Obama Administration Forced To Admit 'Challenges' of Vetting Syrian 'Refugees'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Attorney General Loretta Lynch concedes there are “challenges” associated with vetting refugees from Syria:
LINK: AG Lynch: Acknowledges ‘Challenges’ to Vetting Syrian Refugees - Breitbart

“Certainly there are challenges to [the vetting] process because of the situation in Syria.” Lynch testified before the House Judiciary Committee. “But I would note, however, that we do have the benefit of having that significant and robust screening process in place. A process that Europe has not been to set up which renders them more vulnerable.”

WHAT does that process entail? It has already been admitted to that there are no Syrian agencies or documents / bios that can be used to screen them.

US Rep: 'Are you or have you ever been a terrorists or a member of ISIS?
US REP: Ok, NEXT.....

ACTUALLY, Lynch explained that their process consists of looking at our existing FBI, CIA, NSA, etc databases - if they are not in any of those they are considered 'approved'. The idea of 'Green Lighting' a possible ISIS member / terrorist simply because we don't have him in our database YET is a little FRIGHTENING, though.

"Lynch declined to say that complete vetting of Syrian refugees is impossible, dancing around the issue when pressed by Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) about the concerns raised by FBI Director James Comey that the government lacks the intelligence to fully vet the Syrian refugees who have applied for resettlement in the US."

She KNOWS, like the FBI, CIA, etc have said, that their 'comprehensive screening process' is anything BUT and that they are basically rolling the dice and HOPING none of the ISIS terrorists their leader vowed would be mingled in with the refugees are there....

WHEN the US is hit with a Paris-like attack by ISIS members allowed into the country they will defend their actions by saying, 'NO program is fool-proof!'
"Attorney General Loretta Lynch concedes there are “challenges” associated with vetting refugees from Syria:
LINK: AG Lynch: Acknowledges ‘Challenges’ to Vetting Syrian Refugees - Breitbart

“Certainly there are challenges to [the vetting] process because of the situation in Syria.” Lynch testified before the House Judiciary Committee. “But I would note, however, that we do have the benefit of having that significant and robust screening process in place. A process that Europe has not been to set up which renders them more vulnerable.”

WHAT does that process entail? It has already been admitted to that there are no Syrian agencies or documents / bios that can be used to screen them.

US Rep: 'Are you or have you ever been a terrorists or a member of ISIS?
US REP: Ok, NEXT.....

ACTUALLY, Lynch explained that their process consists of looking at our existing FBI, CIA, NSA, etc databases - if they are not in any of those they are considered 'approved'. The idea of 'Green Lighting' a possible ISIS member / terrorist simply because we don't have him in our database YET is a little FRIGHTENING, though.

"Lynch declined to say that complete vetting of Syrian refugees is impossible, dancing around the issue when pressed by Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) about the concerns raised by FBI Director James Comey that the government lacks the intelligence to fully vet the Syrian refugees who have applied for resettlement in the US."

She KNOWS, like the FBI, CIA, etc have said, that their 'comprehensive screening process' is anything BUT and that they are basically rolling the dice and HOPING none of the ISIS terrorists their leader vowed would be mingled in with the refugees are there....

the op just figured out that difficult challenges are challenging...and difficult.
"Attorney General Loretta Lynch concedes there are “challenges” associated with vetting refugees from Syria:
LINK: AG Lynch: Acknowledges ‘Challenges’ to Vetting Syrian Refugees - Breitbart

“Certainly there are challenges to [the vetting] process because of the situation in Syria.” Lynch testified before the House Judiciary Committee. “But I would note, however, that we do have the benefit of having that significant and robust screening process in place. A process that Europe has not been to set up which renders them more vulnerable.”

WHAT does that process entail? It has already been admitted to that there are no Syrian agencies or documents / bios that can be used to screen them.

US Rep: 'Are you or have you ever been a terrorists or a member of ISIS?
US REP: Ok, NEXT.....

ACTUALLY, Lynch explained that their process consists of looking at our existing FBI, CIA, NSA, etc databases - if they are not in any of those they are considered 'approved'. The idea of 'Green Lighting' a possible ISIS member / terrorist simply because we don't have him in our database YET is a little FRIGHTENING, though.

"Lynch declined to say that complete vetting of Syrian refugees is impossible, dancing around the issue when pressed by Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) about the concerns raised by FBI Director James Comey that the government lacks the intelligence to fully vet the Syrian refugees who have applied for resettlement in the US."

She KNOWS, like the FBI, CIA, etc have said, that their 'comprehensive screening process' is anything BUT and that they are basically rolling the dice and HOPING none of the ISIS terrorists their leader vowed would be mingled in with the refugees are there....

Right? Who cares if we know shit about a bunch of random people from the terrorist stricken middle east
"Attorney General Loretta Lynch concedes there are “challenges” associated with vetting refugees from Syria:
LINK: AG Lynch: Acknowledges ‘Challenges’ to Vetting Syrian Refugees - Breitbart

“Certainly there are challenges to [the vetting] process because of the situation in Syria.” Lynch testified before the House Judiciary Committee. “But I would note, however, that we do have the benefit of having that significant and robust screening process in place. A process that Europe has not been to set up which renders them more vulnerable.”

WHAT does that process entail? It has already been admitted to that there are no Syrian agencies or documents / bios that can be used to screen them.

US Rep: 'Are you or have you ever been a terrorists or a member of ISIS?
US REP: Ok, NEXT.....

ACTUALLY, Lynch explained that their process consists of looking at our existing FBI, CIA, NSA, etc databases - if they are not in any of those they are considered 'approved'. The idea of 'Green Lighting' a possible ISIS member / terrorist simply because we don't have him in our database YET is a little FRIGHTENING, though.

"Lynch declined to say that complete vetting of Syrian refugees is impossible, dancing around the issue when pressed by Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) about the concerns raised by FBI Director James Comey that the government lacks the intelligence to fully vet the Syrian refugees who have applied for resettlement in the US."

She KNOWS, like the FBI, CIA, etc have said, that their 'comprehensive screening process' is anything BUT and that they are basically rolling the dice and HOPING none of the ISIS terrorists their leader vowed would be mingled in with the refugees are there....

Right? Who cares if we know shit about a bunch of random people from the terrorist stricken middle east

the "and" was in reference to the title of the thread and the BS about the president "Admitting" something. of course it is difficult to vett them. and of course there is a conflict between doing the right thing and saving largely innocent people and fear of the few who are dangerous.
import future dem votes what this is about. obam doesn't care about the welfare of others.
He nor lynch/holder lifted a finger to find the murderer of Bob Krenzt

Any Intelligent person would weigh the 1st responsibility of providing for our National Security and protecting US citizens with the overwhelming and partially un-comprehendible obsession with bringing 100,000 Syrians to the US so quickly after the Paris attacks and come to the conclusion that it is FAR BETTER to hedge on the side of safety and security....

Any intelligent person would understand how ISIS vowed it would infiltrate the refugees with its terrorist and would then perpetrate terrorist attacks upon the host nations...and then proved they could do it...and would understand they are not to be taken lightly, that TRULY everything they can do to ensure that does not happen here must be done... instead of not only rushing to bring Syrians here but to declare instead of 10,000 they now want 100,000 in an even shorter period of time...
- I still can't figure out what the rush is?!

Any intelligent person who just declared the enemy is 'contained' the day before our ally is hit with the biggest attack since WWII by that same enemy would be a little more HUMBLE, as that enemy just proved he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about and would thus be more eager to be more cautious....

Any intelligent person, who just admitted that he does not have a complete strategy / policy with which to deal with the enemy (and has said that since as long ago as 2012, would delay any such importing of potential terrorists until he and his administration comes up with 1) a truly secure vetting process and 2) a COMPLETE policy / strategy on how to engage the enemy

Finally, after being humiliated on the world stage by the enemy after declaring the enemy had been contained, an intelligent person would finally see that such a monstrous, barbaric, evil enemy can not be 'contained' but instead must be destroyed.....

A NARCISSISTIC person, however, would not be deterred by failure, would be angrily defensive of his FAILED plan / policy / strategy, insist in the face of evidence to the contrary that it WILL work, and will reject any other idea but to stay HIS course of intended action because doing anything but would be an admission that his plan was instead a flawed one.
Of course there are challenges, significant challenges.

Sigh. They better be very thorough.

PASSPORT TO TERROR: MailOnline reporter buys Syrian papers being sold to ISIS fighters sneaking into Europe hidden among refugees
  • Reporter bought $2,000 Syrian passport, ID card and driving licence in Turkey under the name of a real man who was killed in the conflict
  • Forger boasted that ISIS fighters are using documents to travel to Europe to start terror sleeper cells or live under false name free of past crimes
  • Also being used by economic migrants from other countries exploiting generosity of Europe to Syrian refugees
  • Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee told MailOnline the scam was 'deeply disturbing' and should be 'addressed immediately'
  • The blank documents are genuine, having been stolen from government offices by militias fighting regime of Bashar Al-Assad
  • EU border official admits fraud is rising and bigger than first thought


Easy: Our reporter was able to acquire the $2,000 haul of documents within just four days from criminals. Above are Syrian passport, driving licence and identity card


Fake identity: The documents are all genuinely made - having been plundered by Syrian opposition forces including ISIS - as they overran offices held by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad

MailOnline buys bogus Syrian passport ISIS fighters use to get in EU
import future dem votes what this is about. obam doesn't care about the welfare of others.
He nor lynch/holder lifted a finger to find the murderer of Bob Krenzt

can you try that again in actual sentences and using actual proper nouns and stuff?
no refugees for you

It's obvious from your attack that your so called compassion for others is a bit..... phony.

If I don't use proper grammar it's cause I make that choice. I could care less what a wench like you thinks.
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There is no effective mechanism to vet these people.

We're supposed to do it because 'it's the right thing to do' or 'it's who we are as Americans'

blah, blah, blah. nothing but blather. keep talking, keep spinning, degrade the opposing viewpoint, which has a simple and factual position on this one.

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