Obama Administration Illegal Spying Well Documented - Still Greater Than 1st Thought

Funny how you snowflakes always attempt to discredit sources but never can disprove what is being reported....

One CANNOT disprove opinionated BULLSHIT........its there for folks who have not joined the Trump CULT to smell it.

As the house of cards falls around the orange clown, I'd expect lots more of this type of bullshit to stir up the CULT.
CJR: Obama admin surveillance of reporters "broader than previously known"

American citizens
The Media
US Senators
The USSC...
...political opponents...

He spied on them all.

Obama's DOJ made up their own rules, violated the Constitution and Rule of Law...and they are still doing so (evident by Pelosi & Nadler holding the US AG in 'Contempt' for refusing their demand that he break he BREAK THE LAW, which he refused to do...

The War on Terror in the hands of George W. Bush is what opened up this can of worms.

Wow, are we back to blaming Bush for everything?

If we are having an honest discussion, there is no credible denying that the USA PATRIOT Act destroyed any pretense of privacy from the government

Then it appears to be pretty safe to say Obama did squat to prevent it, after all he was in there for 8 years. I realize he opposed it while a senator, but that was before he renewed it as president.

And I have criticized him for continuing the Bush policies, renewing the Patriot Act, etc.
The Media’s Defense Of Obama Administration Spying Defies Logic

"You don't have to be a Donald Trump fan to be concerned about the abuses of intelligence agencies.

It doesn’t matter what you think about Donald Trump — revelations that a major party’s administration was spying on another one deserve a seriousness that’s lacking in major media coverage. A recent piece by CNN’s Chris Cillizza encapsulates many of the absurd talking pointsadopted by an extraordinarily incurious media. And when I say incurious, I mean they’ve taken to actively dismissing evidence regarding a story that would be a huge deal in any other era."

The Media's Defense Of Obama Admin Spying Defies Logic

Continued snowflake denial also defies logic ... and sanity...
Can you stop constantly repeating the bullshit about Democrats asking Barr to break the law? It’s 100% made up.
Actually no it's not.

Actually it is.

Democrats are not asking for Barr himself to make public the grand jury testimony. What they want him to do is request that Grand Jury materials be made available to Congressional committee.

This not anything novel - Congress for example has all Grand Jury materials from the Watergate investigation.
Sorry, but Constitutional Law Expert Turley appeared before Nadler and his Committee. During that hearing Turley informed Nadler how the DC Circuit Court already ruled on a case dealing with the release of Grand Jury Info and ruled releasing such data was ILLEGAL. TURLEY INFORMED NADLER WHAT HE AND PELOSI WERE ASKING BARR TO DO WAS ILLEGAL AND TBAT THEY HAD HELD HIM I. CONTEMPT FOR NOT OBEYING THEIR ORDER TO BREAK THE LAW.

You either missed the entire thread about it or are simply lying. I'm going with 'ignorant'.

(I hate 'auto-correct' on phones. :p)

Lol it’s illegal for Congress to have Whitewater investigation Grand Jury materials? :rolleyes:

Grand Jury can release it if they see fit, but Barr refuses to co-operate with Congress in requesting it. That, and other acts of defiance is why Barr should be held in contempt.
not going to pull another thread for this - it's quasi-related.

Trump moves to escalate investigation of intel agencies

barr can declassify anything he needs to in order to get to the bottom of this.

Trump directed the intelligence community to “quickly and fully cooperate” with Barr’s probe. The directive marked an escalation in Trump’s efforts to “investigate the investigators,” as he continues to try to undermine the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe amid mounting Democratic calls for impeachment proceedings.

Press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump is delegating to Barr the “full and complete authority” to declassify documents relating to the probe, which would ease his efforts to review the sensitive intelligence underpinnings of the investigation. Such an action could create fresh tensions within the FBI and other intelligence agencies, which have historically resisted such demands.
funny - the ones who demanded trump be investigated for "questionable behavior" are now the target and they don't seem to understand - we've all created a "you do it, i'll do it to you" world so what did they honestly expect to happen?
CJR: Obama admin surveillance of reporters "broader than previously known"

American citizens
The Media
US Senators
The USSC...
...political opponents...

He spied on them all.

Obama's DOJ made up their own rules, violated the Constitution and Rule of Law...and they are still doing so (evident by Pelosi & Nadler holding the US AG in 'Contempt' for refusing their demand that he break he BREAK THE LAW, which he refused to do...

The War on Terror in the hands of George W. Bush is what opened up this can of worms.

Wow, are we back to blaming Bush for everything?

Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....
Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....

It should be immediately repealed.


Like that will ever happen. What people seem to forget, is that while this smokescreen is going on, we are still being spied on and the FISA courts have been extended by Trump himself.
CJR: Obama admin surveillance of reporters "broader than previously known"

American citizens
The Media
US Senators
The USSC...
...political opponents...

He spied on them all.

Obama's DOJ made up their own rules, violated the Constitution and Rule of Law...and they are still doing so (evident by Pelosi & Nadler holding the US AG in 'Contempt' for refusing their demand that he break he BREAK THE LAW, which he refused to do...

The War on Terror in the hands of George W. Bush is what opened up this can of worms.

Wow, are we back to blaming Bush for everything?

Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....
we tend to forget (and yes i'll include myself here) this did not start under obama, he just did what past admins did before him - assume more and more power.

never seen the gov willingly give power back once they take it.
Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....

It should be immediately repealed..

Like that will ever happen. What people seem to forget, is that while this smokescreen is going on, we are still being spied on and the FISA courts have been extended by Trump himself.
it's with a bit of nieve hope that when the source of russia is over trump, since he's not a born and bred politician, will fix this too.

the spying has gotten WAY out of hand and that's unfortunately what it usually takes. historically at this point we over-react and go too far to "fix it". now that trump has expanded barrs authority we'll see what happens next.

very volatile time in our gov these days.
CJR: Obama admin surveillance of reporters "broader than previously known"

American citizens
The Media
US Senators
The USSC...
...political opponents...

He spied on them all.

Obama's DOJ made up their own rules, violated the Constitution and Rule of Law...and they are still doing so (evident by Pelosi & Nadler holding the US AG in 'Contempt' for refusing their demand that he break he BREAK THE LAW, which he refused to do...

The War on Terror in the hands of George W. Bush is what opened up this can of worms.

Wow, are we back to blaming Bush for everything?

Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....
we tend to forget (and yes i'll include myself here) this did not start under obama, he just did what past admins did before him - assume more and more power.

never seen the gov willingly give power back once they take it.

I wonder if anyone really thinks anything is different now as far as them spying on us?
Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....

It should be immediately repealed..

Like that will ever happen. What people seem to forget, is that while this smokescreen is going on, we are still being spied on and the FISA courts have been extended by Trump himself.
it's with a bit of nieve hope that when the source of russia is over trump, since he's not a born and bred politician, will fix this too.

the spying has gotten WAY out of hand and that's unfortunately what it usually takes. historically at this point we over-react and go too far to "fix it". now that trump has expanded barrs authority we'll see what happens next.

very volatile time in our gov these days.

I personally do not think Trump cares if we are being spied on as long as it does not impact him personally. He did not have to reup the FISA court system.
CJR: Obama admin surveillance of reporters "broader than previously known"

American citizens
The Media
US Senators
The USSC...
...political opponents...

He spied on them all.

Obama's DOJ made up their own rules, violated the Constitution and Rule of Law...and they are still doing so (evident by Pelosi & Nadler holding the US AG in 'Contempt' for refusing their demand that he break he BREAK THE LAW, which he refused to do...

The War on Terror in the hands of George W. Bush is what opened up this can of worms.

Wow, are we back to blaming Bush for everything?

Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....
we tend to forget (and yes i'll include myself here) this did not start under obama, he just did what past admins did before him - assume more and more power.

never seen the gov willingly give power back once they take it.

I wonder if anyone really thinks anything is different now as far as them spying on us?
not yet. attkisson was shot down in court by being told she was ill-prepared. that's nothing but hilarious given her meticulous nature. they stalled her then blamed her for the delay to get it tossed.

the minority opinion in that case was gold and hit the nail on the head. so as long as we have gov officials somewhere who can make things change direction, we've still got problems. getting rid of a handful of people won't change much at this point.
Without the Patriot Act none of the would be happening. All of that spying is being done under provisions of the Patriot Act...which was one of the lasting turds Bush II gave us....

It should be immediately repealed..

Like that will ever happen. What people seem to forget, is that while this smokescreen is going on, we are still being spied on and the FISA courts have been extended by Trump himself.
it's with a bit of nieve hope that when the source of russia is over trump, since he's not a born and bred politician, will fix this too.

the spying has gotten WAY out of hand and that's unfortunately what it usually takes. historically at this point we over-react and go too far to "fix it". now that trump has expanded barrs authority we'll see what happens next.

very volatile time in our gov these days.

I personally do not think Trump cares if we are being spied on as long as it does not impact him personally. He did not have to reup the FISA court system.
well is there any good that can really come from FISA still? i understand it's role here but maybe not it's history to exist and overall use since then; mostly just around current events.
CJR: Obama admin surveillance of reporters "broader than previously known"

American citizens
The Media
US Senators
The USSC...
...political opponents...

He spied on them all.

Obama's DOJ made up their own rules, violated the Constitution and Rule of Law...and they are still doing so (evident by Pelosi & Nadler holding the US AG in 'Contempt' for refusing their demand that he break he BREAK THE LAW, which he refused to do...

Mueller Report: Collusion Narrative Was Always Implausible | National Review
well is there any good that can really come from FISA still? i understand it's role here but maybe not it's history to exist and overall use since then; mostly just around current events.
A SECRET Court where corrupt govt agencies and officials can lie, make false claims, and withhold information in order to get illegal warrants to spy on American citizens?

Happened at least 75 times under FBI Director Mueller and on more than o e occasion under Comey...

Not that such criminal / corrupt officials need warrants at all - Clapper finally admitted the NSA was spying on US citizens and Brennan not only admitted spying on US Senators he also had to personally appear before Congress and apologize for doing so... (Still can't believe Dems & the GOP cut that deal to keep him from going to jail).

DETERENCE / Punishment is the only thing that will stop it.

Again, Clapper, Brennan & the CIA illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices...and even on President Trump...and they are still walking around free.

Not one of them hesitated in doing it because they knew they were protected, that they would not go to jail because they were above the law.

If found guilty of doing it again they should be used as examples to show this will NOT be tolerated anymore.

Send their asses to prison for the rest of their lives. Hell, send them to GITMO - attempting treason, a coup, to undermine / overthrow a US President / the US Govt ... NO pardon, NO light sentence. BURN THEM to send a message to everyone, BOTH sides, that this sh!t stops NOW, that there is now a 'ZERO TOLERANCE' policy.

Make it clear, so there is no doubt, no question ... or this will keep happening.
well is there any good that can really come from FISA still? i understand it's role here but maybe not it's history to exist and overall use since then; mostly just around current events.
A SECRET Court where corrupt govt agencies and officials can lie, make false claims, and withhold information in order to get illegal warrants to spy on American citizens?

Happened at least 75 times under FBI Director Mueller and on more than o e occasion under Comey...

Not that such criminal / corrupt officials need warrants at all - Clapper finally admitted the NSA was spying on US citizens and Brennan not only admitted spying on US Senators he also had to personally appear before Congress and apologize for doing so... (Still can't believe Dems & the GOP cut that deal to keep him from going to jail).

DETERENCE / Punishment is the only thing that will stop it.

Again, Clapper, Brennan & the CIA illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices...and even on President Trump...and they are still walking around free.

Not one of them hesitated in doing it because they knew they were protected, that they would not go to jail because they were above the law.

If found guilty of doing it again they should be used as examples to show this will NOT be tolerated anymore.

Send their asses to prison for the rest of their lives. Hell, send them to GITMO - attempting treason, a coup, to undermine / overthrow a US President / the US Govt ... NO pardon, NO light sentence. BURN THEM to send a message to everyone, BOTH sides, that this sh!t stops NOW, that there is now a 'ZERO TOLERANCE' policy.

Make it clear, so there is no doubt, no question ... or this will keep happening.
i fully agree that is this is just a way around processes and protections, then we need to raise it up to sacrifice it for all of our benefit. i need to educate myself more on FISA history in general.

but i do agree - if someone did break the laws along the way, fry 'em. otherwise it gets worse. see history of mankind as an example.

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