Obama admin demands you deny reality

My understanding is that the Department of Education merely released a report on the matter. Not issued an order. Here's the report in full:

Full text: Department of Education report on District 211 Title IX violations

With an extensive article on the topic here:

Feds: Palatine district discriminated against transgender student by barring her from girls' locker room
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
You are pathetically STUPID!

Transgender and Transsexual are individuals who do not identify with the sex they are born into. "Transgender" individuals feel a lack of fit between their own internal gender and the gender roles made by their society. Some transgender people's sense of difference is so strong that they identify as "transsexual," someone who believes their assigned sex at birth is wrong and their correct sex is one that aligns with their internal feelings.

Comparison chart http://www.diffen.com/difference/Transgender_vs_Transsexual

What Causes Transsexualism?

by Lynn Conway


Many causes for transsexualism have been proposed over the years. As discussed earlier in Lynn's TG/TS/IS information, it's long been known from intersex data that the genes do not determine gender identity, and recent follow-ups on intersex infant surgeries show that consistency of "genitals and upbringing" does not determine gender identity.

Instead, current scientific results strongly suggest neurobiological origins for transsexualism: Something appears to happen during the in-utero development of the transsexual child's central nervous system (CNS) so that the child is left with innate, strongly perceived cross-gender body feelings and self-perceptions. We still don't know for sure what causes this neurological development, and more research needs to be done. But the neurobiological direction for these explorations seem clear.

However, even without any scientific evidence to back them up, many psychiatrists and psychologists over the past four decades have simply assumed that transsexualism is a "mental illness". By DEFINING this socially unpopular condition to be a mental illness, these mental health professionals have shaped much of the medical establishment's and society's views of transsexuals as psychopathological "sexual deviants". http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TScauses.html

This page is an investigative report that describes and contrasts the older "mental illness" concept of transsexualism with more recently emerging scientific evidence of neurobiological bases for innate gender identity in humans.
gender roles? Like not thinking DNA fucked up? lol
There is nothing wrong with rebelling against society. But there is something wrong with denying biology.
Denying biology? You mean like what those who minimize and deny the reality of transgender do?

No biology supports transgender.
Total liberal insanity coming from the non-natural born citizen constitutionally ineligible president. Will he institute this where his daughters attend school?

Obama DOE: Schools Must Offer Mixed Sex Showers - The Gateway Pundit

You know Steve, you normally post stupid ass shit that actually believe is true due to your accident back in '94. But this time you're purposely posting fodder that you damn well know is a lie. You should be ashamed of yourself.

My understanding is that the Department of Education merely released a report on the matter. Not issued an order. Here's the report in full:

Full text: Department of Education report on District 211 Title IX violations

With an extensive article on the topic here:

Feds: Palatine district discriminated against transgender student by barring her from girls' locker room
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
Any credible evidence the boys are mentally ill or as always you're talking out your ass?
People that deny REALITY is mentally ill to the T

I know that you and those like you are heavily invested in your need to disparage and ridicule LGBT people. I understand how the best that you can do is to express callous indifference to their plight, and that is on a good day.

I know that it’s probably not your fault. Perhaps you grew up around bigoted and ignorant people and if so, they did you a grave disservice. Perhaps you were bullied or otherwise mistreated and have a lot of anger. Or, maybe you just never had an opportunity to become educated about and aware of others who are different, in other words you never learned to value diversity.

I would like to help you to overcome your issues and to become a better person. You’ll be happier and healthier to be sure. Hatred eats away at your body and soul, and ignorance does not become you.. So to start, here are a pair of articles from the Human Rights Campaign that should help you to better understand transgender people and the difficulties that they face. Enjoy!

Laverne Cox on Leelah Alcorn and Transgender Youth on The View

In a moving segment, Cox recalled her own suicide attempt at age 11 and how important it was for her to have support as she continued her journey toward living openly. She also discussed the availability of resources for parents of transgender youth, and later posted several links on her Facebook page, including a link to the HRC Foundation’s report Supporting and Caring for Our Gender Expansive Youth. The report found that less than half of transgender and gender-expansive youth said they had an adult in their family they could turn to if they felt worried or sad. http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/laverne-cox-on-leelah-alcorn-and-transgender-youth-on-the-view

Transgender Teen’s Death a Call to Action

The LGBT community and our allies are reeling from the news of Leelah Alcorn’s death, a transgender teen who has died by suicide. While transgender children and youth are becoming more visible and finding more support and acceptance from their families and communities, this young woman felt rejected by her conservative Christian family who would not allow her to live openly as her affirmed gender and forced her to undergo conversion therapy.

Although familial rejection is a risk factor for suicide, youth suicide is a complex issue that rarely has only one cause. But stories like this are powerful reminders to our community about the wounds that rejection can inflict – as well as the protective potential of accepting families.

They don't find acceptance. They find people just telling them something so they don't jump in front of a truck and ruin an innocents life.
ACCEPTANCE would need to come from THEM. They cant accept themselves when everyone tells them its ok and its normal.
Acceptance = TRUTH
Truth is subjective so your argument such as it is is flushed down the shitter
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
You are pathetically STUPID!

Transgender and Transsexual are individuals who do not identify with the sex they are born into. "Transgender" individuals feel a lack of fit between their own internal gender and the gender roles made by their society. Some transgender people's sense of difference is so strong that they identify as "transsexual," someone who believes their assigned sex at birth is wrong and their correct sex is one that aligns with their internal feelings.

Comparison chart http://www.diffen.com/difference/Transgender_vs_Transsexual

What Causes Transsexualism?

by Lynn Conway


Many causes for transsexualism have been proposed over the years. As discussed earlier in Lynn's TG/TS/IS information, it's long been known from intersex data that the genes do not determine gender identity, and recent follow-ups on intersex infant surgeries show that consistency of "genitals and upbringing" does not determine gender identity.

Instead, current scientific results strongly suggest neurobiological origins for transsexualism: Something appears to happen during the in-utero development of the transsexual child's central nervous system (CNS) so that the child is left with innate, strongly perceived cross-gender body feelings and self-perceptions. We still don't know for sure what causes this neurological development, and more research needs to be done. But the neurobiological direction for these explorations seem clear.

However, even without any scientific evidence to back them up, many psychiatrists and psychologists over the past four decades have simply assumed that transsexualism is a "mental illness". By DEFINING this socially unpopular condition to be a mental illness, these mental health professionals have shaped much of the medical establishment's and society's views of transsexuals as psychopathological "sexual deviants". http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TScauses.html

This page is an investigative report that describes and contrasts the older "mental illness" concept of transsexualism with more recently emerging scientific evidence of neurobiological bases for innate gender identity in humans.
gender roles? Like not thinking DNA fucked up? lol
There is nothing wrong with rebelling against society. But there is something wrong with denying biology.
Denying biology? You mean like what those who minimize and deny the reality of transgender do?

No biology supports transgender.
Nope. Just social constructs. "she" "he" "him" "her" NOT Male or Female
You know Steve, you normally post stupid ass shit that actually believe is true due to your accident back in '94. But this time you're purposely posting fodder that you damn well know is a lie. You should be ashamed of yourself.

My understanding is that the Department of Education merely released a report on the matter. Not issued an order. Here's the report in full:

Full text: Department of Education report on District 211 Title IX violations

With an extensive article on the topic here:

Feds: Palatine district discriminated against transgender student by barring her from girls' locker room
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
You are pathetically STUPID!

Transgender and Transsexual are individuals who do not identify with the sex they are born into. "Transgender" individuals feel a lack of fit between their own internal gender and the gender roles made by their society. Some transgender people's sense of difference is so strong that they identify as "transsexual," someone who believes their assigned sex at birth is wrong and their correct sex is one that aligns with their internal feelings.

Comparison chart http://www.diffen.com/difference/Transgender_vs_Transsexual

What Causes Transsexualism?

by Lynn Conway


Many causes for transsexualism have been proposed over the years. As discussed earlier in Lynn's TG/TS/IS information, it's long been known from intersex data that the genes do not determine gender identity, and recent follow-ups on intersex infant surgeries show that consistency of "genitals and upbringing" does not determine gender identity.

Instead, current scientific results strongly suggest neurobiological origins for transsexualism: Something appears to happen during the in-utero development of the transsexual child's central nervous system (CNS) so that the child is left with innate, strongly perceived cross-gender body feelings and self-perceptions. We still don't know for sure what causes this neurological development, and more research needs to be done. But the neurobiological direction for these explorations seem clear.

However, even without any scientific evidence to back them up, many psychiatrists and psychologists over the past four decades have simply assumed that transsexualism is a "mental illness". By DEFINING this socially unpopular condition to be a mental illness, these mental health professionals have shaped much of the medical establishment's and society's views of transsexuals as psychopathological "sexual deviants". http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TScauses.html

This page is an investigative report that describes and contrasts the older "mental illness" concept of transsexualism with more recently emerging scientific evidence of neurobiological bases for innate gender identity in humans.

Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry: Being transgender is a 'mental disorder . . . biologically impossible' - BizPac Review

Not only does Dr. Paul R. McHugh consider changing sexes “biologically impossible,” he thinks being what is popularly called “transgender” these days is actually a “mental disorder.”

McHugh, who has authored six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical journal articles, made the statements in a piece he penned for the Wall Street Journal that argued surgery is not the solution for patients who want to live life as the opposite sex.

Read more: Former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry: Being transgender is a 'mental disorder . . . biologically impossible' - BizPac Review

And why does this one opinion matter over that of the vast majority of mental health professionals? I would like to know who these "peers" who reviewed his studies are.

I know that you and those like you are heavily invested in your need to disparage and ridicule LGBT people. I understand how the best that you can do is to express callous indifference to their plight, and that is on a good day.

I know that it’s probably not your fault. Perhaps you grew up around bigoted and ignorant people and if so, they did you a grave disservice. Perhaps you were bullied or otherwise mistreated and have a lot of anger. Or, maybe you just never had an opportunity to become educated about and aware of others who are different, in other words you never learned to value diversity.

I would like to help you to overcome your issues and to become a better person. You’ll be happier and healthier to be sure. Hatred eats away at your body and soul, and ignorance does not become you.. So to start, here are a pair of articles from the Human Rights Campaign that should help you to better understand transgender people and the difficulties that they face. Enjoy!

Laverne Cox on Leelah Alcorn and Transgender Youth on The View

In a moving segment, Cox recalled her own suicide attempt at age 11 and how important it was for her to have support as she continued her journey toward living openly. She also discussed the availability of resources for parents of transgender youth, and later posted several links on her Facebook page, including a link to the HRC Foundation’s report Supporting and Caring for Our Gender Expansive Youth. The report found that less than half of transgender and gender-expansive youth said they had an adult in their family they could turn to if they felt worried or sad. http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/laverne-cox-on-leelah-alcorn-and-transgender-youth-on-the-view

Transgender Teen’s Death a Call to Action

The LGBT community and our allies are reeling from the news of Leelah Alcorn’s death, a transgender teen who has died by suicide. While transgender children and youth are becoming more visible and finding more support and acceptance from their families and communities, this young woman felt rejected by her conservative Christian family who would not allow her to live openly as her affirmed gender and forced her to undergo conversion therapy.

Although familial rejection is a risk factor for suicide, youth suicide is a complex issue that rarely has only one cause. But stories like this are powerful reminders to our community about the wounds that rejection can inflict – as well as the protective potential of accepting families.

They don't find acceptance. They find people just telling them something so they don't jump in front of a truck and ruin an innocents life.
ACCEPTANCE would need to come from THEM. They cant accept themselves when everyone tells them its ok and its normal.
Acceptance = TRUTH
Truth is subjective so your argument such as it is is flushed down the shitter
Truth isn't subjective dummy. Perception is. If your perception is a denial of reality, you have problems. YOU are talking out of your ass. Big ball of emotion and NOTHING else.
Here is your problem. You don't get the fact the SHE is not a boy.

Look. I will be honest here. I've been taking a hard line in saying that there is no issue, no problem in the pre opp Transgirl in the girls room. I can see how some people might be miffed by that and I think that the accommodation offered-a private area in the girls room was reasonable. However, the GIRL in question- who is the only one qualified to discuss how SHE feels and why it was not a good compromise.

I will also say this......my rigid position on this has been primarily to counter your stupidity in insisting that SHE should just get over it and shower with the boys. You position that SHE is a boy and would or should have no problem being with the boys is stupid as stupid an get. You do not understand or even accept the reality of transgender people and what's worse, it appears that you don't have the curiosity and intellect to learn more.

The problem is he wants to trample on the girls rights. While he can't shower with boys, he is demanding they do.

You just keep confirming everything that I have pointed out about you and you don't even realize it. Does the Brain have a brain? You need a new handle!

So it is ok for transgender to refuse to shower with boys, but not the girls? You trample on woman's rights.
The definition of insanity , doing or saying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

It is what you are saying. Trample on the girls rights.
Nope its all you.
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
You are pathetically STUPID!

Transgender and Transsexual are individuals who do not identify with the sex they are born into. "Transgender" individuals feel a lack of fit between their own internal gender and the gender roles made by their society. Some transgender people's sense of difference is so strong that they identify as "transsexual," someone who believes their assigned sex at birth is wrong and their correct sex is one that aligns with their internal feelings.

Comparison chart http://www.diffen.com/difference/Transgender_vs_Transsexual

What Causes Transsexualism?

by Lynn Conway


Many causes for transsexualism have been proposed over the years. As discussed earlier in Lynn's TG/TS/IS information, it's long been known from intersex data that the genes do not determine gender identity, and recent follow-ups on intersex infant surgeries show that consistency of "genitals and upbringing" does not determine gender identity.

Instead, current scientific results strongly suggest neurobiological origins for transsexualism: Something appears to happen during the in-utero development of the transsexual child's central nervous system (CNS) so that the child is left with innate, strongly perceived cross-gender body feelings and self-perceptions. We still don't know for sure what causes this neurological development, and more research needs to be done. But the neurobiological direction for these explorations seem clear.

However, even without any scientific evidence to back them up, many psychiatrists and psychologists over the past four decades have simply assumed that transsexualism is a "mental illness". By DEFINING this socially unpopular condition to be a mental illness, these mental health professionals have shaped much of the medical establishment's and society's views of transsexuals as psychopathological "sexual deviants". http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TScauses.html

This page is an investigative report that describes and contrasts the older "mental illness" concept of transsexualism with more recently emerging scientific evidence of neurobiological bases for innate gender identity in humans.
gender roles? Like not thinking DNA fucked up? lol
There is nothing wrong with rebelling against society. But there is something wrong with denying biology.
Denying biology? You mean like what those who minimize and deny the reality of transgender do?

No biology supports transgender.
You don't read well -do you?
The problem is he wants to trample on the girls rights. While he can't shower with boys, he is demanding they do.

You just keep confirming everything that I have pointed out about you and you don't even realize it. Does the Brain have a brain? You need a new handle!

So it is ok for transgender to refuse to shower with boys, but not the girls? You trample on woman's rights.
The definition of insanity , doing or saying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

It is what you are saying. Trample on the girls rights.
Nope its all you.

So then he shouldn't be allowed to shower with girls. Glad we agree.
You know Steve, you normally post stupid ass shit that actually believe is true due to your accident back in '94. But this time you're purposely posting fodder that you damn well know is a lie. You should be ashamed of yourself.

My understanding is that the Department of Education merely released a report on the matter. Not issued an order. Here's the report in full:

Full text: Department of Education report on District 211 Title IX violations

With an extensive article on the topic here:

Feds: Palatine district discriminated against transgender student by barring her from girls' locker room
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
Any credible evidence the boys are mentally ill or as always you're talking out your ass?
People that deny REALITY is mentally ill to the T
Then you must be mentally ill. Transgender people are as real a so called straight people.
The real problem here is your ignorance of reality .
Like lots of people if it doesn't fit your pov it isn't real .
My understanding is that the Department of Education merely released a report on the matter. Not issued an order. Here's the report in full:

Full text: Department of Education report on District 211 Title IX violations

With an extensive article on the topic here:

Feds: Palatine district discriminated against transgender student by barring her from girls' locker room
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
Any credible evidence the boys are mentally ill or as always you're talking out your ass?
People that deny REALITY is mentally ill to the T
Then you must be mentally ill. Transgender people are as real a so called straight people.
The real problem here is your ignorance of reality .
Like lots of people if it doesn't fit your pov it isn't real .
Who said transsexuals weren't real people? Good lord, dummy. Get REAL.
Their mental STATE is a delusion. That is mentally ill. No matter HOW you spin it. You aren't doing them ANY good being dishonest like this.
When they say "DNA screwed up im really a female" is not reality. Grow up

I know that you and those like you are heavily invested in your need to disparage and ridicule LGBT people. I understand how the best that you can do is to express callous indifference to their plight, and that is on a good day.

I know that it’s probably not your fault. Perhaps you grew up around bigoted and ignorant people and if so, they did you a grave disservice. Perhaps you were bullied or otherwise mistreated and have a lot of anger. Or, maybe you just never had an opportunity to become educated about and aware of others who are different, in other words you never learned to value diversity.

I would like to help you to overcome your issues and to become a better person. You’ll be happier and healthier to be sure. Hatred eats away at your body and soul, and ignorance does not become you.. So to start, here are a pair of articles from the Human Rights Campaign that should help you to better understand transgender people and the difficulties that they face. Enjoy!

Laverne Cox on Leelah Alcorn and Transgender Youth on The View

In a moving segment, Cox recalled her own suicide attempt at age 11 and how important it was for her to have support as she continued her journey toward living openly. She also discussed the availability of resources for parents of transgender youth, and later posted several links on her Facebook page, including a link to the HRC Foundation’s report Supporting and Caring for Our Gender Expansive Youth. The report found that less than half of transgender and gender-expansive youth said they had an adult in their family they could turn to if they felt worried or sad. http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/laverne-cox-on-leelah-alcorn-and-transgender-youth-on-the-view

Transgender Teen’s Death a Call to Action

The LGBT community and our allies are reeling from the news of Leelah Alcorn’s death, a transgender teen who has died by suicide. While transgender children and youth are becoming more visible and finding more support and acceptance from their families and communities, this young woman felt rejected by her conservative Christian family who would not allow her to live openly as her affirmed gender and forced her to undergo conversion therapy.

Although familial rejection is a risk factor for suicide, youth suicide is a complex issue that rarely has only one cause. But stories like this are powerful reminders to our community about the wounds that rejection can inflict – as well as the protective potential of accepting families.

They don't find acceptance. They find people just telling them something so they don't jump in front of a truck and ruin an innocents life.
ACCEPTANCE would need to come from THEM. They cant accept themselves when everyone tells them its ok and its normal.
Acceptance = TRUTH
Truth is subjective so your argument such as it is is flushed down the shitter
Truth isn't subjective dummy. Perception is. If your perception is a denial of reality, you have problems. YOU are talking out of your ass. Big ball of emotion and NOTHING else.
False ! speaking of balls of emotion your whole answer is one massive rationalization.
Fact is real, truth is and always has been subjective.
You just keep confirming everything that I have pointed out about you and you don't even realize it. Does the Brain have a brain? You need a new handle!

So it is ok for transgender to refuse to shower with boys, but not the girls? You trample on woman's rights.
The definition of insanity , doing or saying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

It is what you are saying. Trample on the girls rights.
Nope its all you.

So then he shouldn't be allowed to shower with girls. Glad we agree.
False ! You can't win this.
What else is new, this is what progressives do.

I know that you and those like you are heavily invested in your need to disparage and ridicule LGBT people. I understand how the best that you can do is to express callous indifference to their plight, and that is on a good day.

I know that it’s probably not your fault. Perhaps you grew up around bigoted and ignorant people and if so, they did you a grave disservice. Perhaps you were bullied or otherwise mistreated and have a lot of anger. Or, maybe you just never had an opportunity to become educated about and aware of others who are different, in other words you never learned to value diversity.

I would like to help you to overcome your issues and to become a better person. You’ll be happier and healthier to be sure. Hatred eats away at your body and soul, and ignorance does not become you.. So to start, here are a pair of articles from the Human Rights Campaign that should help you to better understand transgender people and the difficulties that they face. Enjoy!

Laverne Cox on Leelah Alcorn and Transgender Youth on The View

In a moving segment, Cox recalled her own suicide attempt at age 11 and how important it was for her to have support as she continued her journey toward living openly. She also discussed the availability of resources for parents of transgender youth, and later posted several links on her Facebook page, including a link to the HRC Foundation’s report Supporting and Caring for Our Gender Expansive Youth. The report found that less than half of transgender and gender-expansive youth said they had an adult in their family they could turn to if they felt worried or sad. http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/laverne-cox-on-leelah-alcorn-and-transgender-youth-on-the-view

Transgender Teen’s Death a Call to Action

The LGBT community and our allies are reeling from the news of Leelah Alcorn’s death, a transgender teen who has died by suicide. While transgender children and youth are becoming more visible and finding more support and acceptance from their families and communities, this young woman felt rejected by her conservative Christian family who would not allow her to live openly as her affirmed gender and forced her to undergo conversion therapy.

Although familial rejection is a risk factor for suicide, youth suicide is a complex issue that rarely has only one cause. But stories like this are powerful reminders to our community about the wounds that rejection can inflict – as well as the protective potential of accepting families.

They don't find acceptance. They find people just telling them something so they don't jump in front of a truck and ruin an innocents life.
ACCEPTANCE would need to come from THEM. They cant accept themselves when everyone tells them its ok and its normal.
Acceptance = TRUTH
Truth is subjective so your argument such as it is is flushed down the shitter
Truth isn't subjective dummy. Perception is. If your perception is a denial of reality, you have problems. YOU are talking out of your ass. Big ball of emotion and NOTHING else.
False ! speaking of balls of emotion your whole answer is one massive rationalization.
Fact is real, truth is and always has been subjective.

  1. in accordance with fact or reality:
    "a true story" ·
    "of course it's true" · "that is not true of the people I am talking about"
    synonyms: correct · accurate · right · verifiable ·
    in accordance with the facts · what actually/really happened · well documented · the case · so · literal · factual · unelaborated · unvarnished
    antonyms: untrue · false · fallacious
accurate or exact:
So it is ok for transgender to refuse to shower with boys, but not the girls? You trample on woman's rights.
The definition of insanity , doing or saying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

It is what you are saying. Trample on the girls rights.
Nope its all you.

So then he shouldn't be allowed to shower with girls. Glad we agree.
False ! You can't win this.
Good lord.. speaking of mentally ill and denial of reality..
They discriminated by not letting a male in the female bathroom? That makes no fuckin sense..
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
Any credible evidence the boys are mentally ill or as always you're talking out your ass?
People that deny REALITY is mentally ill to the T
Then you must be mentally ill. Transgender people are as real a so called straight people.
The real problem here is your ignorance of reality .
Like lots of people if it doesn't fit your pov it isn't real .
Who said transsexuals weren't real people? Good lord, dummy. Get REAL.
Their mental STATE is a delusion. That is mentally ill. No matter HOW you spin it. You aren't doing them ANY good being dishonest like this.
When they say "DNA screwed up im really a female" is not reality. Grow up
False dna controls gender and sexually identity.
Nature does not play by Your notions of what gender and sexuality should be.
I know that you and those like you are heavily invested in your need to disparage and ridicule LGBT people. I understand how the best that you can do is to express callous indifference to their plight, and that is on a good day.

I know that it’s probably not your fault. Perhaps you grew up around bigoted and ignorant people and if so, they did you a grave disservice. Perhaps you were bullied or otherwise mistreated and have a lot of anger. Or, maybe you just never had an opportunity to become educated about and aware of others who are different, in other words you never learned to value diversity.

I would like to help you to overcome your issues and to become a better person. You’ll be happier and healthier to be sure. Hatred eats away at your body and soul, and ignorance does not become you.. So to start, here are a pair of articles from the Human Rights Campaign that should help you to better understand transgender people and the difficulties that they face. Enjoy!

Laverne Cox on Leelah Alcorn and Transgender Youth on The View

In a moving segment, Cox recalled her own suicide attempt at age 11 and how important it was for her to have support as she continued her journey toward living openly. She also discussed the availability of resources for parents of transgender youth, and later posted several links on her Facebook page, including a link to the HRC Foundation’s report Supporting and Caring for Our Gender Expansive Youth. The report found that less than half of transgender and gender-expansive youth said they had an adult in their family they could turn to if they felt worried or sad. http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/laverne-cox-on-leelah-alcorn-and-transgender-youth-on-the-view

Transgender Teen’s Death a Call to Action

The LGBT community and our allies are reeling from the news of Leelah Alcorn’s death, a transgender teen who has died by suicide. While transgender children and youth are becoming more visible and finding more support and acceptance from their families and communities, this young woman felt rejected by her conservative Christian family who would not allow her to live openly as her affirmed gender and forced her to undergo conversion therapy.

Although familial rejection is a risk factor for suicide, youth suicide is a complex issue that rarely has only one cause. But stories like this are powerful reminders to our community about the wounds that rejection can inflict – as well as the protective potential of accepting families.

They don't find acceptance. They find people just telling them something so they don't jump in front of a truck and ruin an innocents life.
ACCEPTANCE would need to come from THEM. They cant accept themselves when everyone tells them its ok and its normal.
Acceptance = TRUTH
Truth is subjective so your argument such as it is is flushed down the shitter
Truth isn't subjective dummy. Perception is. If your perception is a denial of reality, you have problems. YOU are talking out of your ass. Big ball of emotion and NOTHING else.
False ! speaking of balls of emotion your whole answer is one massive rationalization.
Fact is real, truth is and always has been subjective.

  1. in accordance with fact or reality:
    "a true story" ·
    "of course it's true" · "that is not true of the people I am talking about"
    synonyms: correct · accurate · right · verifiable ·
    in accordance with the facts · what actually/really happened · well documented · the case · so · literal · factual · unelaborated · unvarnished
    antonyms: untrue · false · fallacious
accurate or exact:
wrong word try truth.
They don't find acceptance. They find people just telling them something so they don't jump in front of a truck and ruin an innocents life.
ACCEPTANCE would need to come from THEM. They cant accept themselves when everyone tells them its ok and its normal.
Acceptance = TRUTH
Truth is subjective so your argument such as it is is flushed down the shitter
Truth isn't subjective dummy. Perception is. If your perception is a denial of reality, you have problems. YOU are talking out of your ass. Big ball of emotion and NOTHING else.
False ! speaking of balls of emotion your whole answer is one massive rationalization.
Fact is real, truth is and always has been subjective.

  1. in accordance with fact or reality:
    "a true story" ·
    "of course it's true" · "that is not true of the people I am talking about"
    synonyms: correct · accurate · right · verifiable ·
    in accordance with the facts · what actually/really happened · well documented · the case · so · literal · factual · unelaborated · unvarnished
    antonyms: untrue · false · fallacious
accurate or exact:
wrong word try truth.
Oh good fuckin gawd. Why do you think I posted true?
  1. the quality or state of being true:
The definition of insanity , doing or saying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

It is what you are saying. Trample on the girls rights.
Nope its all you.

So then he shouldn't be allowed to shower with girls. Glad we agree.
False ! You can't win this.
Good lord.. speaking of mentally ill and denial of reality..
Again false I've denied Nothing thats all you guys .
Yes and it's also discrimination to make him undress behind a screen.

So Obama maintains that school aged girls should be forced to look at the penis and testicles of mentally ill boys, while they are undressing themselves.

That's not sick.
Any credible evidence the boys are mentally ill or as always you're talking out your ass?
People that deny REALITY is mentally ill to the T
Then you must be mentally ill. Transgender people are as real a so called straight people.
The real problem here is your ignorance of reality .
Like lots of people if it doesn't fit your pov it isn't real .
Who said transsexuals weren't real people? Good lord, dummy. Get REAL.
Their mental STATE is a delusion. That is mentally ill. No matter HOW you spin it. You aren't doing them ANY good being dishonest like this.
When they say "DNA screwed up im really a female" is not reality. Grow up
False dna controls gender and sexually identity.
Nature does not play by Your notions of what gender and sexuality should be.
sexuality has NOTHING to do with biology. You are completely ignorant on this.

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