Students used AI to create nude photos of their classmates. For some, arrests came next.


Probably not. My personality type is such that I'd not go that extra mile for the handful of shit that I'd receive at the end of it. I've worked hard to gain the knowledge base that I've got. IMO, most people are unwilling to put in the work..the late nights reading...the research...the painful process that is learning. Every time I've taught I've loved it...but I've always either picked my kids and family..or they have been incentivized by the workplace to learn. A bunch of random curtain crawlers and rugrats? No thanks!
Someone has to teach our aspiring immigrants might as well be you.

Hope they're getting a good dose of STEM as well, yet somehow I doubt it~

When the kids don't behave in 2024, it's the teacher's fault.

All that, and the workload, and the stress, and the abysmal behavior, and the conservatives crying about the books in the library--for 50K/year.
There would be nothing better for a 24 year old fresh out of college than to spend at least a few years teaching. To see what’s really important in life. Make a difference for people who need it. Just maybe to realize that a career doesn’t have to be all about chasing every buck, but rather making a difference and living a life of meaningful service.
Why not do all that and also pay new teachers a decent wage?

People who get a year of low-cost vocational training come out of it making substantially more money than a teacher who has four years of college to pay for. How is that fair?

I get that it’s not all about money, but is any of it?

When I was 20 or so, my goal was to be a librarian. Then I found out that it requires a freaking master’s degree, has low job security and crap pay. There are bills to pay….
Why not do all that and also pay new teachers a decent wage?

People who get a year of low-cost vocational training come out of it making substantially more money than a teacher who has four years of college to pay for. How is that fair?

I get that it’s not all about money, but is any of it?

When I was 20 or so, my goal was to be a librarian. Then I found out that it requires a freaking master’s degree, has low job security and crap pay. There are bills to pay….

On top of that, there is no respect in the profession any more AT ALL. From students, parents, families, admin. So combine ridiculous hours + low pay + low respect. And thus the blistering teacher shortage.
On top of that, there is no respect in the profession any more AT ALL. From students, parents, families, admin. So combine ridiculous hours + low pay + low respect. And thus the blistering teacher shortage.
Anyone walking around demanding respect from everyone they come into contact with deserves none. Anyone who goes into teaching to get rich is missing the point.
Anyone walking around demanding respect from everyone they come into contact with deserves none. Anyone who goes into teaching to get rich is missing the point.
No one says they should get rich. But the pay should at least reflect the amount of education required to get a teacher’s license
Anyone walking around demanding respect from everyone they come into contact with deserves none. Anyone who goes into teaching to get rich is missing the point.

Never has it ever been clear that whatever role you're in? MAYBE a teacher? Is far from the standard experience.

"Respect" is just listening without attacking FIRST.

"Respect" is just listening without attacking FIRST.
Just who the fuck do you think you are that you demand "respect" all the damn time? Just do your fucking job - for the right reasons - and stop crying for a pat on the fucking back. Or quit. Everyone knows you want to.
It's a question of PRIORITIES. Real life 12 and 13 years getting sold every day. We know who the coyotes are, we know the local police and sheriffs helping them...priorities

For me personally, as sane and normal as I like to think my family is, we're all Southern Italian genes so it would not be dealt with politely

More likely the other family would be the ones calling the police
So we can't prosecute shoplifters until all human traffickers are in prison or dead? Can you walk and chew bubblegum at the same time?
There would be nothing better for a 24 year old fresh out of college than to spend at least a few years teaching. To see what’s really important in life. Make a difference for people who need it. Just maybe to realize that a career doesn’t have to be all about chasing every buck, but rather making a difference and living a life of meaningful service.

Local News: and yes!1 There are those still in the system fighting the good fight for excellence and high standards...and in the end they will win.​

Education crisis: Qld teachers quitting in record numbers​

Alarming figures reveal Queensland teacher resignations have spiked more than 50 per cent since 2020 despite Labor’s pledge to get more educators into the stretched workforce.

Don't miss out on the headlines from Education. Followed categories will be added to My News.
Queensland teachers are quitting in record numbers despite the state government’s election pledge to get more educators into the stretched workforce.
Alarming new figures reveal teacher resignations have spiked 54 per cent since 2020, with more than 2600 ditching the profession last year, compared to about 1600 three years prior.
The number of teacher aides quitting is even more stark, with 1142 resignations last year compared to just 637 in 2020.
Queensland Teachers’ Union president Cresta Richardson said there was a staff crisis and it was crucial more was done to retain teachers and school leaders.
She blamed the exodus on a lack of funding for students in need, demanding workloads as well as the stoush over proposed laws related to suspensions, exclusions and home schooling.

“The QTU rejects the proposed changes to School Disciplinary Absences in the Education (General Provisions) Act which will diminish teachers’ and school leaders’ professional autonomy and severely restrict school leaders’ abilities to maintain safe and orderly schools and consequently safe and effective teaching and learning conditions,” she said.

“If the Department of Education is genuine in wanting to achieve equity and excellence, they and the state government must provide more fully funded support for students who need it, whilst addressing the ever-increasing workload demands of teachers and school leaders.”

It was probably true once but now the Gov (left leaning) see teachers as merely a cog in the wheel of the State Military Industrial Complex propagating the Patriarchy and the Capitalist Power structure!!! At least that is what the lefties told me when I was at Uni!!

Yes. Really. The viewer in this age group cannot tell the difference. You're likeness in a lewd pic, or video is no less egregious than a forged signature on a check...
I think you underestimate the "viewers"; they know damn well they're fake and will judge them accordingly. Why did they ever take away the cane!!!!??!!!

On top of that, there is no respect in the profession any more AT ALL. From students, parents, families, admin. So combine ridiculous hours + low pay + low respect. And thus the blistering teacher shortage.
Some of us still consider your vocation to be above nearly any other; maybe not the Doctor or the Priest but up there in the top three. (East European Peasant attitude here).


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