caption. I hope this story is heard all over the country and these men lose their badges and are shunned!
thats the problem Bucs, you seem to always see police actions as equating to criminal behavior.

As if you dont expect better out of police. Criminals cant put someone in jail, or put something on their arrest record for life.

So once again, not the same at all

Um...thats because the behavior of some cops is criminal. Newsflash: Every profession in the world which hires humans...also hires the occassinal criminal. Cops? Theres 1, 000, 000ish in America. How many are closeted criminals waiting to be caught? Id estimate 10, 000 if my life depended on an accurate estimate.

You speak in an unrealistic way. You believe there is some liberal fantasy land where everything can be perfect. Doesnt exist.

Thats funny, now you are just saying silly shit where I cant bring up problems unless I "expect everything to be perfect"

Military members. Preachers. Teachers. Cops. All highly noble professions with massive authority and influence. And all have criminals employed in them.

Yes, thats why I dont understand why you compare cops to criminals and not to preachers....Criminals get locked up, police rarely do.

You should study sociology and personality types. It'll help you understand basic humanity better.

In the meantime...with turnover rates at 50% per 5 years....American police departments are going to need to hire about 500, 000 new officers over the next 5 years.

Out of our population. Which has low morals. Low discipline. Lots of excuses. Pot heads. Cowards. Racists. And mostly all overweight.

Whats your plan to recruit and retain 500, 000 humans who can do the job of a cop to pperfection and have no personal flaws?

So this is your way of derailing the topic? Asking me Human Resources questions about a hiring situation I'm not involved in?

Well, first we check them, then when they are found to abuse people we dont slap them on the wrist. You lock their asses up and or give them a fine like you do criminals.

But since cops rarely do time whats to stop them from abusing it? Only morals

Jail is a deterrent wouldnt you agree?

Hmmm. I read about cops getting arrested often. You must have missed those.

You do realize almost all first time offenders get a slap on the wrist...whether its a cop or a poor white trailor trash redneck.

And...justice is blind. Our Constitution doesnt allow a court to offer more severe punishment just because of what career and offender is in.

So as much as you wanna punish cops...for being cops...you cant.

He does not want the police to be punished for being cops! He wants the police to be punished for using their badges to molest young girls on the streets and viciously bullying and arresting anyone who dares to hold them accountable! You need to wake up, Tootsie Bell!
As for the video....my comments on two parts.

1- Flirting.
Having been a street cop in a big city...cops and citizens flirt all the time. I had women approach me weekly. Mostly while working security detail in the bar areas. They'd hug and joke about handcuffs and want pictures taken with them. Harmless fun. And...got a few dates out of it. As a young officer...I started a few of those conversations too. Just people being people. Harmless. BUT...its tricky. Because theres an absolute line you cannot cross. I never did. Some inevitably have.

2- The arrest.
That was incredibly stupid and wrong. New Yorkers being New Yorkers...on both sides. A collision of dumbasses never ends well. The cops are more at fault. They should know better. But...hire 40, 000 humans out of our population to be NYPD cops. And humans will.be humans.
In a situation where a woman clearly invites flirtation by an on-duty uniformed police officer, the officer cannot be too strongly criticized so long as his response is friendly and not overtly sexual. But in the topic example, Ptl. Munoz has clearly stepped over the line in behaving like a Tijuana cop toward a bar whore. Just who does that arrogant sonofabitch think he is?

I am from New York City and in my civil service career I dealt very closely with the NYPD. So I feel qualified to say both Munoz and his partner are a pair of ratty-looking shits whose very appearance presents a disservice to that organization. Commissioner Bratton would be well justified in firing the two of them -- and he'd be doing the uniformed force a favor.

And I think you'll agree.
As for the video....my comments on two parts.

1- Flirting.
Having been a street cop in a big city...cops and citizens flirt all the time. I had women approach me weekly. Mostly while working security detail in the bar areas. They'd hug and joke about handcuffs and want pictures taken with them. Harmless fun. And...got a few dates out of it. As a young officer...I started a few of those conversations too. Just people being people. Harmless. BUT...its tricky. Because theres an absolute line you cannot cross. I never did. Some inevitably have.

2- The arrest.
That was incredibly stupid and wrong. New Yorkers being New Yorkers...on both sides. A collision of dumbasses never ends well. The cops are more at fault. They should know better. But...hire 40, 000 humans out of our population to be NYPD cops. And humans will.be humans.
In a situation where a woman clearly invites flirtation by an on-duty uniformed police officer, the officer cannot be too strongly criticized so long as his response is friendly and not overtly sexual. But in the topic example, Ptl. Munoz has clearly stepped over the line in behaving like a Tijuana cop toward a bar whore. Just who does that arrogant sonofabitch think he is?

I am from New York City and in my civil service career I dealt very closely with the NYPD. So I feel qualified to say both Munoz and his partner are a pair of ratty-looking shits whose very appearance presents a disservice to that organization. Commissioner Bratton would be well justified in firing the two of them -- and he'd be doing the uniformed force a favor.

And I think you'll agree.

Yep. 100% agree.
A heroic NYPD Officer is killed in the line of duty, shot in the face by a violent ex con and the clown faces get their panties in a bunch and make up charges like "kidnapping" over an incident that is still under investigation. No surprises here.
What happened to DeSisto is plainly comparable to what happens to people in places like the former West Germany, North Korea, Chile under Pinochet, et. al.

Rest assured there are many righteous cops, including NYPD colleagues of Munoz and his partner, who would like to condemn the behavior of those two disgraceful misfits. But to do so would invite being denounced as "rats" and could possibly jeopardize their physical safety. (See, Serpico.) Consequently these "good cops" are stigmatized by the conduct of the bad ones, because the public thinks in categorical rather than individual representations.
Okay, I watched this video and I have to say I didn't really see any inappropriate touching of the woman.

On the matter of DeSisto though, those cops clearly need to face charges of assault and destruction of property, and possibly unlawful arrest.

Along with kidnapping, false imprisonment, armed robbery, and civil rights charges. There should also be a GARGANTUAN ($100,000,000 on the low end) civil suit.
A heroic NYPD Officer is killed in the line of duty, shot in the face by a violent ex con and the clown faces get their panties in a bunch and make up charges like "kidnapping" over an incident that is still under investigation. No surprises here.
What happened to DeSisto is plainly comparable to what happens to people in places like the former West Germany, North Korea, Chile under Pinochet, et. al.

Rest assured there are many righteous cops, including NYPD colleagues of Munoz and his partner, who would like to condemn the behavior of those two disgraceful misfits. But to do so would invite being denounced as "rats" and could possibly jeopardize their physical safety. (See, Serpico.) Consequently these "good cops" are stigmatized by the conduct of the bad ones, because the public thinks in categorical rather than individual representations.

Then they are as bad as the bent cops. Silence is consent!

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