Ob/Gyns start refusing to treat overweight women.

It's pretty stupid~
And considering, many women gain 30 pounds sometimes during pregnancy, that puts their weight up higher than it normally is anyway.
Jesus H.......they probably don't like the smell, you know...the folds of the heavy women in the legs and thighs area, catches the stink *eek*
It's pretty stupid~
And considering, many women gain 30 pounds sometimes during pregnancy, that puts their weight up higher than it normally is anyway.
Jesus H.......they probably don't like the smell, you know...the folds of the heavy women in the legs and thighs area, catches the stink *eek*

Then they shouldn't become a doctor.
It's pretty stupid~
And considering, many women gain 30 pounds sometimes during pregnancy, that puts their weight up higher than it normally is anyway.
Jesus H.......they probably don't like the smell, you know...the folds of the heavy women in the legs and thighs area, catches the stink *eek*

Then they shouldn't become a doctor.

You are absolutely correct!
But I was just being a smartass too :tongue:
those assholes.

and they don't treat men either. :evil:

Another good point, you don't hear or see, things such as this concerning men.
Just cause they're packing a penis gives them special treatment??
My aunt and uncle are morbidly obese and have been since the 70's. They cry to their friends (who will listen) about how they are "trapped in this body" yet they do nothing to get healthy. In fact, they have a refrigerator in their bedroom. You wouldn't believe the number of health issues they have and medications they take that are directly related to their weight.

If smokers pay higher rates for insurance, fat people should as well. It's only logical right? It's only fair right?
Doctors refusing to treat people with health problems? They should be booted out of the profession.
My aunt and uncle are morbidly obese and have been since the 70's. They cry to their friends (who will listen) about how they are "trapped in this body" yet they do nothing to get healthy. In fact, they have a refrigerator in their bedroom. You wouldn't believe the number of health issues they have and medications they take that are directly related to their weight.

If smokers pay higher rates for insurance, fat people should as well. It's only logical right? It's only fair right?

Exactly. Very few people are overweight because of medical issues. For most people they simply do not eat correctly or don't exercise. There is no excuse for it. I go to the gym three times a week and run three times a week. The only time I skip is if I'm on vacation or sick or something. Once you get into the routine it's very easy to keep up with.
Being overweight is 99 percent a lifestyle choice and may require psychological counseling to help. To be fair to the doctors all procedures and exams are more complicated when someone is overweight and when something goes wrong it increases the likelyhood of a lawsuit.
iirc, medical science has concluded the entrance portal far larger than the exit.....
Doctors refusing to treat people with health problems? They should be booted out of the profession.

Nobody has a right to anyone's services.

last i checked, a doctor can't refuse to treat someone based on the color of their skin.

last i checked, a doctor can't refuse to treat someone because they are gay.

last i checked, a doctor can't refuse to treat someone based on national origin.

i know that obesity is pretty much the last acceptable form of discrimination, but i'm pretty sure that the hippocratic oath allows doctors to refuse to treat someone because they are overweight.
My aunt and uncle are morbidly obese and have been since the 70's. They cry to their friends (who will listen) about how they are "trapped in this body" yet they do nothing to get healthy. In fact, they have a refrigerator in their bedroom. You wouldn't believe the number of health issues they have and medications they take that are directly related to their weight.

If smokers pay higher rates for insurance, fat people should as well. It's only logical right? It's only fair right?

Exactly. Very few people are overweight because of medical issues. For most people they simply do not eat correctly or don't exercise. There is no excuse for it. I go to the gym three times a week and run three times a week. The only time I skip is if I'm on vacation or sick or something. Once you get into the routine it's very easy to keep up with.
Most people break bones because they don't take proper safety precautions.

Not sure what your point is....
Did these tools expect to only see hot chicks spread for them in S Florida?

What's next? Old women, b/c they need help to get on the tables, so they may fall and sue?

Haitians have a high rate of AIDS and HIV. Do these tools get to tell them to fuck off?

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