Obama administration blames Bush for airport security failures

Its Bush who was told by the 911 commission of the intel exchange problem that caused this breach.

They had YEARS to fix it and didnt.

History will NOT be ignored so you can continue to hold partisan failed ideas in your head.

the hair on the back of your neck again. geek
I am sick of this crap. They have blamed George Bush for every single problem in the world. Now, when their system fails, Obama's minions do it again.

Obama administration blames Bush for airport security failures

easy pal. liberals are sub human. got their degree's online from walmart. blaming someone else for their failures is par for the course.


Hey dumpling, only 6% of scientists are Republican. Why, because they simply aren't able to "learn". Or maybe it's because for them, things have to be "simple". Or possibly because they belong to a separate species, "Homo Simpleton".

Republicans solving problems:



democraps solving theirs.
Curious....do you also believe they lost with the shoe bomber?
Almost the exact same scenario....coulda shoulda woulda....but it didnt ignite.
Was that also a loss for Al-quaeda?

Yes, same scenario. They found a weakness, exploited it and fucked up the execution

In neither case could Al Qaeda use the incident as a recruiting tool to show how they are putting it to the West. In fact, the west is beating the shit out of Al Qaeda

And they made us change our lives forever.
Some victory.
Time to take your leftist progressive liberal blinders off and see what is happening.

Yes, they made us change and life really sucks sometimes. Al Qaeda is populated with a bunch of sick fucks, they do nasty things.
It really sucks that we have to make changes to evolve to their changing threats. Guess what? They will keep trying and we will continue to have to make changes.

But since I'm a leftist progressive liberal with blinders on, let me tell you something else. Al Qaeda is having to make changes too. Every time they stick their head up in Pakistan they get a Pretator jamming a missile down their throat. They are hunted around the world and are being killed and captured at an alarming rate. They are losing their safe havens. They have lost their edge. How many young boys are going to sign up to have their crotch ignited?

So yes......we won this time
Can anyone give me the quote that proves the thread title true? I asked anakin but he must have bunkered down in his cave.

Obama administration blames Bush for airport security failures

First she said "the system worked". Now, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admits the system failed miserably, but repeatedly points out it was a system put in place while George W. Bush was President. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs made similar statements.

The "Blame Bush" mantra helped get Obama elected and has been used as an excuse for his entire first 11 months as President. Now they are using it as an excuse for allowing a Nigerian terrorist to almost blow up a U.S. bound plane on Christmas Day. Interviewed this morning on "Today", Napolitano repeatedly tried to shift blame to Bush for the numerous failures of her department. She kept noting "the rules have been in place since 2006" or "for a number of years".

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was on a watch list, had no passport, and carried explosives onto the plane. His own father warned officials at the U.S Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria, that Abdulmutallab had became radicalized. That means Hillary Clinton's State Department knew about him. Our government had a file on him. Abdulmutallah should have been on the no-fly list. But the warnings were ignored.

The rules that have been in place since 2006 (AKA before me and under bush) Today Show Video Player

Thats what people are going on ravi. Thats where this claim of the Obama admin trying to shift the blame comes from.
Fact is...we won and Al Qaeda lost

They planned this attack for months, found gaps in the system, trained an operative, tested the explosives, exploited our weakness...and the result?

Their man set his crotch on fire

Now, all their work is a waste. All the gaps get closed, they missed their shot and get no positive publicity out of an inept attempt
The jihadist got on the plane to set his crotch on fire.

This was a massive failure of gubmint bureaucracy, from Janet Incompetano all the way down to the fatassed bovine doing the passenger screening.

Fucking hack.

We won...Al Qaeda dropped the ball

Just like a TD pass in the receivers hands and he drops it. The same play won't work next time. Al Qaeda took their shot and the guy set his crotch on fire....OOOps

Almost a duplicate of the show bomber. Al Qaeda had a chance and fucked it up

We win....they lose

the show bomber which one is he ????
The jihadist got on the plane to set his crotch on fire.

This was a massive failure of gubmint bureaucracy, from Janet Incompetano all the way down to the fatassed bovine doing the passenger screening.

Fucking hack.

We won...Al Qaeda dropped the ball

Just like a TD pass in the receivers hands and he drops it. The same play won't work next time. Al Qaeda took their shot and the guy set his crotch on fire....OOOps

Almost a duplicate of the show bomber. Al Qaeda had a chance and fucked it up

We win....they lose

Curious....do you also believe they lost with the shoe bomber?
Almost the exact same scenario....coulda shoulda woulda....but it didnt ignite.
Was that also a loss for Al-quaeda?

no no. the show bomber
Yes, same scenario. They found a weakness, exploited it and fucked up the execution

In neither case could Al Qaeda use the incident as a recruiting tool to show how they are putting it to the West. In fact, the west is beating the shit out of Al Qaeda

And they made us change our lives forever.
Some victory.
Time to take your leftist progressive liberal blinders off and see what is happening.

Yes, they made us change and life really sucks sometimes. Al Qaeda is populated with a bunch of sick fucks, they do nasty things.
It really sucks that we have to make changes to evolve to their changing threats. Guess what? They will keep trying and we will continue to have to make changes.

But since I'm a leftist progressive liberal with blinders on, let me tell you something else. Al Qaeda is having to make changes too. Every time they stick their head up in Pakistan they get a Pretator jamming a missile down their throat. They are hunted around the world and are being killed and captured at an alarming rate. They are losing their safe havens. They have lost their edge. How many young boys are going to sign up to have their crotch ignited?

So yes......we won this time

not by anything the obamalama did,, the explosive failed. period. and the aclu is already bitching about the full body scanners.
And they made us change our lives forever.
Some victory.
Time to take your leftist progressive liberal blinders off and see what is happening.

Yes, they made us change and life really sucks sometimes. Al Qaeda is populated with a bunch of sick fucks, they do nasty things.
It really sucks that we have to make changes to evolve to their changing threats. Guess what? They will keep trying and we will continue to have to make changes.

But since I'm a leftist progressive liberal with blinders on, let me tell you something else. Al Qaeda is having to make changes too. Every time they stick their head up in Pakistan they get a Pretator jamming a missile down their throat. They are hunted around the world and are being killed and captured at an alarming rate. They are losing their safe havens. They have lost their edge. How many young boys are going to sign up to have their crotch ignited?

So yes......we won this time

not by anything the obamalama did,, the explosive failed. period. and the aclu is already bitching about the full body scanners.

their doing the paper work to set him free now.
And they made us change our lives forever.
Some victory.
Time to take your leftist progressive liberal blinders off and see what is happening.

Yes, they made us change and life really sucks sometimes. Al Qaeda is populated with a bunch of sick fucks, they do nasty things.
It really sucks that we have to make changes to evolve to their changing threats. Guess what? They will keep trying and we will continue to have to make changes.

But since I'm a leftist progressive liberal with blinders on, let me tell you something else. Al Qaeda is having to make changes too. Every time they stick their head up in Pakistan they get a Pretator jamming a missile down their throat. They are hunted around the world and are being killed and captured at an alarming rate. They are losing their safe havens. They have lost their edge. How many young boys are going to sign up to have their crotch ignited?

So yes......we won this time

not by anything the obamalama did,, the explosive failed. period. and the aclu is already bitching about the full body scanners.

We does not mean Obama, this is not political, it means the good guys won.

It is a worldwide fight against terrorism, not an Obama fight against terrorism. Al Qaeda is being hunted down around the world. "We" includes Pakistan, Israel, Britain, France, Germany and dozens of other countries
It is better to investigate just what the incorrect policies were, rather than blaming folks for following what seemed sensible at the time given what they knew.
The game is far from over. I don't see how anyone can really feel safe as long as Janet Napolitano is running Homeland Security. God help us all.

you get the rep.

Agreed she is incompetant and needs to be replaced with a better person.

Stick here somewhere else if you dont wanna fire her but for all of our sakes please put someone competant in the job.

Not according to the 911 report.

They said it was the intercommunication of the security entities that caused this type of shortfall, you know just like the shoe bomber. Why did Bush not fix this after that one?

He sure left alot for Obama to fix ,it would have been nice if he did something instead of just leaving messes for Obama to fix.
I am sick of this crap. They have blamed George Bush for every single problem in the world. Now, when their system fails, Obama's minions do it again.

Obama administration blames Bush for airport security failures

Obama: U.S. to keep pressure on enemies - Airliner attack- msnbc.com

The article you quote to has a link to the above, claiming " Napolitano repeatedly tried to shift blame to Bush". I read that msnbc article, but don't see where she does any such thing. Can you point out where she does so?
Can anyone give me the quote that proves the thread title true? I asked anakin but he must have bunkered down in his cave.

Obama administration blames Bush for airport security failures

First she said "the system worked". Now, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admits the system failed miserably, but repeatedly points out it was a system put in place while George W. Bush was President. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs made similar statements.

The "Blame Bush" mantra helped get Obama elected and has been used as an excuse for his entire first 11 months as President. Now they are using it as an excuse for allowing a Nigerian terrorist to almost blow up a U.S. bound plane on Christmas Day. Interviewed this morning on "Today", Napolitano repeatedly tried to shift blame to Bush for the numerous failures of her department. She kept noting "the rules have been in place since 2006" or "for a number of years".

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was on a watch list, had no passport, and carried explosives onto the plane. His own father warned officials at the U.S Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria, that Abdulmutallab had became radicalized. That means Hillary Clinton's State Department knew about him. Our government had a file on him. Abdulmutallah should have been on the no-fly list. But the warnings were ignored.
The rules that have been in place since 2006 (AKA before me and under bush) Today Show Video Player

Thats what people are going on ravi. Thats where this claim of the Obama admin trying to shift the blame comes from.
That's blaming Bush? You people are really sensitive. Or defensive, I can't figure out which.
The dems backed Bush after 911.

He then lied to us to go into Iraq and lost our trust for good reason.

The Rs would never back a dem president no matter what happened.

Now who is the party over country party?
"Brian Ross of ABC News reports that two of the four men behind the plot to blow up a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day were actually prisoners of the United States and that, under the leadership of President George W. Bush, were released into a Saudi art rehabilitation program."

Maybe this is why they are placing blame.
Agreed she is incompetant and needs to be replaced with a better person.

Stick here somewhere else if you dont wanna fire her but for all of our sakes please put someone competant in the job.

Napolitano should be replaced. (shouldn't have been in the position in the first place, IMO)

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