Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Obama will never take a stand against human rights violations, as he considers them collateral. His complete disregard for life continues to be sickening:

"After a prolonged and embarrassing delay, the State Department announced that it had chosen not to determine whether a coup had taken place, and Secretary of State John F. Kerry declared that Egypt’s military was “restoring democracy.”
Because of those decisions, the Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown launched Wednesday by the de facto regime against tens of thousands of protesters who had camped out in two Cairo squares. At least 278 people were reported killed, including many women and children. Chaos erupted around Egypt as angry mobs stormed Christian churches, which went largely unprotected by security forces. "

"This refusal to take a firm stand against massive violations of human rights is as self-defeating for the United States as it is unconscionable. Continued U.S. support for the Egyptian military is helping to push the country toward a new dictatorship rather than a restored democracy."
Egypt erupts as security forces attack Morsi supporters - The Washington Post
obama announced that he doesn't know what to do, so he's not going to do anything, leading Egypt to turn to Moscow for leadership. That was a very wise move by Egypt, to follow Syria to Moscow for support.

The middle east is in flames and the entire thing is obama's fault.
so where the people of Egypt supposed to sit down for tea and talk it out? Freedom can be messy.

You only care because it makes obama ( in your eyes) look bad. fucking trolls of human life is really what you are.
Given the choice Obama will take the wrong one! Like he has done in the US and like he is doing all over the world!!!!

Useless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!he is beyond useless!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
Obama will never take a stand against human rights violations, as he considers them collateral. His complete disregard for life continues to be sickening:


But, but, but, his intentions were good.


There were a lot of reasons why moderate Egyptians turned against Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

One of the reasons all hell is breaking loose now is in typical Muslim Brotherhood style they're blaming the Jews for Morsi being removed.

Muslim Brotherhood claims interim Egyptian president is Jewish'
07/05/2013 19:00
MB website said Israel, US backed Mansour as part of conspiracy to eventually install ElBaradei as president.

The Muslim Brotherhood claimed in a post on its official website that Egypt's new interim president Adli Mansour is Jewish, The Washington Post reported on Friday. The article on IkhwanOnline was subsequently removed.

Oh and it really gets better. Fucking lying pieces of shit. Pardon my french but I really really hate them.

According to the Post, the article falsely stated that Mansour is “considered to be a Seventh Day Adventist, which is a Jewish sect.”

The authors also claimed that the Pope of Egypt's Coptic church had refused to convert Mansour to Christianity.

The article on IkhwanOnline, according to the Post, posited that Mansour's appointment was backed by Israel and the US as part of a plan to eventually install leading opposition figure and former IAEA chief Mohamed ElBardei as president.

This is MB 101. Blame Jews and burn Coptic Churches at the same time. I detest the Brotherhood with a passion.

'Muslim Brotherhood claims interim Egyptian president is Jewish' | JPost | Israel News
One of the first things that son of a bitch Morsi did was grant himself sweeping powers even above Egypt's judiciary.

Now he was forced to back down over that, but bottom line was he wanted to become dictator pronto.

Regarding the bloodshed now comes about after Morsi decided to kill all sorts of protestors before he was removed.

And the MB are pissed off that they don't get turn turn Egypt into a theocracy.
One of the first things that son of a bitch Morsi did was grant himself sweeping powers even above Egypt's judiciary.


Which is the same thing we have here. Spineless cockroaches determined to perpetrate the fraud that we still have judicial review even though the federal government has been turned into a behemoth.

Obama will never take a stand against human rights violations, as he considers them collateral. His complete disregard for life continues to be sickening:

"After a prolonged and embarrassing delay, the State Department announced that it had chosen not to determine whether a coup had taken place, and Secretary of State John F. Kerry declared that Egypt’s military was “restoring democracy.”
Because of those decisions, the Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown launched Wednesday by the de facto regime against tens of thousands of protesters who had camped out in two Cairo squares. At least 278 people were reported killed, including many women and children. Chaos erupted around Egypt as angry mobs stormed Christian churches, which went largely unprotected by security forces. "

"This refusal to take a firm stand against massive violations of human rights is as self-defeating for the United States as it is unconscionable. Continued U.S. support for the Egyptian military is helping to push the country toward a new dictatorship rather than a restored democracy."
Egypt erupts as security forces attack Morsi supporters - The Washington Post

Obama if he had declared Morsi's ouster a coup would have been forced to discontinue any aid to Egypt which really would have made matters even worse than they are now.

The MB were not holding peaceful protests. They attacked non MB's and Coptics. Oh and they were armed and dangerous.

Check this out. These aren't peaceful protestors. Make no mistake about it.


Horrifying moment Egyptian protestors pushed an armoured police van 50ft off a bridge before officers were stoned by mob

Egypt protests: Horrifying moment Egyptian protestors push an armoured police van 50ft off a Cairo bridge before officers are stoned by mob | Mail Online
The violence unfolding in Egypt today can't be separated from diminishing resources, chronic unemployment, and overpopulation. 33% of Egypt's 80 million people are younger than 14, and millions live under or just above a poverty line of $2 a day. They spend more than half their income on food, and malnutrition is endemic with 31% of children under five exhibiting stunted growth.

"Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent."

Fertile fields for Radical Islam to produce a generation of martyrs the rich generals in Egypt (and the US) are only too happy to slaughter for Wall Street's New World Order.

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post
the committee that oversees foreign aid is headed by a repub., and is chaired by Graham and McCain.
No matter which faction (secular, Islamist, or military) is in control, the streets in Cairo and around Egypt, will continue to have tens of thousands of protestors, screaming for the downfall of whatever faction is in power. The only solution is for Egypt to divide into two nations; one secular and one Islamist.
No matter which faction (secular, Islamist, or military) is in control, the streets in Cairo and around Egypt, will continue to have tens of thousands of protestors, screaming for the downfall of whatever faction is in power. The only solution is for Egypt to divide into two nations; one secular and one Islamist.

I am not a betting man , but I bet Americans will be forced to do the same before long.

Obama will never take a stand against human rights violations, as he considers them collateral. His complete disregard for life continues to be sickening:

"After a prolonged and embarrassing delay, the State Department announced that it had chosen not to determine whether a coup had taken place, and Secretary of State John F. Kerry declared that Egypt’s military was “restoring democracy.”
Because of those decisions, the Obama administration is complicit in the new and horrifyingly bloody crackdown launched Wednesday by the de facto regime against tens of thousands of protesters who had camped out in two Cairo squares. At least 278 people were reported killed, including many women and children. Chaos erupted around Egypt as angry mobs stormed Christian churches, which went largely unprotected by security forces. "

"This refusal to take a firm stand against massive violations of human rights is as self-defeating for the United States as it is unconscionable. Continued U.S. support for the Egyptian military is helping to push the country toward a new dictatorship rather than a restored democracy."
Egypt erupts as security forces attack Morsi supporters - The Washington Post

I agree that Obama has been wrong on every count regarding how he has dealt with the Middle East.

He should have stayed the freaking hell out of this so called "Arab Spring". Now the whole ME is a tinderbox.

But he can't call this a coup regarding the ousting of Morsi or Egypt would lose all funding immediately and would turn to Russia and China and the US would lose any and all influence.

Well worse than ever. This is just so FUBAR'D.
the committee that oversees foreign aid is headed by a repub., and is chaired by Graham and McCain.

Both card carrying members of the rich white man's club always willing to profit from "cauldrons of blood and suffering":

"Radical Islam is the last refuge of the Muslim poor. The mandated five prayers a day give the only real structure to the lives of impoverished believers. The careful rituals of washing before prayers in the mosque, the strict moral code, along with the understanding that life has an ultimate purpose and meaning, keep hundreds of millions of destitute Muslims from despair.

"The fundamentalist ideology that rises from oppression is rigid and unforgiving..."

"It is bigoted and cruel to women, Jews, Christians and secularists, along with gays and lesbians.

"But at the same time it offers to those on the very bottom of society a final refuge and hope.

"The massacres of hundreds of believers in the streets of Cairo signal not only an assault against a religious ideology, not only a return to the brutal police state of Hosni Mubarak, but the start of a holy war that will turn Egypt and other poor regions of the globe into a cauldron of blood and suffering."

Chris Hedges: Murdering the Wretched of the Earth - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
so where the people of Egypt supposed to sit down for tea and talk it out? Freedom can be messy.

You only care because it makes obama ( in your eyes) look bad. fucking trolls of human life is really what you are.

whats the matter? the messiah shit the bed and you can't handle it?

hes pulled off the almost impossible, hes alienated every faction in the country and went mealy mouthed on what constitutes a 'coup'...some Nobel Peace prize winner he is:lol:

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