Obama admin demands you deny reality

It’s biological – not a mental health issue
By Byrgen Finkelman on August 7, 2013 at 10:05 PM

We have been reaching out to various organizations and agencies and asking to meet with them to talk about what transgender means and the issues faced by transgender people.

Injustice at Every Turn

We start our brief presentation by stating our goals for the meeting.

Our top goal is always to have the people we are speaking with understand that being transgender is a biological condition not a mental health issue.

So why haven’t we done a blog post about it? I don’t know, but this post will remedy that oversight.

There are numerous scholarly articles about why some people are born with their gender (what their brain tells them) and their sex (their genitals) misaligned.
My go-to article is in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. The article explains that, in utero, the body develops genitals before gender develops in the brain. Because these two do not happen concurrently, the interaction of testosterone with proteins, enzymes, and whatnot can cause the brain to develop a gender that does not match the sex. I say “whatnot” because I cannot begin to understand all the technical graphs and charts and pictures, but I certainly understand the plain language of the text!

A person whose gender is misaligned with their sex is transgender. Whether that person transitions and lives in their gender depends of many factors, not the least of which is the fear that people have about coming out to family, friends and employers as transgender. We should all feel bad that anyone lives their lives in a gender that isn’t really true – because people do this to avoid loss and stigmatization.

Transgender people do many things in an effort to avoid loss and stigmatization.For example, transgender people serve in the military at double the rate of cisgender people. This is likely because people whose sex is male but whose gender is female join the military and not vice versa.

Why would they do this? Remember the commercials – “Join the Marines, we’ll make a man out of you.”

Many try to become the men their genitals say that they are; many leave the military quickly, and many have successful careers as male military personnel. Both groups of “men” often come out as transgender after leaving the service.

It is very difficult to live in the gender that your brain disavows. This is why a staggering 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide.

Of course, if society accepted transgender individuals as simply being biologically different from cisgender people but still normal – which they are – this rate would drop precipitously.

Unfortunately, even though the term Gender Identity Disorder has been removed from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), transgender individuals – in order to receive medical help with their transition to their correct gender – must still be diagnosed by a mental health provider with “Gender Dysphoria.”

I look forward to the day when Gender Dysphoria goes the way of homosexuality as far as the DSM is concerned, i.e., it isn’t in the DMS at all because it is not a mental disorder!

The introduction to my go-to article has this fascinating bit of info which gives us insight into the growing number of young people coming out as transgender.

“From the first days after birth sex differences are already ex- pressed in human behavior. For example, on their first day of life, female neonates prefer looking at human faces while male infants look more at mechanical mobiles … From the age of 3–8 months, girls were found to choose dolls over the toy-cars and balls that boys prefer … The toy-preference behavior cannot be explained by social pressure, because when dolls, toy-cars and balls were offered to green vervet monkeys, the females consistently chose the dolls … while the males preferred the toy-cars and balls.”

So when you wonder how a child can possibly, “Know they are not the gender people say they are based on their genitals,” my answer is, “Gender differences exist. Of course a kid will figure out where they belong gender-wise.“ And if people are telling a child they are one gender, and they feels like the opposite gender, children speak up.

They always have, but perhaps in more subtle ways in the past, because they didn’t have the language to ask, “When does my penis turn into a vagina?” or “Can the doctor fix me and give me a penis?”

And transgender children do ask these types of questions now; because our society is much more open about bodies and body parts, they have the language.

And because people are now aware of transgender people, parents listen rather than saying, “No, you’re a girl; you have to behave like one,” or “Boys don’t wear dresses.”

The takeaway from the article, is that transgender people are not mentally ill, they simply have a biological misalignment of their gender and their sex.

If understood in this context, I hope many more people will begin asking, “So, what’s the big deal?” and speak out against discrimination against transgender people.

Byrgen Finkelman

It’s biological – not a mental health issue - Transgender Talk

He as every bit a right to a wrong opinion as the next guy
It’s biological – not a mental health issue
By Byrgen Finkelman on August 7, 2013 at 10:05 PM

We have been reaching out to various organizations and agencies and asking to meet with them to talk about what transgender means and the issues faced by transgender people.

Injustice at Every Turn

We start our brief presentation by stating our goals for the meeting.

Our top goal is always to have the people we are speaking with understand that being transgender is a biological condition not a mental health issue.

So why haven’t we done a blog post about it? I don’t know, but this post will remedy that oversight.

There are numerous scholarly articles about why some people are born with their gender (what their brain tells them) and their sex (their genitals) misaligned.
My go-to article is in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. The article explains that, in utero, the body develops genitals before gender develops in the brain. Because these two do not happen concurrently, the interaction of testosterone with proteins, enzymes, and whatnot can cause the brain to develop a gender that does not match the sex. I say “whatnot” because I cannot begin to understand all the technical graphs and charts and pictures, but I certainly understand the plain language of the text!

A person whose gender is misaligned with their sex is transgender. Whether that person transitions and lives in their gender depends of many factors, not the least of which is the fear that people have about coming out to family, friends and employers as transgender. We should all feel bad that anyone lives their lives in a gender that isn’t really true – because people do this to avoid loss and stigmatization.

Transgender people do many things in an effort to avoid loss and stigmatization.For example, transgender people serve in the military at double the rate of cisgender people. This is likely because people whose sex is male but whose gender is female join the military and not vice versa.

Why would they do this? Remember the commercials – “Join the Marines, we’ll make a man out of you.”

Many try to become the men their genitals say that they are; many leave the military quickly, and many have successful careers as male military personnel. Both groups of “men” often come out as transgender after leaving the service.

It is very difficult to live in the gender that your brain disavows. This is why a staggering 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide.

Of course, if society accepted transgender individuals as simply being biologically different from cisgender people but still normal – which they are – this rate would drop precipitously.

Unfortunately, even though the term Gender Identity Disorder has been removed from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), transgender individuals – in order to receive medical help with their transition to their correct gender – must still be diagnosed by a mental health provider with “Gender Dysphoria.”

I look forward to the day when Gender Dysphoria goes the way of homosexuality as far as the DSM is concerned, i.e., it isn’t in the DMS at all because it is not a mental disorder!

The introduction to my go-to article has this fascinating bit of info which gives us insight into the growing number of young people coming out as transgender.

“From the first days after birth sex differences are already ex- pressed in human behavior. For example, on their first day of life, female neonates prefer looking at human faces while male infants look more at mechanical mobiles … From the age of 3–8 months, girls were found to choose dolls over the toy-cars and balls that boys prefer … The toy-preference behavior cannot be explained by social pressure, because when dolls, toy-cars and balls were offered to green vervet monkeys, the females consistently chose the dolls … while the males preferred the toy-cars and balls.”

So when you wonder how a child can possibly, “Know they are not the gender people say they are based on their genitals,” my answer is, “Gender differences exist. Of course a kid will figure out where they belong gender-wise.“ And if people are telling a child they are one gender, and they feels like the opposite gender, children speak up.

They always have, but perhaps in more subtle ways in the past, because they didn’t have the language to ask, “When does my penis turn into a vagina?” or “Can the doctor fix me and give me a penis?”

And transgender children do ask these types of questions now; because our society is much more open about bodies and body parts, they have the language.

And because people are now aware of transgender people, parents listen rather than saying, “No, you’re a girl; you have to behave like one,” or “Boys don’t wear dresses.”

The takeaway from the article, is that transgender people are not mentally ill, they simply have a biological misalignment of their gender and their sex.

If understood in this context, I hope many more people will begin asking, “So, what’s the big deal?” and speak out against discrimination against transgender people.

Byrgen Finkelman

It’s biological – not a mental health issue - Transgender Talk

He as every bit a right to a wrong opinion as the next guy
who does?
no matter, you can have your opinion but not your own facts.
Biology and sexual orientation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
Sexual orientation

Sexual orientations
Non-binary categories

The relationship between biology and sexual orientation is a subject of research. A simple and singular determinant for sexual orientation has not been conclusively demonstrated; various studies point to different, even conflicting positions, but scientists hypothesize that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and social factors determine sexual orientation.[1][2] Biological theories for explaining the causes of sexual orientation are more popular,[1] and biological factors may involve a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment.[3] These factors, which may be related to the development of a heterosexual, homosexual
It’s biological – not a mental health issue
By Byrgen Finkelman on August 7, 2013 at 10:05 PM

We have been reaching out to various organizations and agencies and asking to meet with them to talk about what transgender means and the issues faced by transgender people.

Injustice at Every Turn

We start our brief presentation by stating our goals for the meeting.

Our top goal is always to have the people we are speaking with understand that being transgender is a biological condition not a mental health issue.

So why haven’t we done a blog post about it? I don’t know, but this post will remedy that oversight.

There are numerous scholarly articles about why some people are born with their gender (what their brain tells them) and their sex (their genitals) misaligned.
My go-to article is in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. The article explains that, in utero, the body develops genitals before gender develops in the brain. Because these two do not happen concurrently, the interaction of testosterone with proteins, enzymes, and whatnot can cause the brain to develop a gender that does not match the sex. I say “whatnot” because I cannot begin to understand all the technical graphs and charts and pictures, but I certainly understand the plain language of the text!

A person whose gender is misaligned with their sex is transgender. Whether that person transitions and lives in their gender depends of many factors, not the least of which is the fear that people have about coming out to family, friends and employers as transgender. We should all feel bad that anyone lives their lives in a gender that isn’t really true – because people do this to avoid loss and stigmatization.

Transgender people do many things in an effort to avoid loss and stigmatization.For example, transgender people serve in the military at double the rate of cisgender people. This is likely because people whose sex is male but whose gender is female join the military and not vice versa.

Why would they do this? Remember the commercials – “Join the Marines, we’ll make a man out of you.”

Many try to become the men their genitals say that they are; many leave the military quickly, and many have successful careers as male military personnel. Both groups of “men” often come out as transgender after leaving the service.

It is very difficult to live in the gender that your brain disavows. This is why a staggering 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide.

Of course, if society accepted transgender individuals as simply being biologically different from cisgender people but still normal – which they are – this rate would drop precipitously.

Unfortunately, even though the term Gender Identity Disorder has been removed from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), transgender individuals – in order to receive medical help with their transition to their correct gender – must still be diagnosed by a mental health provider with “Gender Dysphoria.”

I look forward to the day when Gender Dysphoria goes the way of homosexuality as far as the DSM is concerned, i.e., it isn’t in the DMS at all because it is not a mental disorder!

The introduction to my go-to article has this fascinating bit of info which gives us insight into the growing number of young people coming out as transgender.

“From the first days after birth sex differences are already ex- pressed in human behavior. For example, on their first day of life, female neonates prefer looking at human faces while male infants look more at mechanical mobiles … From the age of 3–8 months, girls were found to choose dolls over the toy-cars and balls that boys prefer … The toy-preference behavior cannot be explained by social pressure, because when dolls, toy-cars and balls were offered to green vervet monkeys, the females consistently chose the dolls … while the males preferred the toy-cars and balls.”

So when you wonder how a child can possibly, “Know they are not the gender people say they are based on their genitals,” my answer is, “Gender differences exist. Of course a kid will figure out where they belong gender-wise.“ And if people are telling a child they are one gender, and they feels like the opposite gender, children speak up.

They always have, but perhaps in more subtle ways in the past, because they didn’t have the language to ask, “When does my penis turn into a vagina?” or “Can the doctor fix me and give me a penis?”

And transgender children do ask these types of questions now; because our society is much more open about bodies and body parts, they have the language.

And because people are now aware of transgender people, parents listen rather than saying, “No, you’re a girl; you have to behave like one,” or “Boys don’t wear dresses.”

The takeaway from the article, is that transgender people are not mentally ill, they simply have a biological misalignment of their gender and their sex.

If understood in this context, I hope many more people will begin asking, “So, what’s the big deal?” and speak out against discrimination against transgender people.

Byrgen Finkelman

It’s biological – not a mental health issue - Transgender Talk

He as every bit a right to a wrong opinion as the next guy
who does?
no matter, you can have your opinion but not your own facts.

True, but my fact can be proven by a simple medical exam.

Yours, and the linked source only have opinion.
Biology and sexual orientation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
Sexual orientation

Sexual orientations
Non-binary categories

The relationship between biology and sexual orientation is a subject of research. A simple and singular determinant for sexual orientation has not been conclusively demonstrated; various studies point to different, even conflicting positions, but scientists hypothesize that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and social factors determine sexual orientation.[1][2] Biological theories for explaining the causes of sexual orientation are more popular,[1] and biological factors may involve a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment.[3] These factors, which may be related to the development of a heterosexual, homosexual

Seems to prove your previous link is simple opinion.

Wake me when there is more than hypothesis
It’s biological – not a mental health issue
By Byrgen Finkelman on August 7, 2013 at 10:05 PM

We have been reaching out to various organizations and agencies and asking to meet with them to talk about what transgender means and the issues faced by transgender people.

Injustice at Every Turn

We start our brief presentation by stating our goals for the meeting.

Our top goal is always to have the people we are speaking with understand that being transgender is a biological condition not a mental health issue.

So why haven’t we done a blog post about it? I don’t know, but this post will remedy that oversight.

There are numerous scholarly articles about why some people are born with their gender (what their brain tells them) and their sex (their genitals) misaligned.
My go-to article is in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. The article explains that, in utero, the body develops genitals before gender develops in the brain. Because these two do not happen concurrently, the interaction of testosterone with proteins, enzymes, and whatnot can cause the brain to develop a gender that does not match the sex. I say “whatnot” because I cannot begin to understand all the technical graphs and charts and pictures, but I certainly understand the plain language of the text!

A person whose gender is misaligned with their sex is transgender. Whether that person transitions and lives in their gender depends of many factors, not the least of which is the fear that people have about coming out to family, friends and employers as transgender. We should all feel bad that anyone lives their lives in a gender that isn’t really true – because people do this to avoid loss and stigmatization.

Transgender people do many things in an effort to avoid loss and stigmatization.For example, transgender people serve in the military at double the rate of cisgender people. This is likely because people whose sex is male but whose gender is female join the military and not vice versa.

Why would they do this? Remember the commercials – “Join the Marines, we’ll make a man out of you.”

Many try to become the men their genitals say that they are; many leave the military quickly, and many have successful careers as male military personnel. Both groups of “men” often come out as transgender after leaving the service.

It is very difficult to live in the gender that your brain disavows. This is why a staggering 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide.

Of course, if society accepted transgender individuals as simply being biologically different from cisgender people but still normal – which they are – this rate would drop precipitously.

Unfortunately, even though the term Gender Identity Disorder has been removed from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), transgender individuals – in order to receive medical help with their transition to their correct gender – must still be diagnosed by a mental health provider with “Gender Dysphoria.”

I look forward to the day when Gender Dysphoria goes the way of homosexuality as far as the DSM is concerned, i.e., it isn’t in the DMS at all because it is not a mental disorder!

The introduction to my go-to article has this fascinating bit of info which gives us insight into the growing number of young people coming out as transgender.

“From the first days after birth sex differences are already ex- pressed in human behavior. For example, on their first day of life, female neonates prefer looking at human faces while male infants look more at mechanical mobiles … From the age of 3–8 months, girls were found to choose dolls over the toy-cars and balls that boys prefer … The toy-preference behavior cannot be explained by social pressure, because when dolls, toy-cars and balls were offered to green vervet monkeys, the females consistently chose the dolls … while the males preferred the toy-cars and balls.”

So when you wonder how a child can possibly, “Know they are not the gender people say they are based on their genitals,” my answer is, “Gender differences exist. Of course a kid will figure out where they belong gender-wise.“ And if people are telling a child they are one gender, and they feels like the opposite gender, children speak up.

They always have, but perhaps in more subtle ways in the past, because they didn’t have the language to ask, “When does my penis turn into a vagina?” or “Can the doctor fix me and give me a penis?”

And transgender children do ask these types of questions now; because our society is much more open about bodies and body parts, they have the language.

And because people are now aware of transgender people, parents listen rather than saying, “No, you’re a girl; you have to behave like one,” or “Boys don’t wear dresses.”

The takeaway from the article, is that transgender people are not mentally ill, they simply have a biological misalignment of their gender and their sex.

If understood in this context, I hope many more people will begin asking, “So, what’s the big deal?” and speak out against discrimination against transgender people.

Byrgen Finkelman

It’s biological – not a mental health issue - Transgender Talk

He as every bit a right to a wrong opinion as the next guy
who does?
no matter, you can have your opinion but not your own facts.

True, but my fact can be proven by a simple medical exam.

Yours, and the linked source only have opinion.
your simple medical exam is only partially correct.
I guess accepting only part of the facts is more comfortable for the willfully ignorant.
Biology and sexual orientation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
Sexual orientation

Sexual orientations
Non-binary categories

The relationship between biology and sexual orientation is a subject of research. A simple and singular determinant for sexual orientation has not been conclusively demonstrated; various studies point to different, even conflicting positions, but scientists hypothesize that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and social factors determine sexual orientation.[1][2] Biological theories for explaining the causes of sexual orientation are more popular,[1] and biological factors may involve a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment.[3] These factors, which may be related to the development of a heterosexual, homosexual

Seems to prove your previous link is simple opinion.

Wake me when there is more than hypothesis
how chicken shit of you pop!

Gender Identity is Biological, Study Says
Last edited:
It’s biological – not a mental health issue
By Byrgen Finkelman on August 7, 2013 at 10:05 PM

We have been reaching out to various organizations and agencies and asking to meet with them to talk about what transgender means and the issues faced by transgender people.

Injustice at Every Turn

We start our brief presentation by stating our goals for the meeting.

Our top goal is always to have the people we are speaking with understand that being transgender is a biological condition not a mental health issue.

So why haven’t we done a blog post about it? I don’t know, but this post will remedy that oversight.

There are numerous scholarly articles about why some people are born with their gender (what their brain tells them) and their sex (their genitals) misaligned.
My go-to article is in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. The article explains that, in utero, the body develops genitals before gender develops in the brain. Because these two do not happen concurrently, the interaction of testosterone with proteins, enzymes, and whatnot can cause the brain to develop a gender that does not match the sex. I say “whatnot” because I cannot begin to understand all the technical graphs and charts and pictures, but I certainly understand the plain language of the text!

A person whose gender is misaligned with their sex is transgender. Whether that person transitions and lives in their gender depends of many factors, not the least of which is the fear that people have about coming out to family, friends and employers as transgender. We should all feel bad that anyone lives their lives in a gender that isn’t really true – because people do this to avoid loss and stigmatization.

Transgender people do many things in an effort to avoid loss and stigmatization.For example, transgender people serve in the military at double the rate of cisgender people. This is likely because people whose sex is male but whose gender is female join the military and not vice versa.

Why would they do this? Remember the commercials – “Join the Marines, we’ll make a man out of you.”

Many try to become the men their genitals say that they are; many leave the military quickly, and many have successful careers as male military personnel. Both groups of “men” often come out as transgender after leaving the service.

It is very difficult to live in the gender that your brain disavows. This is why a staggering 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide.

Of course, if society accepted transgender individuals as simply being biologically different from cisgender people but still normal – which they are – this rate would drop precipitously.

Unfortunately, even though the term Gender Identity Disorder has been removed from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), transgender individuals – in order to receive medical help with their transition to their correct gender – must still be diagnosed by a mental health provider with “Gender Dysphoria.”

I look forward to the day when Gender Dysphoria goes the way of homosexuality as far as the DSM is concerned, i.e., it isn’t in the DMS at all because it is not a mental disorder!

The introduction to my go-to article has this fascinating bit of info which gives us insight into the growing number of young people coming out as transgender.

“From the first days after birth sex differences are already ex- pressed in human behavior. For example, on their first day of life, female neonates prefer looking at human faces while male infants look more at mechanical mobiles … From the age of 3–8 months, girls were found to choose dolls over the toy-cars and balls that boys prefer … The toy-preference behavior cannot be explained by social pressure, because when dolls, toy-cars and balls were offered to green vervet monkeys, the females consistently chose the dolls … while the males preferred the toy-cars and balls.”

So when you wonder how a child can possibly, “Know they are not the gender people say they are based on their genitals,” my answer is, “Gender differences exist. Of course a kid will figure out where they belong gender-wise.“ And if people are telling a child they are one gender, and they feels like the opposite gender, children speak up.

They always have, but perhaps in more subtle ways in the past, because they didn’t have the language to ask, “When does my penis turn into a vagina?” or “Can the doctor fix me and give me a penis?”

And transgender children do ask these types of questions now; because our society is much more open about bodies and body parts, they have the language.

And because people are now aware of transgender people, parents listen rather than saying, “No, you’re a girl; you have to behave like one,” or “Boys don’t wear dresses.”

The takeaway from the article, is that transgender people are not mentally ill, they simply have a biological misalignment of their gender and their sex.

If understood in this context, I hope many more people will begin asking, “So, what’s the big deal?” and speak out against discrimination against transgender people.

Byrgen Finkelman

It’s biological – not a mental health issue - Transgender Talk

He as every bit a right to a wrong opinion as the next guy
who does?
no matter, you can have your opinion but not your own facts.

True, but my fact can be proven by a simple medical exam.

Yours, and the linked source only have opinion.
your simple medical exam is only partially correct.
I guess accepting only part of the facts is more comfortable for the willfully ignorant.

And, making up theory is far more profitable to academics.

And far easier then digging ditches
Biology and sexual orientation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search
Sexual orientation

Sexual orientations
Non-binary categories

The relationship between biology and sexual orientation is a subject of research. A simple and singular determinant for sexual orientation has not been conclusively demonstrated; various studies point to different, even conflicting positions, but scientists hypothesize that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and social factors determine sexual orientation.[1][2] Biological theories for explaining the causes of sexual orientation are more popular,[1] and biological factors may involve a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment.[3] These factors, which may be related to the development of a heterosexual, homosexual

Seems to prove your previous link is simple opinion.

Wake me when there is more than hypothesis
how chicken shit of you pop!

Gender Identity is Biological, Study Says

Oh boy, oh boy, a study.

Wonder what that paid the academics?
Are these studies being quoted, though far far from conclusive, intended to lead the folks to start being comfortable with cross dressers?

It's all about marketing the odd as the normal.

Bought that once, but your marketing plan, though effective once, now........

It's a one trick pony.
It’s biological – not a mental health issue
By Byrgen Finkelman on August 7, 2013 at 10:05 PM

We have been reaching out to various organizations and agencies and asking to meet with them to talk about what transgender means and the issues faced by transgender people.

Injustice at Every Turn

We start our brief presentation by stating our goals for the meeting.

Our top goal is always to have the people we are speaking with understand that being transgender is a biological condition not a mental health issue.

So why haven’t we done a blog post about it? I don’t know, but this post will remedy that oversight.

There are numerous scholarly articles about why some people are born with their gender (what their brain tells them) and their sex (their genitals) misaligned.
My go-to article is in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. The article explains that, in utero, the body develops genitals before gender develops in the brain. Because these two do not happen concurrently, the interaction of testosterone with proteins, enzymes, and whatnot can cause the brain to develop a gender that does not match the sex. I say “whatnot” because I cannot begin to understand all the technical graphs and charts and pictures, but I certainly understand the plain language of the text!

A person whose gender is misaligned with their sex is transgender. Whether that person transitions and lives in their gender depends of many factors, not the least of which is the fear that people have about coming out to family, friends and employers as transgender. We should all feel bad that anyone lives their lives in a gender that isn’t really true – because people do this to avoid loss and stigmatization.

Transgender people do many things in an effort to avoid loss and stigmatization.For example, transgender people serve in the military at double the rate of cisgender people. This is likely because people whose sex is male but whose gender is female join the military and not vice versa.

Why would they do this? Remember the commercials – “Join the Marines, we’ll make a man out of you.”

Many try to become the men their genitals say that they are; many leave the military quickly, and many have successful careers as male military personnel. Both groups of “men” often come out as transgender after leaving the service.

It is very difficult to live in the gender that your brain disavows. This is why a staggering 41% of transgender people have attempted suicide.

Of course, if society accepted transgender individuals as simply being biologically different from cisgender people but still normal – which they are – this rate would drop precipitously.

Unfortunately, even though the term Gender Identity Disorder has been removed from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), transgender individuals – in order to receive medical help with their transition to their correct gender – must still be diagnosed by a mental health provider with “Gender Dysphoria.”

I look forward to the day when Gender Dysphoria goes the way of homosexuality as far as the DSM is concerned, i.e., it isn’t in the DMS at all because it is not a mental disorder!

The introduction to my go-to article has this fascinating bit of info which gives us insight into the growing number of young people coming out as transgender.

“From the first days after birth sex differences are already ex- pressed in human behavior. For example, on their first day of life, female neonates prefer looking at human faces while male infants look more at mechanical mobiles … From the age of 3–8 months, girls were found to choose dolls over the toy-cars and balls that boys prefer … The toy-preference behavior cannot be explained by social pressure, because when dolls, toy-cars and balls were offered to green vervet monkeys, the females consistently chose the dolls … while the males preferred the toy-cars and balls.”

So when you wonder how a child can possibly, “Know they are not the gender people say they are based on their genitals,” my answer is, “Gender differences exist. Of course a kid will figure out where they belong gender-wise.“ And if people are telling a child they are one gender, and they feels like the opposite gender, children speak up.

They always have, but perhaps in more subtle ways in the past, because they didn’t have the language to ask, “When does my penis turn into a vagina?” or “Can the doctor fix me and give me a penis?”

And transgender children do ask these types of questions now; because our society is much more open about bodies and body parts, they have the language.

And because people are now aware of transgender people, parents listen rather than saying, “No, you’re a girl; you have to behave like one,” or “Boys don’t wear dresses.”

The takeaway from the article, is that transgender people are not mentally ill, they simply have a biological misalignment of their gender and their sex.

If understood in this context, I hope many more people will begin asking, “So, what’s the big deal?” and speak out against discrimination against transgender people.

Byrgen Finkelman

It’s biological – not a mental health issue - Transgender Talk

He as every bit a right to a wrong opinion as the next guy
who does?
no matter, you can have your opinion but not your own facts.

True, but my fact can be proven by a simple medical exam.

Yours, and the linked source only have opinion.
your simple medical exam is only partially correct.
I guess accepting only part of the facts is more comfortable for the willfully ignorant.

And, making up theory is far more profitable to academics.

And far easier then digging ditches
All theories are made up , guess you don't know much about the scientific method.
The for profit ploy is pure conservative propaganda.
Though you were better than that pop!
Are these studies being quoted, though far far from conclusive, intended to lead the folks to start being comfortable with cross dressers?

It's all about marketing the odd as the normal.

Bought that once, but your marketing plan, though effective once, now........

It's a one trick pony.
Same propaganda different day .
What's "normal and what's odd are also subjective.
People said the same shit about slavery and just about every change ever.
It is what you are saying. Trample on the girls rights.
Nope its all you.

So then he shouldn't be allowed to shower with girls. Glad we agree.
False ! You can't win this.

So you are saying he should shower with the girls and trample on their rights? Them being uncomfortable doesn't matter?

I've already won, you are a joke.
Their comfort is not at an issue .
You lost before you started.

Really? So the transgender can't shower with the other boys because it makes him uncomfortable, but you don't care about the girls? Wow. You are a world class turd.
Sacha Coupet, director of research at the Civitas Child Law Center at Loyola University, said the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has interpreted Title IX as central to protecting the rights of transgender students.

"However, when these claims have gone beyond the Department of Education into federal court, that interpretation has yet to hold sway," said Coupet, co-editor of the recent book "Children, Sexuality & the Law."

A pair of federal courts this year -- in the cases Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board in Virginia and Johnston v. University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania -- found that Title IX does not prohibit schools from limiting access on the basis of a person's sex.

Coupet said it not a coincidence that these recent transgender cases have involved access to bathrooms and locker rooms, where people fully or partially disrobe.

"It really is the underlying issue about transgender students," she said. "It really brings the issue to the fore. It's as concrete as you can make the issue."

Coupet said she understands the ACLU's argument that treating a transgender student differently could be construed as discrimination. But from a legal perspective, she couldn't entirely dismiss the privacy concerns expressed by the other side.

Law professor: Title IX not relevant in Dist. 211 transgender case
Just make a third spot for those who want to be with the opposite gender and then it can be known how much time is really wasted in making one at all once and for all.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, its like things being discontinued at a store because not enough people buy them.
Are these studies being quoted, though far far from conclusive, intended to lead the folks to start being comfortable with cross dressers?

It's all about marketing the odd as the normal.

Bought that once, but your marketing plan, though effective once, now........

It's a one trick pony.
Same propaganda different day .
What's "normal and what's odd are also subjective.
People said the same shit about slavery and just about every change ever.

Not subjective at all. Common observation is all that is required.

Hard to make a buck or get published that way though.
Just make a third spot for those who want to be with the opposite gender and then it can be known how much time is really wasted in making one at all once and for all.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, its like things being discontinued at a store because not enough people buy them.

That's called discrimination by the LBGTQ-LMNOP crowd
Are these studies being quoted, though far far from conclusive, intended to lead the folks to start being comfortable with cross dressers?

It's all about marketing the odd as the normal.

Bought that once, but your marketing plan, though effective once, now........

It's a one trick pony.
Same propaganda different day .
What's "normal and what's odd are also subjective.
People said the same shit about slavery and just about every change ever.

Not subjective at all. Common observation is all that is required.

Hard to make a buck or get published that way though.
False ! Common observation is not accurate as it is crammed full of preconceived bias , phobias , lack of objectivity.
Are these studies being quoted, though far far from conclusive, intended to lead the folks to start being comfortable with cross dressers?

It's all about marketing the odd as the normal.

Bought that once, but your marketing plan, though effective once, now........

It's a one trick pony.
Same propaganda different day .
What's "normal and what's odd are also subjective.
People said the same shit about slavery and just about every change ever.

Not subjective at all. Common observation is all that is required.

Hard to make a buck or get published that way though.
False ! Common observation is not accurate as it is crammed full of preconceived bias , phobias , lack of objectivity.

As are many funded studies, plus they have a profit motive.

When you present a conclusive study you may have something. Inconclusive is no more valuable than observation.
Stupid Bastards! That's all that I can say!!:asshole:
How Transphobia Killed Houston’s Shot At LGBT Protections

By a whopping 61-39 margin, Houston voters defeated the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) Tuesday, which would have extended nondiscrimination protections to many groups, including the LGBT community. Fear and misunderstanding of transgender people — specifically, the notion that “men” would have free access to women’s restrooms — clearly won the day.
It’s not hard to see how these fear-mongering tactics, false and demonizing as they were, dominated the struggle. How Transphobia Killed Houston’s Shot At LGBT Protections

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