Obama About to Open His Piehole Regarding Guantanamo Bay

Gee - I wonder what "Pearls of Wisdom" will come out of that ignorant mouth during his presser on the topic this morning.

Letting more terrorists run amock, free as birds would be my guess.

Jump onboard Libs - there's plenty of Muslim dick to go around for ya...

Then lets try them and put them in prison.
Do you know how to read idiot? I said, if they are so dangerous to society that they cannot be allowed to return to it, kill them. Shall I give you the link to "hooked on phonics" for you?

Why kill them? People of your ilk are so willing to take in filthy Muslims... knock yourself out. Take a dozen or two, please.

And I'm sure you can provide a post from mine that supports the refuges coming in. If you find one let me know so you can prove you aren't a liar. Otherwise you have just proven your complete and utter dishonesty.
Here's what Obama promised
Funny. It reminds millions of us what a fucking scumbag liar he turned out to be.
The bastard never lifted a fucking finger to help his 'negro base'. Every aspect of negro life is worse now then when he took office.
Note to all you negro 'Special Needs' voters: 'The First President With A vagina' is promising to keep doing what Obama did. How the fuck will that work out for you all?

You....you realize that Congress passed a law that forbid any US prison from taking prisoners from Guantanamo, right?

And as an aside, are you still calling for all 'subhuman negros' to be exterminated...while insisting that 99.9% of 'negros' are 'subhuman'?
Gee - I wonder what "Pearls of Wisdom" will come out of that ignorant mouth during his presser on the topic this morning.

Letting more terrorists run amock, free as birds would be my guess.

Jump onboard Libs - there's plenty of Muslim dick to go around for ya...

Then lets try them and put them in prison.
I just heard on TV that some of the prisoners would plead guilty to certain crimes if they had a trial.
Do you know how to read idiot? I said, if they are so dangerous to society that they cannot be allowed to return to it, kill them. Shall I give you the link to "hooked on phonics" for you?

Why kill them? People of your ilk are so willing to take in filthy Muslims... knock yourself out. Take a dozen or two, please.

And I'm sure you can provide a post from mine that supports the refuges coming in. If you find one let me know so you can prove you aren't a liar. Otherwise you have just proven your complete and utter dishonesty.
Here's what Obama promised
Funny. It reminds millions of us what a fucking scumbag liar he turned out to be.
The bastard never lifted a fucking finger to help his 'negro base'. Every aspect of negro life is worse now then when he took office.
Note to all you negro 'Special Needs' voters: 'The First President With A vagina' is promising to keep doing what Obama did. How the fuck will that work out for you all?

You....you realize that Congress passed a law that forbid any US prison from taking prisoners from Guantanamo, right?

And as an aside, are you still calling for all 'subhuman negros' to be exterminated...while insisting that 99.9% of 'negros' are 'subhuman'?

When negroes act like rabid animals they are not 'human beings' in my book. We put rabid out of control animals down.
Stop your bullshit lying asshole!
I never "insisted" that 99.9% of negroes were "sub-human'.
Anyone who engages in 'the knockout game' should be exterminated.
You're so fucking stupid you don't even know how to spell 'negroes'.
Every fucking 'Big Mike' should be exterminated.
Every fucking negro thug who tries to intimidate and steal the Chinese food from an old Chinese man should be exterminated.....along with the other sub-humans who were heard encouraging the fucking sub-human.
Here you are Skylar. Some nice evening viewing for you: Courtesy of Big Mike's Greatest Hits Collection:
Enjoy. Maybe get your girlfriend or your wife and kids to watch with you. Make some popcorn.
Fucking negro sub-humans should be exterminated:
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Early on there was bi-partisan support for closing Gitmo. That was before the Right decided to go against anything Obama wanted.
Bush wanted to close Gitmo.
Early on there was bi-partisan support for closing Gitmo. That was before the Right decided to go against anything Obama wanted.
Bush wanted to close Gitmo.

Republicans have voted against the very bills they sponsored if Obama supported them. They've straight up ignored Ronald Reagan if 'The Gipper's' position would benefit Obama.
Gee - I wonder what "Pearls of Wisdom" will come out of that ignorant mouth during his presser on the topic this morning.

Letting more terrorists run amock, free as birds would be my guess.

Jump onboard Libs - there's plenty of Muslim dick to go around for ya...

Holding people for the rest of their lives in a place like that is nothing but torture. If they are guilty, put them on trial. If they are a threat that they can't be returned to a country, kill them. All Guantanamo bay has served is to be a black eye on the U.S. It has served no other purpose.

Torture?? Who the hell are you kidding pal.

They get the food the want. They pray when they want and basically have it way better than they had in the shithole they came from. In fact they are told if they are captured they will be treated well.

Its the Gitmo day care and babysitting facility.
Gee - I wonder what "Pearls of Wisdom" will come out of that ignorant mouth during his presser on the topic this morning.

Letting more terrorists run amock, free as birds would be my guess.

Jump onboard Libs - there's plenty of Muslim dick to go around for ya...

Holding people for the rest of their lives in a place like that is nothing but torture. If they are guilty, put them on trial. If they are a threat that they can't be returned to a country, kill them. All Guantanamo bay has served is to be a black eye on the U.S. It has served no other purpose.

Torture?? Who the hell are you kidding pal.

They get the food the want. They pray when they want and basically have it way better than they had in the shithole they came from. In fact they are told if they are captured they will be treated well.

Its the Gitmo day care and babysitting facility.

I wasn't aware that daycare involved indefinite imprisonment without charges or trial.
Gee - I wonder what "Pearls of Wisdom" will come out of that ignorant mouth during his presser on the topic this morning.

Letting more terrorists run amock, free as birds would be my guess.

Jump onboard Libs - there's plenty of Muslim dick to go around for ya...

Holding people for the rest of their lives in a place like that is nothing but torture. If they are guilty, put them on trial. If they are a threat that they can't be returned to a country, kill them. All Guantanamo bay has served is to be a black eye on the U.S. It has served no other purpose.

Torture?? Who the hell are you kidding pal.

They get the food the want. They pray when they want and basically have it way better than they had in the shithole they came from. In fact they are told if they are captured they will be treated well.

Its the Gitmo day care and babysitting facility.

I wasn't aware that daycare involved indefinite imprisonment without charges or trial.

Guess being a terrorist has its draw backs. To bad they weren't all shot instead of imprisoned.

If they had been there would be no discussion.
Early on there was bi-partisan support for closing Gitmo. That was before the Right decided to go against anything Obama wanted.
Bush wanted to close Gitmo.
Doesn't matter. I figured you'd NEVER hold your Messiah accountable for any of his lies. What's new right?
The FACT is the fuck-witt sat at the desk and PROMISED he would close Gitmo in a year. He ought o have been 'intelligent' enough to listen to the experts who told him in advance it was not possible. But NO! Obama the fucking genious with fuck all experience ran his mouth.
He made a promise he did not keep. Do YOU make promises and when you can't make them happen blame someone else?
You probably do.
Obama's legacy will be having made promises he never kept.
Do you know how to read idiot? I said, if they are so dangerous to society that they cannot be allowed to return to it, kill them. Shall I give you the link to "hooked on phonics" for you?

Why kill them? People of your ilk are so willing to take in filthy Muslims... knock yourself out. Take a dozen or two, please.

And I'm sure you can provide a post from mine that supports the refuges coming in. If you find one let me know so you can prove you aren't a liar. Otherwise you have just proven your complete and utter dishonesty.
Here's what Obama promised
Funny. It reminds millions of us what a fucking scumbag liar he turned out to be.
The bastard never lifted a fucking finger to help his 'negro base'. Every aspect of negro life is worse now then when he took office.
Note to all you negro 'Special Needs' voters: 'The First President With A vagina' is promising to keep doing what Obama did. How the fuck will that work out for you all?

Yet again you quote me when I haven't voted for Obama. Do you have a reading comprehension problem as well as being supportive of female teachers having sex with 14 year olds as you said in another thread?
Do you know how to read idiot? I said, if they are so dangerous to society that they cannot be allowed to return to it, kill them. Shall I give you the link to "hooked on phonics" for you?

Why kill them? People of your ilk are so willing to take in filthy Muslims... knock yourself out. Take a dozen or two, please.

And I'm sure you can provide a post from mine that supports the refuges coming in. If you find one let me know so you can prove you aren't a liar. Otherwise you have just proven your complete and utter dishonesty.
Here's what Obama promised
Funny. It reminds millions of us what a fucking scumbag liar he turned out to be.
The bastard never lifted a fucking finger to help his 'negro base'. Every aspect of negro life is worse now then when he took office.
Note to all you negro 'Special Needs' voters: 'The First President With A vagina' is promising to keep doing what Obama did. How the fuck will that work out for you all?

Yet again you quote me when I haven't voted for Obama. Do you have a reading comprehension problem as well as being supportive of female teachers having sex with 14 year olds as you said in another thread?
You don't even comprehend what a 'quote' is. Show me when I have "quoted" you ever!. I never have. So you're not just stupid. You're a fucking liar too.

You can't discuss this thread b/c everytime you post something you look like an idiot. So why not bring something that has no bearing on this thread up.
I said in the other thread 14 year old males just want fuck. Have a female, usually young, stand in front of them everyday in a skirt and blouse and what normal healthy 14 year old males are fantasizing about isn't what they want to do to a math book when they get home.
You won't know of course.
Do you know how to read idiot? I said, if they are so dangerous to society that they cannot be allowed to return to it, kill them. Shall I give you the link to "hooked on phonics" for you?

Why kill them? People of your ilk are so willing to take in filthy Muslims... knock yourself out. Take a dozen or two, please.

And I'm sure you can provide a post from mine that supports the refuges coming in. If you find one let me know so you can prove you aren't a liar. Otherwise you have just proven your complete and utter dishonesty.
Here's what Obama promised
Funny. It reminds millions of us what a fucking scumbag liar he turned out to be.
The bastard never lifted a fucking finger to help his 'negro base'. Every aspect of negro life is worse now then when he took office.
Note to all you negro 'Special Needs' voters: 'The First President With A vagina' is promising to keep doing what Obama did. How the fuck will that work out for you all?

Yet again you quote me when I haven't voted for Obama. Do you have a reading comprehension problem as well as being supportive of female teachers having sex with 14 year olds as you said in another thread?
You don't even comprehend what a 'quote' is. Show me when I have "quoted" you ever!. I never have. So you're not just stupid. You're a fucking liar too.

You can't discuss this thread b/c everytime you post something you look like an idiot. So why not bring something that has no bearing on this thread up.
I said in the other thread 14 year old males just want fuck. Have a female, usually young, stand in front of them everyday in a skirt and blouse and what normal healthy 14 year old males are fantasizing about isn't what they want to do to a math book when they get home.
You won't know of course.

Post on the second page you idiot. You don't even realized you quoted me.

And yes you support child molestation as long as it is a female teacher and 14 year old boy.
Why kill them? People of your ilk are so willing to take in filthy Muslims... knock yourself out. Take a dozen or two, please.

And I'm sure you can provide a post from mine that supports the refuges coming in. If you find one let me know so you can prove you aren't a liar. Otherwise you have just proven your complete and utter dishonesty.
Here's what Obama promised
Funny. It reminds millions of us what a fucking scumbag liar he turned out to be.
The bastard never lifted a fucking finger to help his 'negro base'. Every aspect of negro life is worse now then when he took office.
Note to all you negro 'Special Needs' voters: 'The First President With A vagina' is promising to keep doing what Obama did. How the fuck will that work out for you all?

Yet again you quote me when I haven't voted for Obama. Do you have a reading comprehension problem as well as being supportive of female teachers having sex with 14 year olds as you said in another thread?
You don't even comprehend what a 'quote' is. Show me when I have "quoted" you ever!. I never have. So you're not just stupid. You're a fucking liar too.

You can't discuss this thread b/c everytime you post something you look like an idiot. So why not bring something that has no bearing on this thread up.
I said in the other thread 14 year old males just want fuck. Have a female, usually young, stand in front of them everyday in a skirt and blouse and what normal healthy 14 year old males are fantasizing about isn't what they want to do to a math book when they get home.
You won't know of course.

Post on the second page you idiot. You don't even realized you quoted me.

And yes you support child molestation as long as it is a female teacher and 14 year old boy.

So C&P the post wherein I "quoted" you.
You can't because I never quoted you jerk-off!
Do you even know what a quote is? Ever heard of 'quotation' marks? No?
Fuck off. You're boring everyone with your stupid nonsense bullshit lying posts.
Early on there was bi-partisan support for closing Gitmo. That was before the Right decided to go against anything Obama wanted.
Bush wanted to close Gitmo.

There was also bipartisan of a bill, signed by obama, that prohibits the gitmo prisoners from being transferred to American soil.

Either you're letting Obama lie to your face, or you're excusing him for breaking the law. Which is it?
And I'm sure you can provide a post from mine that supports the refuges coming in. If you find one let me know so you can prove you aren't a liar. Otherwise you have just proven your complete and utter dishonesty.
Here's what Obama promised
Funny. It reminds millions of us what a fucking scumbag liar he turned out to be.
The bastard never lifted a fucking finger to help his 'negro base'. Every aspect of negro life is worse now then when he took office.
Note to all you negro 'Special Needs' voters: 'The First President With A vagina' is promising to keep doing what Obama did. How the fuck will that work out for you all?

Yet again you quote me when I haven't voted for Obama. Do you have a reading comprehension problem as well as being supportive of female teachers having sex with 14 year olds as you said in another thread?
You don't even comprehend what a 'quote' is. Show me when I have "quoted" you ever!. I never have. So you're not just stupid. You're a fucking liar too.

You can't discuss this thread b/c everytime you post something you look like an idiot. So why not bring something that has no bearing on this thread up.
I said in the other thread 14 year old males just want fuck. Have a female, usually young, stand in front of them everyday in a skirt and blouse and what normal healthy 14 year old males are fantasizing about isn't what they want to do to a math book when they get home.
You won't know of course.

Post on the second page you idiot. You don't even realized you quoted me.

And yes you support child molestation as long as it is a female teacher and 14 year old boy.

So C&P the post wherein I "quoted" you.
You can't because I never quoted you jerk-off!
Do you even know what a quote is? Ever heard of 'quotation' marks? No?
Fuck off. You're boring everyone with your stupid nonsense bullshit lying posts.

You used the quote function you moron, that's called quoting idiot. Fuck off you supporter of child molestation of boys from female teachers you sicko!
I don't call Obama's purple-lipped, piety-sneering, self-righteous mouth a "piehole". I call is a muslim penis receptable. Because when all is said and done, all this fucker is about is guzzling a diet of muslim come.
I don't call Obama's purple-lipped, piety-sneering, self-righteous mouth a "piehole". I call is a muslim penis receptable. Because when all is said and done, all this fucker is about is guzzling a diet of muslim come.

Why do righties like you have such a fascination with Muslim dicks?
I don't call Obama's purple-lipped, piety-sneering, self-righteous mouth a "piehole". I call is a muslim penis receptable. Because when all is said and done, all this fucker is about is guzzling a diet of muslim come.

Why do righties like you have such a fascination with Muslim dicks?

You obviously have reading comprehension issues.
He clearly said you have Muslim dick in YOUR mouth.
How do you equate that to him having fantasies?
You're the one with a Muslim dick in your mouth.

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