Obama 2= Carter 1.........OP-ED

And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.

What do you believe? Anything?

TRUST BUT VERIFY was what was supposed to happen. Instead it was 'trust me.' Only a damned fool would believe what the Iranians or the Russians would not lie.
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.

What do you believe? Anything?

TRUST BUT VERIFY was what was supposed to happen. Instead it was 'trust me.' Only a damned fool would believe what the Iranians or the Russians would not lie.
You continue to believe that Saddam had WMDs in 2002, don't you....
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.

What do you believe? Anything?

TRUST BUT VERIFY was what was supposed to happen. Instead it was 'trust me.' Only a damned fool would believe what the Iranians or the Russians would not lie.
You know that Ronnie cribbed that expression..........from the Russians, right?
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.
Do you have evidence they are lying, or are you just pulling this conspiracy theory out of your ass?

I think we know.

I guess all the international observers are lying, too, eh? Idiot.
Note the words "almost all" AND "low enriched"

You didn't read the agreement, did you. It's obvious all you know about it is the piss that was poured for you by your favorite propaganda outlets.
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.
Like shipping 25,000 pounds of uranium out of their country. They sure showed him! BWA-HA-HA-HA!
Go fuck yourself, you arrogant stupid little prick. Like we should believe the Iranians that's actually what they did. What a fucking sucker you are. I'll bet you think Obama's agreement delayed an Iranian nuke,
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes AND what a 150 BILLION dollars? And this how our NEW Obama buddies treat us?

Who the hell are you kidding? Guess where your polls are going TOMORROW democrats? Right down the shitter, NO flush noise NO water to move around in. NOPE, not for you. This dumping of democrats is going to be like a good old fashion outhouse sh#t. Just a long drop into a hole in the ground.

You have given the your fellow hoodlums in Iran EVERYTHING and they are STILL taking. THIS is going to hurt you democrats. THIS is going to hurt you BAD.
Epic BAD.

Trump is going to set RECORD NUMBERS now. See ya in Iowa.
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time.

Then why, pray tell, should anyone else waste theirs?
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.

Clueless......the treaty was negotiated by all permanent members of the UN security council
Bullshit. The treaty was primarily between the US and Iran. What a fucking dunce you are.
Not true as it took six other countries to agree to it...
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.

What do you believe? Anything?

TRUST BUT VERIFY was what was supposed to happen. Instead it was 'trust me.' Only a damned fool would believe what the Iranians or the Russians would not lie.
DarkFuzzy is a Pootin knob polisher.....
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.

Clueless......the treaty was negotiated by all permanent members of the UN security council
Bullshit. The treaty was primarily between the US and Iran. What a fucking dunce you are.
Not true as it took six other countries to agree to it...
Clueless. Totally fucking clueless. Try reading, jerkoff.
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.

Clueless......the treaty was negotiated by all permanent members of the UN security council
Bullshit. The treaty was primarily between the US and Iran. What a fucking dunce you are.
Zip it, Imbecile....

Formal negotiations toward the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran's nuclear program began with the adoption of the Joint Plan of Action, an interim agreement signed between Iran and the P5+1 countries in November 2013. For the next twenty months, Iran and the P5+1 countries engaged in negotiations, and in April 2015 agreed on a Iran nuclear deal framework for the final agreement and in July 2015, Iran and the P5+1 agreed on the plan.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.

Clueless......the treaty was negotiated by all permanent members of the UN security council
Bullshit. The treaty was primarily between the US and Iran. What a fucking dunce you are.
Not true as it took six other countries to agree to it...
Clueless. Totally fucking clueless. Try reading, jerkoff.
Is there a book titled jerkoff??
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.
Do you have evidence they are lying, or are you just pulling this conspiracy theory out of your ass?

I think we know.

I guess all the international observers are lying, too, eh? Idiot.

I may have missed it, but what international observers verified the authenticity of the uranium shipment?
A link would be nice before I believe it.

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