NYT Admits CIA & US Special Forces now operating in Ukraine, This is an Illegal Proxy War

A few months ago, proggies were telling me how stupid I was for saying the US was already in an illegal proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.
They also said I was crazy for saying it was a continuation of the lost proxy war we had against Russia in Syria.
The CIA has been orchestrating these illegal actions that could likely lead to an open shooting war with a nuclear power that has stated they will use them if necessary.
I'll bet less than 5% of the country understand that our country has basically admitted we are at war with Russia & they plan to escalate as soon as necessary.

As Russian troops press ahead with a grinding campaign to seize eastern Ukraine, the nation’s ability to resist the onslaught depends more than ever on help from the United States and its allies — including a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training, according to U.S. and European officials.

Much of this work happens outside Ukraine, at bases in Germany, France and Britain, for example. But even as the Biden administration has declared it will not deploy American troops to Ukraine, some C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the massive amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces, according to current and former officials.

At the same time, a few dozen commandos from other NATO countries, including Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania, also have been working inside Ukraine.

We (the American military) have been running these sorts of operations for many decades. Nothing is new under the sun.
We (the American military) have been running these sorts of operations for many decades. Nothing is new under the sun.
Yes they have & it's about time we the people start calling them out on their BS. No wonder the world is such a clusterf*ck, our govt just does what it wants no matter who is in charge & just has MSM run cover for them.
The world hates us for good reasons. They may want to move hear because their homes are worse but they know more about what we actually do than the avg American does.
I hate knowing you all (the American military) are used for political purposes & sacrificed in unwinnable meat grinders so some puppet masters make more money, regardless the cost in innocent lives.
Thanks for your service & sorry we allowed the UNiparty & NWO elites to co-opt your legit purposes
Of course this is an illegal proxy war like the OP says, we knew it since day one.

If this shit continues it will lead us to a world war. I hope cooler heads will prevail.
Of course this is an illegal proxy war like the OP says, we knew it since day one.

If this shit continues it will lead us to a world war. I hope cooler heads will prevail.
Trump said, Biden would get us into world war three. Maybe he was right.
Yes they have & it's about time we the people start calling them out on their BS. No wonder the world is such a clusterf*ck, our govt just does what it wants no matter who is in charge & just has MSM run cover for them.
The world hates us for good reasons. They may want to move hear because their homes are worse but they know more about what we actually do than the avg American does.
I hate knowing you all (the American military) are used for political purposes & sacrificed in unwinnable meat grinders so some puppet masters make more money, regardless the cost in innocent lives.
Thanks for your service & sorry we allowed the UNiparty & NWO elites to co-opt your legit purposes

hear? :abgg2q.jpg:
This sounds a LOT like the early times of the Viet Nam war. Anyone still believe that history does NOT repeat itself???
Lol …. Remember when the Left used to lose their shit over military activity like this?

We still do.
This is totally wrong to take over the Ukraine government in 2012, steal Russian oil, murder ethnic Russians, and have Kyiv try to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
We still do.
This is totally wrong to take over the Ukraine government in 2012, steal Russian oil, murder ethnic Russians, and have Kyiv try to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
“We” is a minority. If this were Bush-Cheney doing it the “We” would be much bigger and louder calling for their heads.
Russia's war is illegal.

I'm betting that doesn't bother you as much.

No, Russia's war is not illegal because the Ukraine committed a series of acts of war.
First the Ukraine has been stealing billions in oil from Russian pipelines through the Ukraine.
Second is that Kyiv has been supporting the ASOV Battalion to murder ethnic Russians in areas where Russians are the ethnic majority.
Third is that Kyiv has illegally been conspiring with countries hostile to Russia, and trying to get weapons from them, like trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
In 1992, the Ukraine signed treaties with Gorbachev, promising to never align with those hostile to Russia.
“We” is a minority. If this were Bush-Cheney doing it the “We” would be much bigger and louder calling for their heads.

Democrats in general are not leftists.
Bernie Sanders is one of the few leftist democrats.
For example, Hillary is right wing fascist.
The ones that don’t are self-hating Jews who don’t like anything they can’t control. The Democrat Party was no challenge. Viva Israel!

Nah, Israel is totally fake and there is nothing remotely Jewish about it.
Real Jews know we are supposed to be atoning for the sins of arrogance and pride, so that the Messiah will come.
Then the Messiah will tell us where Zion is going to be.
And it will NOT be in Jerusalem.
That place is tainted beyond belief now.
Funny that Dems fellated Russia for a century until their corrupt old sot lost.
I'm so old I remember Ted Kennedy offering control of the democrat Party to Russia in exchange for their help in defeating Reagan. In 1988, the takeover was so complete that the Communist Party USA stopped running their own candidates and encouraged Communists to vote democrat

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